Whitby Free Press, 8 Jul 1992, p. 28

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PiGê9 s;W.1 CLY RATES yage Motet..At rth Ci Brookttn. CENTRAL WHITBYI ail Inclusive, $250/moth. 430-7974, 428-8439. Ask for Kelth.",, BROOKLI' BEST BUY or rent 55 Bàldwtn St. <Hwy 12). 2,200sq ft, large . icwtd U 9869-aM cond.. eidor -take bc Uo com.,môrgae; ýor roduce price forca. Prvatesale#ý, >bost- ptlaLkd.Days 868-0413, ,evonlns TWO BEDROOM, APT. Brock- Streot Nortig 59h ermntfîrst, Aveu tmmodtatly. 666-0263. WHITBY- SPACIIOUS 3-bodroom, apartmet on.main flo«o f houa.. ' n q Lde ot r esi »tdent a reL Iie d e s fd e, stove. & laundry. faclitios. A MeS«g .1. $795 iper month. CIlt 668-30il','<mesësage> or 666-3883 oves. & weeends W HITBY - LARGE one-bo droom- r" motaabeAuguat 1I 75mnhly. Inludos frid~e Atve p CtbOOnYa uttlftpos. 6ÉT-27tStW", Apte 5o' SEILECTION: 1, 29 3 and 4. bodroom apartmonts availaWio. Alil areas and ' prices. Homeviow, 436-1752.ý No fèeosfor tenant&. BASEMIENT APT, UIN QUIET homo, $450/month.Frt 0 et Colt- 666-9453 .boforeIl arn. or at or 3 p.r. Laund1ry "faciltleo coable, pring &utilfits tncludod. CROSSCANADA MARKETPLACE ITS FAST r- î«SEASYIONE CALL,,ONE, BILL'DOES IT ALL. COMINGEËVENTS HAIUTNDOLLHOUSE AND MINIATURE showlseie. Seos'turday'Juiy 18.'Royal'Canadin Legion. 1:Oa.M. - 4:OOp.m. Door prizes, Red ,Cross dolîhouse raffle. Admission 42.50.1 Sentorsoblldren $1.00., CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERINQ at the'Southwestern Sahool of Auctloneering..'Next ýClas: Juiy 11-17. Informtion, contact:. Southwestern Ontario1 School of -Auctloneering, R.R. 15, Woodstock, Onteloý,N4S 7VR (519)5637-21,15. TRUCK DRIVER 'treining -AZ end DZ courses, aisp' air brake, dangerous, goods,' defensive diiving' 1qgbook md border crossing. Rodgers Schoo,qntderoodest. (Çail 1-800-668-0031., FREE ..AREER GUIDE to home-study cortaspoq dence Dipiome courses. Accounting, ,Air ooncltionîng, Bookkee pîng, -Business, Cosetalogy, Elè'clrçnics, LegailMeciiçaî SecietePohoiogy Travel. Grianton, <5A)."> 263 Adetaide st, Toronto. 1.800-950.1972.- BUSINESS SERVICES GOVERNMENT _GRANTS, LOANS & assistance piograms (Faderai & Provincial) for. your new or exlsting amai business, Infomaton., <, 514) 9037-2422 ext. 98. BUSINESS 0OPPORTUNýfESà ADVANCE'OPPORTUNITY. Revoîutionary 80 chennel min-dlsh satellite system wll repily, expanti . home .entarteinment ,and communications industry. Network Marketing. Nu Invantoiy. No Invastrment. Cal 416-622-1810 anyie HGETCASH-$PRODUICING VENDINO 'machine ever defreoped., Emîn up fa 5500.00 per week. Work -1 hour par month. Cal for a free brochure. 1(800)(161-1832. QUIT SMOKING. 1 quit aler 30 years, 2 pkga. par day. Send for (fIee) Information foday. This proomas worka. Proceas; P.O: Box 61 CornwaH., Ont. K6H 5T5.' EXTRA INCOMEI Grow bail wo rms 1in your basemnent or garage. Odoifesa operation. Low investment. -Market guarenteedi free information. Early Bird Ecology. R.R.01, Smlthlei Ontario, LOR 2A0. (416) 64-q4252. UNIQUE, HOME..BUSINESS., Become, e Watlins dlamier. Fuli- or pait-time'opportunities. Fiee Information. (306) 374-2335 or writa: 8 & L' Bell; P.O. Box 22075. Sakatoon. Sask., S7Wl Busy *Cer-Cere.* TWO-BAY SERVICE GARAGE. -Moatequipment, gasâlina service and Brewers Reteil.batlle refurn. $190,000.00. Cad Burkes Fals Reaity Ltd. 705-382-2324. ýAUTOMO)BILES FOR ,SALE GOVERNMENT SEIZED/SURPLUiS VEHICIES. U.S. end .Canadien low as 5. . BMWs, Cadiliacs, Chevs, Fords, Mercedes, Poraches, trucks vans. Amezing deteils reveaied, 1-416- 482-3000 copyright V014. VACAION/RAVEL SOUTH ,CAROLINA MYRTLE BEACH RESORT. Oceanfront condos. housekeeping Iinciuded. Indoou/outdoor pools, whiiipoois. saunas, tennis, putting green., Summar rentais f rom $505/week.'Fre rochure: 1-800i448- 5653.1 COTTAGERESORT. 9 acres, 900 fIl. sandy shore. 8 housekeeplng cottages, modern residence, tuck'shop.Year-round oreration. EXPANSION, POSSIBLE, Buf k's Fat s Realty Ltd. 705-382-2324.. *EmPLOYMENt-COPPORTUNITIES WE NEED.AMORTGAGE.BROKER or meel. estate. broker to ect as mortgage agent ln tliis' aiea. CallIintransicon Fînancial Group, 1-800- 268-1429 ask for J.R. < * MORTGAGES MORTGAGE, MONEY FOR HOMEOWNERS. Pay OU Bis,,Credif Ceidsi Starl New Business, Exemple: Borrow $10,600o. Repay $100.00 Monthly. No OualfyîngHassies. Intransicon'; Finenclal Tat-Fiee 1-800-268-1429. BT. STEEL BUILDINGS BBSTUILDING PRICES - -Steel Straitwall' Type- not -quonset -32x54 $7344;, 40x72, $10,276; 50x90 515,882; 60x126,522,972 - other'sizesaevaiale -Final summer clearance- Pitraàon .24 Houis 1-800-263-8499. THE BEST BUILDING OPPORTUNITY- 0F THE VEAR. DON'T MISS ITI Ontarid Manufacturer >Direct.i.Many types end sîzes, LARGE SAVINGS on modela 30 feet wide to 60 feet wide.4 GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICES. Exemple 46x8o complote With ends $ 2.7-1 par square foot. Aiteor JuIy 31lst . <53.28. SAVE $2.,98. BUY«.FACTORY DIRECT and seve....Cal BUILDINGS 'R' US 1-800-668-5422. STEEL'BUILDINGS. A cheap Building off ors no- fIexibiiity, may aven coat m "ore money. The answeî, Future Steel. Thousanda of people cenl be wîong. Ceil 1-800-668-8653. WeSALESHELP WANTED weneedy ou fa sélu toys & gifla for C & M Gifla. MO. INV ESTM ENT, NO DELIVERIES, no. collection, Cali 519-258-7905 or fax 519-258- 0707 for fiee info. FOR SALE INVISIBLE FENCING - The original and proven dog containment eystem. Over 150,000 doge stand bahind Invisible Fenclng. Indoor and outdoor systems. Guaranteed. 1-800-661-6286. Your ad cOnt apar l om nd Canewsmntywpaper'nassoor lacrosanda oer a ntanduonesapoie p acs$16 ls 25witd AlotallsNewspaper 30 o 5day Servinq thé area îo 32 years. Wnetner SENIOR ýSI Don'tfgorget we havo somrething Un-common. & Maintenanc e> CLAWN MAINTENANCE FREE ESTIMATES RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL *LANDSCAPING *TIMN Cati us howand save UP 10 /0%on your- seasonat grass cuttlng contmact. (416)721-9496 GENERA CONTRCTORS <Quallty ýGeneral,,Repairs and CompOlete Renovatons KITCHENS BATHROOMS GAZEBOS, DECKS SKVLrrES FRENCH DOORS WATERPROOFINO' Coli Now For A Fr. EsiImat. DekDUtka Spocilalizing In tax &: rotirement planning since '1986. CALL 434-6119' FFORANAPPOINTMENT. s -5nia LANDSCAPINGE by lUNIVERSITY WERKSI -sirce, 1l980 Profesonal Design Intertocklhng Brick Drives, Patios, Waîks *Retaning WaJis Wood Fencing -*Wood DecksÉ EFroeCompeiiv stmates = 666-9690 I. I PAY ILESS ë Ã"tý e , eDrtIIlng -$5 e Po«t otng -fm$21oeach *Dock Spoctut - $6.50 sq. ft. complote Fr.. estimates, 427-4524 pJThe Mutual Group HERB TRAN cI for' quo 'taton 725-6564 RRFs ANUIIE I 50 DoM DrWe, Whttby404-0447 *Eswgy eaiIadow r aom adkears.awu.. .GErA REBATEOF$500 PER SQUARE FOOT FROM ONTANIOHYMR1A us R dow& DWW~ont WfhThisMAd* ZZZBEST VWNDOW CLEANII.G4 Ju neA £Ju4'Discount, 571-5814

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