Whitby Free Press, 8 Jul 1992, p. 31

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-WHITBY FM RE ESS, WEDNESDAY, JULy 8, lm9, PAGE 31 I 'Obitares I MARTIN TURPIN (Ieft) receives the Knight of, the Year award, from grand -knight' KàrI Flop, recognizing Turpinl's "dedicition and ýhard work". with St. I John the -Evangelist, Council #4895 ofý the Knights.,of Columhbus. Pto by Mark Reosor. Whltby Frm Proes Photo by Peter Tomblin, Whitby Free Press ANDREA SHAW, president of the south Durham unit of the CanadianCancer Society, gives a'.oert ficate of ,apprerla-.., tion to' Ron Motum, president of the Kiwanis.,Club of Whitby. Kiwanl-s, who -organized the Great Ride for Cancer from 1980 to 1990 and raised môney from their Apil bingo nights. have dlonated a total of $74,885 to the south DuJrham unit sine Rqn an office in Ajax-in 1980. HUGH KERR Hughi Kerr of Pickering, for- merly cfVWhitby, died on June 22, 1992 atWhitby General Hos- pital. Ho was, 72. Ho was beru n' *International Falls, Minnosota, son ef IBernard and Maud.(McOlay) Kerr. Ho married - Willa Faith on September 1, 1946 in Fort Fran- ois Ont. Ï& Whitby reaident for 25 yoars, Mr. Kerr was a stationary engineer. Ho la survved by bis -wife- sons Gro f CaIax, David (anc1 bis wie ebeahofWhite City S8ask., Barney (and bisewie Heatier) cf Oshawa, Kelly (and bis wife Maureen) cf Booklin- daughtora Janis (and her frienci, D.ave, T-.aford) cf Pickering, Mar- cia (and hier huoband Ross Wih- cox) cf Oshawa, Valorie (and ber husband Roert Brouqhton) cf Oshawa, Elaine (and ber. hua-ý band Douglas ýSchub) of Devon, Alta.;> 13 grandchildren; brothera1 Francis .Kerr aànd Jack Kerr-' sister Agnes Strèin. Ho Was predeleased by four- sisters and two brothers. Mr. Kerr reated at the W.C. Town Funeral Chapel in;Whitby Robertson honoured 4by ýRotary ClubI The Rotary Club' of - Whitby Sunrise recently presented itis first " honourary membershp award. Tom Robertson received the aWard -for bis long service to *Rotary. - , :-.ýI Hejoined the Rotary Club of Whitbyin 1961-62.,,He was pro- a identof the club in 1970-71. Ho- became ' a charter -memiber. of the newWhitby Sunrise ' Club in 1988,and was the recipient Of - the Paul Harria awàard in 191 Ho bas been club bistorian ince, Robertso was bonoured ai; the club's annuel J>resident's right. heldJune 25. eY$2,OOU grant.for I housing authority Thie Durham RginaÈ Husn Authority bas receivéd'a $2,60 grant from the Ministry of lius M'egant- wilh be used to establisag 4.revolving baàn fund 50 thet: tenants wbo, are charged for heavy cbeanin g.ofthefr uniits will, be, able- te pay for the charges with ,money bprrowed from the fund.'iI nhe grant is part of the minis- try's commumity 'dèeiopmenIt and tenant particiation pro gramthat gives tnantsoMal ou&c auhorities and cm munity service agencies a chance to devýelo>p thefr. own responses te avre f Issues. Two Oshawa gous, the 1Lek. view CommUruy fipovemen'ýt Committe. and Family and $eénior Resident's Advisory 0dm-. mittees, aloreceved g.rants. . LaEieiw received *9,350 te poide leade irsip and rganiza- tonalbolls, including train-n in first aid, *OP%,computers nd conflict resolution., nei advisry cominittees receil- yod $2,225 te provide 1eaderâbi* triig and te, prÃ"oe.an encourage tenant partcipation ini on June 24 with -services held on June 25, foilowed b y cremation.' Donations to the Canadian *Cancer Society. KEM< ELMAN Veral Estwick (Kon)'Selman cf Whidtby 'died' at his home on, Sunday, June 21, 1992. Ho was 56. Ho was born in St. Peter, Barbados, West Indies on' Noemer25, 1935 son, c f Edgrtn. and Avinaf (Corbin) Selman. Ho wras a registèeo nurse. Ho is survived by bis mother, son Kéo Bzezinsk,: isters son and brother Cocu Selman, ancf fondly,remombered by Lucy Brze'ziskiManradge. The fùuneral service- was held on June 27, 11992 at the. Town Funoral Chapel, Whitby, fol- lowed by cremation. ANMIE YERS Annie Eyers <ied, at the Osih- awa Geneèral Hospital'on Friday, Jlu!y3. Shiewas75. ý,,,' : ffhewasborn on May517 in'Or-illa, daughter'c ila and Laura (Home),Moore. She .married ýCharles Albert; Eyers on October 11, 193Win ShaantyBay. She is survived by son Norman (and bis wife -ylia and daught- ors BettyMcLauthlin and Inùda. (and b er husband, Charlie Tonna); grandchildren Bill,Lisa, Chaeries and Frýancesý She was preceaed by, her husband. The funeral, service was held at the W.C. Town Funeral Chia-. eVé,î Whitb yoný Monday, July 6, 992 Rv. oe rGédon conduct- ing. intermet at East Oro cerne- tery, Hawkstone. Donati ons' te the Diabetes' 6 Generation S. of, Service, Quality & Tiust a Family Monuments a Granite or Bronze Markers 0 CemeteV Lettering * Sandblasting StaffoýrdMoinenJLta 318 Dundas'St E. Whitby 668-3552 After Hours 668-4460 or 666-1513 ,Home appointenta gl'adly arranged y Con 10 Grnt Arnod Dura Rgonal Polio Crim Stpersand Durham'Regional Police are asldng for thep Uýsýe 'n soilvingarobbe-y that occurrod in Oshawa o)nTesday, Maîy,26. At 0:5 .m,Ëaé pr 'c cosn two males entored MaV's C enoat 26UibnaSt. Teon.es spolt, *ho wias. armed with a handgun, locked the door ýaftee' entry. and thon confronted the victim «who sî" near the cas> register.'Thé ~clerk was told to hand over -the cash and aise tfwomachines that wée in cases, The unarmed suspectý dena ndedcigarets before both Suspects fled from the store niorth ôon Gibbonst St.,, -arigto itnomachines and a yellow LobIaw a *wtforcartons of Players Lgtciaes Suspect #11li. descrbed as maIe, white, 5àft. l4sbIL4ck fuil fac mask with a red. stripe around the oye area, lblack jacet,,bue jeans, black knitted goves,az'd arzedwith a Suspect #2 is maie white 5.ft. 10-ins.,,baby blue ful face mask, blue jeans.wii a ri; high on the left Ieg and black knitted glovres. ICrime Stoppers -*ill pay up to $1,00 for information leading to the arrest of ýthes two, suspects. If you have any informationregarding- this offence or any other serieus crime, cal us. As a, coller ýyouÙ, will be given a code number and not rereStoppers Onumber is 436-8477 (that'. 436-TIPS). Extendedc hours DUNDAS CENTRE at animal shelter GUARDIAN DRUGS Foranyne isbng e aopta *220 *Dundas'St. Wýý Whitby ~ ~ fl...~A. Geff 79ays a. Week incIuding Holidays Hunan; SoietywiM lopen logron Tuesday ztl p.. for the ummer. ¶eheshete s locatîd at 199 WtrloSt..,#2 Oshawa. Tii. shelter is open from 8:30 a.m.-.te 4:30 jpm.o lhe othdr eekdaL 433-2022. FREE, DELIVERY Ail Drug Plans Accepted I ... M&P URGENT CARE WALK IN Medical'C lInid 220 Pundas St. W. Whitby-

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