$2.00dMagýeto!1!wn prop.erty80fi Mayor Tçm -Edwards wants it toa and recreation equipmentl and eonl i oteteebs$4,500 ta public works equip- been damage of $17,500 ta parka. Cookbook is fundraiser for Denise Hýouse ~*Proceeda from sales of the Osgh- a~aCentr~e farmers3' markcet- life skcills, jôb search suilfs, cookbook W~ill go, The. Démise redourceinormation and plant Hous shelter for à bused women cTosehounelig..and their children. TheTllium fudi will enable Recipes, -were compiled by thé ce ntre ta hire a conitract Wendy, Baskerville, owner if employes ta 4eévelop -b employer &Ii,étt,'é Feasti a 1oronto-base daabase establish a resource. catermng. comiýany that aipecual- dlray sud enfyp3 r2ografl izes in preparmng food in innova- tive ways. Tho 'foundation- operates lu- 'The. cookbook, 'wbich 'coÎ"s dop.dently'of the. govermoent, -$1.50, is avilableinthe..Oohawa' ýbu itthe support of. the C.utre's Info Place locations and" Miniatry of Touriain' and Recrea- oemarket grornds, until -tho n tuon.f oOctaber. e lin ment he says. "I waut to -bring this ta the attention of -the realdents- of 'Whitby s they can bo awaro of thea. anti-social' activities and help us stop thé vandalism in thIs tawn,' ho says. Damage- includes spray paint on houses and grfft on build- ings, vebicles edrivigtbrough parkland and cauaing lamage, Eri:nlmils c mc bles reusir. a84ns it ges FROMPAGE i1ew,, more distgnce botween the Reaident houses and alleviate some of the. -cornma aou concerna of the. reaidenta lin that fie, In.: the, area. students mi Batteui sald the. newest plan tiir proj ,:for thé. d.velopment- is much tiopilrcr botter' because 'about, 5,200 thierer peare expectedta movel n _arkln 'I j Phone 668.6111 Protest overpotentialdump sts nScugog By Mark i(eesor Somo 150 p rotstores-lined 'Hlgiiwayj 12 at tIi. 3>rd 'Lino of 'c~grday ialtoinoon, to- testtentadupSites in the Demonstrators chantod <No ,,dump7 ad-su d augna with phrases likLe "Don't op, nus» sud 'No .-dump lu in'g«' "at Paoomaiùotorbste,someofwho ,hozëaýhéiroôhs *lu'Supporte Thee of thi. 17 pà osile dumpn- sits -i province announced fo;r Durham are in the. area. PEST (Preservation of tiéý 'Envirou'me'nt. of Sug Town- 'sbYp) membe aureen Hall ays tIi sites a~piofrlnd- lthose ýthro. frmaaloe$, ah.' sasgesaturig the suroi d 1m~countryjsidfe <suppy enough mifor Port 1'er on a daily Anothor'fariner that would b. displacécI is a'top, Holstein bree- der. «Ho bas people mcomng ta bu 'bis bulIsemen and 'cows krm a- over the.,word, says Hal. Another. concern, is the. health of Lake Iscugog "AUlthffs,propetisdrain. dir.ctlUy lu nt. La,4ke <,go... evon- tuallyý(duiünprunýùoft) » Would affect tom becaus. Lake Scuog ramas Hall 'saya ýPort >Perryi 'wate aystom would be affocted. Résidents are alsoworrýôied about the. added traffiç; wbich Hall estimates at çone dum truk a minutecompeiwt aschool buses, vacationers and comûmutiea alà ong the already busy bighway. PeterT'allaise of tIi. Ridges Raitepayers -ýAssociation'. aa, «threo per --cent, of -1(Durham s,) vo)>ulation shouldn' b. akn lorbentof the'populations f garbago.' 'sen, by touriste travel Héli worried, a dump' could ILak ScUgOg orintsnoi contaminato residents' wella and. «Thunckr Ba'calla it surrounding land. 'gatoway ýtoî6the North - i "'This corn -that y urs grown'wn to beè knowýn'as the . bore is 9oiMgtofeMd thé . catie t ar esays fallaise thtevontually'.is going to, pro- KY HitonùLya ah. an Up on- somebodystale,à for thefr houa., which' The tbree- sites.'are beaide "on, of the sites, eight Highway ý12.and s.o.are easily - ago. ing tb' ,Vhat. in our placé Worth now?, ;h. makes you wonder why youre sif pathe Pa your.mortçg.ý. re don't, v. put, every. nickel I own ateway'" into this place'and where bas it left mèe friend 'PEST willbe oldinu aPubic ;oo,oo0 information- meetinÈ:g uSun- >-ordera day 7 p.m. at Port -Perriy town iionths Cral' (corner of Sinico.o and INGRID ANKERT trom MyrtieSato (right) and, north ward- cou'ncilb Doh Mitchel'l .were Golf 'seramble'< is camp The. annual Camp Oocbigeaa golf toumrnam-ent 7wiil b. held at 'Tundorbird Golf Club lu Aah- bui, on Aug. 24. - 'crmiistiie tpeof gl ,that.theo 6m of four willpLaY, fun, Sama-Mary Uu Roberta of Dyùamic Golf Centre. MICKEY LUCAS estect-Iookng goi receritly. The bic 11' m a 't. Ts kind Przsto be awau sets of clubs, baga4 p frée ' dinner fort announced at a latex Robertasa"yap] as a team of four or otiier playera. Cool is'$100 perpl n Yand dinner or ermy. ont' aIl ai F Port F .photo bý for the. for the