Whitby Free Press, 8 Jul 1992, p. 30

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PAGE 88, W1WI~Y ~REE PRE, WEWESD&YJULY 8,1992 TOWPRAI0 F THE 3. WN-OF.WHITBY' NOTICE 0F NON-COMPLIANCE 1991 MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS TAKE, NOTIE THAT the Ilong cnddte fias not canpllodwih Mii MunI cipEl ons Acti In thh ha. falod to fle a statutary ddaraitln of hi. coepulgn contributionsand oxpenses., OFFICE Whltby Hdro-Electnlc DONLD G. MoCY CLERK & REURNN OFFICER THE CORPORATI OF 114E TOWN 0F WHITBY 575 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST WHIJ!!uNTARIO LUN 2M8 LAWN MâAINTENANCE, pwunlngs, rasseedlng, sodding", Sprlng canups. Renovationso1gard, ié rck 'gardons 'plann. Frwo Dutchr L andecplng, <46 TR.Eqi FOR SALE.ý Buy.'direct- f ao agrower..', Map4los lcuts 0ak W bl-h&,,Colorado. opruce. Dielivery -& Installation avallable.ý From- $49 - to $199. Cal Wlîlowgrove Nursery, 655.;553. SATURDAY'SAUCTIOtI ACTION SAT -IULY i- 6:3 RM. PETIrICK AUCTrioN BARN HAYDON 8MILES NORTHO1, BôWMANVILLE Each weok we have a -lg. selèctlon of modem,..& antdque, furniturs, appliances, glass,,china, gardon & lawn- equipmeént &,lot of9-he Interestlng &unusualItems to b. sold. 'For, mrore Information,, catI 1-416-263-4252. ViewIng 'froin 5 pin Ternfis are cash,'visa or choqueiS,'Salenaaged & soldby SPANKY',S Prqp.rtý.MintenenceGARRY K. POWELL AUCTIONS Roun«tl .tl m.d Commeia mesuUtIn t gnomi ma:on- AUC MTION SALE, mo.Ganasdixo2'Ulic SUINDAYJULY 12-I . ~dJ Soor! oecoit. Jm, AGRICuLTrURE 1BUILDINGmm ORONO'FAIRGROUNDS _________________NORTH 10KM ~. ~ (AKEW: i10:0 Iawnand gardon seMce« g=emet fened professlonai. =pcalzn nproertymalntenance. treean shub prunlnq - landscaplng FREEESTIMATES CINDYS ALTERATIONS. Leathor, ladies',- dmen's altratlons,,prom dresso, custom tiloirlng. Tues. through Sat. 101)-112 'Mary"'St. W., Pearson L anes. 430-6550. THANKS- TO- ST. JUDE for favours rocelved. STRESSED &DIS-EASE flot try shiatsu,, reflex 1 aromatheray, chakr balance/massageln nutrition. 'BY apolntmeu BAHA'S BEUEVE: Lovîe'le tii. ri fIeuntolhieadohed body cMllzîtlon ln thi. mortel -world, and the shodider of Imponishablegloé*y upon ver.y .high-alming .rocs and nigoK ,Fôr .InformatIon and diâcusi,oeil 668-8665.' A- quality -auction wlth an out- stanidIng offerlng. 0f antque fur- nlshîngs, collectibes & household articles, Plus selection of ulgned& decorative art prînts. McLGREGOR'AUCTiONS MIKE McGREGOR416-987-W42,-- JUNIOR WEST416&g8>,5U6 PERSONAL LOANS fromi $1,000 and up fr proe uc approvals. 3-10.~ uc THANKS TO sT. JUDE and' the ,Sared Hoart. for favours ,ýrecei!ved,. MB. -MAKE $500 WE KLY stuffn enveloes. Sendsetadee, Co. Why » tepe, 8 ' onvelope ,to Box iherpy,20004, 3 Huron St, Woodstock, energy Ont. N45M X8. mprovedl fl eu BIRTH .,CONTROL- and -family co counseaigâ' . Fr..e andt Friday, 830:a.m: to 430'p.m. linic ever Thursday 3 -to 6' mn.' For fuiher Infoérmatlon, cahl 0-8781 or 433-8901. THANKS'TO ST. ýJUDE and'tii. Sacrod Heat for favours recelved. LGÃ" AUCTION SALE "KAHN COUNTRY AUCTIONSw. Every, Wednosday, at ý620 p.m. Located on Brook Rd., Pickerir¶,3, miles north of Hwy. 401 (exit # Featuring* every-Wed. an excellent s9eoction of antiques fine furniture, glass china, coloctibYes, primitiVies and the unusuals. Sb loin us -every Wod.. and partidipatelliri ýone.of' Ontario's 'true' atctions with no, buy-backs or reserves.»,"Consign- ment and estate * selling aur specialty.* Cal us today. Previews from i p.m. KAHN AUCTION SERVICES <4161683-0041- AUCTION SALE' 0F OVER 15 000 COLLECTOR < COMIC, BOOKS FROM' BANKRUPT STORE UN 1KINMSTN SUNDAY, JULY 12 - 1 P.M.' PETHICK AUCTION BABI"uN HAYDON (EXfl HWV 401 Ai' EXIT,431 (WVERLEY RD.) INORTH,8 MILES TO 8TH CONCESSION 0F NEWCASTLE. &RIGHT TO HAYDON. Watch for slgns. Someo f -the titles to Includo Amazlng* ýpIdermanBatman, Ct.Amorîca, Dark Horse, Flamlng .Canrot, Green Arrow, Hawkman, , Punîlsher, Factory, Wolve, Robocop, ,9gMman Spdorman. Thîs la jut a Sampelo o t ho oe15000 plus comlcbooks * tht wII . a alae for aucton on July, 1P/92 oet pin. Vlowlng la from 12 noon on Waeday ony.Terms are cash, Visa or approvd cýhoque .ny. For, more Iniformation; cal 1-416-263-4252., Sale* mainagod& GARIRY K POWELL AUCTIIONS CORNIEIL AUCTION BARN' FRIDAY, IULY 10 AT O6P.M. Antique pin. -bonnet chest, wlckor chalrs, table &-floor model Vlctrola,. antique .cast. Iron :parlour', tovo, (vtery.ornýate),'glàasstore counters, modem wardrobe, _ ,modem dressers & icot f drawers, crocko co-ol- lamps, sinigle boxsprI & mattres, choster- ,ielda, .ocdwoon ktchen'chairs, antque'dressr, 9-pc. dining. room ste., 2..pc.' flaI-to-walPLcup5board, 22 calibe rifles, MF 2085 tractor w/loadeor.& cuflvator- Lynch air compressor, -goodLox .traller, wood lathe w/toos, ývery, Ig.,qty'. sports cards, 1979 Chevotte DON &GREG CORNEIL AUCTIONEERS RR #1, LITTIE'BRITAIN PHONE OR FAX 705-786-2183. SýHOP ORVAL MoLEAN AUCTIONS WED IJULYI5-10A.M. LARGë ANTIQUE ESTATE AUCTION. OQUALITY FURNITURE ANTIQUES ART, RMOYAL DOLILTON FIGUÀINES., VEHICLES AT, ORVAL. MOLEAN AUCTION, CENTRE, UNDSAY Property of Cleveland Perrin estate & Peter 'FromèeDouglas. world ronowned ialented artst ' & .others. BeautifuùLcarved dlnîng room. tes, quality bodromlstes., curvad glass china cabinets, chlld's oak C-ral top *desk, wlck er cardage,. marbie-top dressr, Hsntzman & Co. uprlght pIano, dlocks, .qullts, cyjlînder. ,Edlwn gaophono, smalîqty. rafts from ânkrptcy, original artwork ý Peter Foms Ãœl . 1990 hrysler Dynasty,1904 Uncoln, Towine car, Kawasaki j et sékI 550 15, boat 1W155HP -Evinrude, -10W[ ridln-mower w/grass catcher. RVAL MOLEAN AUCTIONS (705) 324-2783 LINDSAY-', ANTIQUE. AUCTION SALE -' SAT JULYIS8'ATI10:30AJL. THE I71ROPERTY 0Fý MR & MRS. WAYNE LUKE,,0F PORT, PERRY. THE SALE WILL BE HELD AT THEIR RESIDENCE: 4 ELLA ST SITUATED AT T HE CORNER Oe. ELLA ST. & 7A IN THE-,VILLAGE 0F P ORT: FERRY Mr., t& Mrs. Luke have, -been, coîloctors'for, 30yoéars 4 have sold, thoîr home -& are ýmoivlng. Ontario cherry & iapte -comer Cupor <cia1850)6' Ins harveet tabe 8 matchi ngWorti nd pmesbock ch Mswlut Chlppenll ert amy buteut- che of drawers, wain ut whamt -not sanwah s.tandswlrs plat taniýds Victorien- cranbsnfr ,hobnahl heng1ng .lenip, l amp, banquet larnps,. 'h lmpsornale i. lciad wlcorchairs & rcrô's, orato, ceas Iron stove, matchlng singl A-poster -bedsé, -high ot .' be, rocklng chairs, cupbordbotoin, partour tables, VictorIan fi~ iantel, crooka mnte s troadîs s"wn hîiecln1wke caî,qty. fretWork, dcks. hookod rung blanket box, Twît 'Amalî lanip, .trunka, tglany q wO Idscmeendoors, gieqy ,glass .wlndo0w,' cheserfîkisty.pressed; glas Iawn fumiture, chIna, glas's & mlsc. coîlectîibi items. Proponty sold., No reserve. DON & GREG CORNEI L -AUCTIONEERS, RLR #.t LITTLE BRITAIN PHONE OR FAX 705-786-2183 N--T-H'E CLASSIFýIEýlD.SI' YoU'l savetimýe -and money if yOU sho h ads in the classified section first! It's the place -to find the'big bargains you're Iooking'for. Polie estart bicyclepatjrol. Serv ,Iwos etblh. unifoeed JicyclepatroL Mie -unit b o pera- on June 16 andi consta of day and' .ahtrnom sldfts. Oomimunity-bowae hd cnà i Ib. tii. goa witiiepalso ii è -Kswfl patrUlareas not' eaaIY accessible -to motoeluod,> veob bocalus. of ti hyf 'the -land,,ý,suhau "onti.lM, amoupt of patrai anid enfoecomont lby Ii aloo amatit the. regula1rîpatrlà thet .downtown areasandwlICocntaeon. usa tbouii amlaint, ~cl e atatis iand,= ftl.fo Thi. bicycle unit. Win asob. oif ast anc lng seci eývona, and, whore. qulck .sit, COmit. Steve Marcou andl Conat. Ti[ony Rowld initiatm; tho program DEN te prouceguide. to,.recycinýg 1« Membom s of the -Durham, Envira'amentel- ,Netwek -.'DEN)' meproxarlng a'DrmGuide to.ý Waè - Rdc Reclln'b - letwblch wiil -b. meeoa ble to houÙebWda Tii. urp e t.proenots an n.e t.redce roas uICi cmCO compedng altiritives. to ho bhodhzudoxwte; and tii. locatios f rentai, iepsir,1 Tipiivl~given -on how t. prac te un Rsmore ffectivoly -Witii regard .t. everyday iioasodd .produto mxcii as appiens% automotive producta, cluhilg and fbriture. ÀAsimil bole a - afrooýy been, L byMetrio Téontoand- To date, fimdlng for tis, heuiba been recoivod fhom- béhCanada Trust and tii.' ,Region et Durbam. DEN inaso coaulorln ..Dng rliit advetsing pace for .bualneases iwititii teun enviroamontaljr fi6naly * ïroduc or servce t. offer. Tbo ,diacus placlng an. advertsementor ui ltess4 in pmid ýcp, c420.2»1»2. kniow 0< any 'com wt tIi. region that siiouldblisedt t$#o. eade,caU 420M5625 Environmenjtal lev.y- FROMPAGE8 the better environmental. ýUndor a new agreement Us. bi-oweries bave the optin et- .prngtheir boer to Cmat.i fle o andrêamn rwrsRetailsatm U.S. bottlos wiilnet be subject t. an environmental levy, but, will use a depositto ensuré that tiiey' ,are returned. American brewers- sucii as Slroh B'rewing. and G. Heilmann Brewlg' sereflUlable bottis but, unti now, bave ciioen to . soU only cana itheii Canadian market. "Envirome nt ~ru h ave heen woldng bar fr et ensure tiuat relihleble- containers are maintuined in, Ontario; not onyfor beer, but for otiier s.vaecetors as welI," noted "W.~,ud lke the. Ontario govrnn.to.move agevely - ~, ~ ,4tmntbsganal. Hours: Mbnday to, Frlday, 9:.00 arn to50 pm Whltby Frea Press ~ 668-0594 ~ C NAME 0F REGITERED CANDIDATE Danlel Blflvau w»ý

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