PAGE 20, WaTBYFBnuPRIMSWEflNO8AY, JULY 2% 19 tertre roaa -rae, am'weanesaay. The",race ýbert Safrey ln ^a timie cf .15 -mintes, fie Ptlob liy Mmk Roesqr. Wtty Fiee Pru ~t~Th - 1'1 c c- a park < ,'seasons OnIy 20..minutes fromWhitY, -.*Hundreds of picnic sites- wlth picnic ta b les *Free parking at your site. *400ft.,Heated Waterslido, ýwet-& wild *imming Pond with-,Smal1 Fry.Waterslide *Rollerskating & Rllebide katngForest - OOtMountain'Sirde *Giant Rainbow.Bouncer. * Miniatur Glff* Frisbee Golf * 'Child ren'îs Playgrou nd, *Petting Farm ALSO AVAILABLE:_ *Pony & Donlkey Rýýides *Horseback Riding *Foood and.Beverage'Avaliable., and..:. C atapuit watrel werIied k~Wiaw...lBalloons At- Stookade! CLAREMON MICIAND ARK HORS >ýWeekdays I 0O':OOam-5:0Opm Weekends and H1olidlays 10:Oam-7:OOpm, 6149-3334. from jiroquois ýerK. There were :a' total -of 225 runners corpetifnin warrn, .dry weather. «Alin' alp it .was a very, suciýl levent,7 sadTigers predent Dave Johnston. Runîner-p in the male division, was Randiltuthton of Oshawa, 12 secondsbehindSaffrqy. Dave Corhôttcf Wést -HIU was third -With a Uneecf,15 inu ttes 43., seéconds and -John Gonios EastYor k was fourtiL AngieGrahm cfPickering. won te wmen's ivision ýwîth a, Urne-of 18 minutes, 37 s'econds.-ý She was more than a--minute, u ahead cf runner-upValerie Cor- beil ,cf Brighton. Her Urne was 19c mintes 39seconds. Third was Lisa Fe"ite rg cofT Smaborough i with atimeof 20'à minutes,a seconds. Fourth- was Sandra Shearer. cf F'aserville' with a Urnec f 20- minutes,4 seconds. lShearer was the top finishér amoftg women- In the asters Whtby< Troquois -soccer M et Judy US WtbOpiiali2 EOfl 521A 1I Hdujuuu jasn E Mual lw Cuau 1t.oel'h.Pumboe NOM FOj EL.11 a2 stqZUU2bPM Iroquois soccer =2= a a 2 Aïdiw Bnthmâd Royal Cam. Lagic Mithow Fowier ichai NanU" Adm Sn WMdtby Frft Prmu piv1 Misa 8 PMterthe Plomba 8 Duqh BIEV a e&ms,'amn 8ia Pedxalmt Eygt iMaaterfedroom P"uOnaftS. Uta. ~ ~ re ClmSWIboptIar J. dm 10 DIB umumc RlîynKw,2 Bacon iens ic. -5WhIIbyMAImath PuuiMatuslakïgdCdar2 Jodom onlth Dîald lEu Pahu1hPl~ EyuaPm# cumnumDonostt S~u~U.rp KamulMduugbfla A. Boucbw N.'lliontoe2 A. Chocy SAPCeoe Ba I mc BrmdutCbiaeh a 'WhftbypurpieRwb 3 DIS homos« Durhaim m cfJuly 20- WhftbyDo..KrdWng OaoeInqGWm2 FtatrldaHuunq2 frucqMuwlIt ~apaM*cavan, JountfrEuIi.m WhltbyWbIt.Rou Datte Alois 2 Kurat MaClulmi, k.pbunl.Chupmua 7 AjuxDkbam 5 PickoeingJL.E.n UNDER 14. 1'EEWE htby Nurm 5 Lu Cao- Ent Wuu PkkstIiwOntugIoA&2 WhIth~ ~ 38Plckming Naum bkj4 DptdOtr SoottIIur~um xuyi Jt4 15 1 Emattms Sticluma ._6 Jardin noudi. 6 Berdamin Saundons o -Aberdot Bng, NoÃth Yark'Floak whiP07iz kmLgyn,ýovich O 1~rçmt.BIInurd o' 2 Ilaxililtemilteiera O Oldham Athuedi O santon Dmu. nit.d. 4 xMhrw ln narh aln 3 DwvdAllium Michael Matiwacy îw E.mMd *Juvmtu ChriltWuo&2 Najol. i C"ti - Andew Hunter .Ede Rn 0. AC Rms 2 Tordsn 101 0 ..Sa * Kd Sohad 225- RUNNERS waa. won for the seconds.' o unnabymlumuhlu qxud Kadth ot5ith hty)luMm Wbtb HgP-alc 4AJxIan3 Wdnft.Ydpd Whltbyudluuu 58 Pcboeng UtZB" 1 Noa sSatit 6 Mopedusamm 'Il 4.> I 17 1 laoglqrPlumblong adsMuait JSuausClint., 3 lî