~r:~ Whty's Dx.tieÎ*ff.'vllb. one ofthree bands. perforîi at a July 25 concert ini Pickeripg. to risfunda 'for- the 0xldren's* .Wlh Foundation. Uaren Srem, which Includes drmmr Darren Sith d;. Whitby, and Britton, willso .PWform at the charity event to be, hédýa'the. Metro East.Tradéý Centre. Molson Candien Rpckî' 'nd-' Q107 .are Àpnors0f the event t. bh' hated y Q107's ýJohn Deringer. WHIBYBAD 'heUf' s afiafstin, p.m. ,to .1 a.m., to riaise furids for the Q107às H6mgr scotsfor best new Cid'r' mhFudto.Mmes0 b~d TeLie ao R ih Harem,Sca - m 'The Lit*e are. <ram efi) -keyboardià t< Gregg and Briton, wilI perform at the Metro'East «Tilston, guftaristDavid arinL sger-bass- Trade Centre In Pickering on Muy 2,59- ist Jeif Teravainen and drummer Antony Von Palieske. 'Pyone price" O ahaw a Wh-itb, Fair.,on. we eken d «The. admissioni priW will cover alldwayrides at this ymer Qshawa-WhitbyFair. The,.44pay on. admission charge" ncept to be..applied.at- thefai, t beed July 23,to 26, is new to-thia area.. The, %outh Ontario Agicul- tural.- Soclety organizes the azfn-ùal fair. This year's fair will aiso feature etraimn.on. 'Thursday and Friday 'nîghtua nd on Saturday end Sunday*. UpStroiam ý(rock ,n'-,roîl, rýhytbMnend 'blues)illperform * Sahara, on ffIa andS= aevenings. Twopoplar eve nts will bé the demolto derby end muâd bog. -The »derby la on Thursday and Saturday:eveninga, the finals on Suýndà y aeternoon. Thé, mud bog will hé held on Saturday e-nd Sunday.,after- 'on.the truclmpull ill b<eW held.on .ýfridayniht Livestock .shows, including horse, sheep and cattle'shows, will h on ESaturday and- Sunday. The horse pull will follow ý the heavy horse show on Saturiday.ý 'The babIy show, hlhmay inclde wmsand 'triplets, k on Saturday m.rmnfg. There -are classesinW horticul- ture, dômestc science -end "a junior division, on- Fiday night, Batu~dayandSunday. Exhii- tors are welcomeé. > The Car" show (1900 to 1976 modela eligible) "and. dogshow are on 8,ndaywhile the antiqu buW .display'runsè throughout- là i.fairgrounda r located on a ard RdJuat north of Conlin Rtd., i hty Amson isl $7 on Thursda-y end Frday nights, $8 on Satur- day eand Sunda4y. Admnissin la$1 les for seniors, free for kids under age.3. Parking is free. Ii idthe fourth annuelconcert and incluaes, a pig roast, burger rezfles ýand doorpriss. *ickets .ere $15 ln,advance amid $20 at th door for the show wdchb"-begiiis at 5 p.m and coninesuntil 1 a.m. Tecoat inttludesf"od Aanetickes" rean able at théýNiational Bane on Westney if :enca.66-883fo é-ckts, Other numbeérsfor ,advanc tickets are;428-8224 or 427-753. Ail attonding realo eke t brng a stuffed aniia. ADI~'R DATE wiih -ive-entertainment. ~ by ey Marie vocals ý& keyboa d SATURDAYJULY25-TH no, caver N03 29Dundas St E.; (at Green) WIftby 688-0839 "4 Vry, V.ry Ftonny Mvi "For Just About Ev',ryone!"l 'V PI Ever since the. mobs beend after hum... ~miles P hasn't been hims.Ift Art- -classes at StationGallery' The. Station Gaflexy ik offinF the, seond session -0 f chldren s art classes startibg Aug. 11.-« Tii casssrecoimendedfo those ae 7 to 12, encourp creativity and diversity in m - w'rjectwll include an out- door uralcollae ipaprand fabric, paper mach., crctnn ainim ation, bdysilhouette sciilp- ture, maonoprints and' T-shirt painting. ,ýCost le $60 for members, $70 for non-members.. - .lasseswill beheld- u. 11to 14,A. 18 to21, 10a.m. to noon Itutosare Jennifer Michie andà Kevin Cradock. planasare being mades te forma ballroom dance club. AnyMjone mnterested - béeiners ori those wth dance expérience - are aaked to share idems. Vohmnteer and, input are needilto begi he f b.ý CaRKaren Park at r57à 4'T5 Trent University i at Durham College Fail-Winter: Sept. to April1 By stuldy in Oshawa alone, you miay obtainaiTrent degree in: Anthropology, Cultural Studies, Economics, Englisb, History, 'olitics, Psychologyr sociolog. Information 5 August, 4:00":00 p.m., Oshawa Public Lbrary, For a brochure os î dmission infor-. mation, pleasècall(416)723-97470r- Whiitby band to play.,fo Childrenls-W iSh,, Fondation, Otter 900 BE Reservati -!me .ýf WHII~Y1UE PIUL-WENUWAY. ~uL~u lui. PMMS