Whitby Free Press, 8 Jul 1992, p. 27

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zimU aww ~sc ~rr IA WIM YFrtE PRESO, E£dtqÂyo ~JULYs, 0; 19nPA 2j OSHAWA OSHAWA CENTRE (Shops up TOP) 7238b116-3. Hello, readeré. My narne I Tamara 'and l'm the, recep- tionist'ha'ro at the WhlbyFao. Press.'1 also hhdle the classified adasetilon of the' ýnewspapetr. 1I>wanted ta Introuce mysif «ta you, dý lot you know a' fowthinga about'aurpublicatin Oua newspaper là pui- lshed once a weok on Wednesdays. We are an Indopendent...news- pap, and" are flot a ffar'ý ýliate- wth theé Oawa liMmes or Oshawa/Whety This,,. Weok., delhered fre t. homos ý', in, Whltby, and is availablo at no charge -at ,seveai locations In Whltby, Oshawa,, Pickering, Aax, Brooklin a'nd Parit Perry. Our circulation'is 25,500. -W. have issues of each week's paper- at -the office whuch Is located et 131 Brook - St. N. .-*- that's just north'of Dundas St. (Hwy,2). 'Wo also hae ac-isusgan ack 17 weeks, - on a' rmck inide thefront doo'r.just The deadiine for placing clasifedada be .noon Mônday, unless Monda y la holiday. Thon, the doadYana la Frlday a 4 p.m. Try to undertn why we must onforc hsdoadline: the ada, must b. «typed and chocked- beforo the entire papr b ssent off ta b. prlntdý the emiier you can place your-ad, the botter. Monday momings haro can bo vory hetlc-, as 'mý sure thosooéf youkÏow wha PICKERING 1450 KINGSTON RD. (Hwy. 2 at Valley Farm Rd. 420-1344 have tried to.get'through on the phone. Here Is -another -ýheIpfuI hint: Athough,ý the ciassifid phone numbér is iistedas 668-0594 in, thà phone book, -youcan, also -cati 668-6-111.- Since 0594.Jb ýaisâo .aur, fax lino, I can oiten -bo very busy. We print two .types ef advertlssments -word, ads and'dlsplay .ads. Word ads are -sImpIy: 'that - Ssuch-as you'd se Sunder 'articles, ,for Ssale.' Display ads,- 'k are thoseo with graphics, artwork, photos or bordors. ifyou pre-pay your word ad, you *' will save some money. Our- rates are.$6. prepaidAfor the f lrst 20 wordsor less* $8.56 billed. Each extra ýword costs 15 cnts. To, pro-pay, youtcan .use cash,,choque or Vs. fyou are calling In, an ad, puttlng 'the cost on Visa (sorry, we do not accept MastrCard) counts as 'pre-payment. You may also callian an- ad and' ýpayfor k iater.AslIong- as you cai the:ad In before 1Monday ',at fandb,, ndas longas y ou make' 'paymenit bfore Maonday at 5 p.m.. you qualify. for~ ~~ th oe rpald rate.ý 1I sincerely hope that y ou Pnjoy reading theWhtyFe * ross and that- this'.,infor- mation wili make : -placinig classified ads easier.for you. Should ,.you reqluire any other informiation, give us a cai or dra-p In. l'il probably be sitting at thefrontdlesk. DIPL "& ,OMPUTEIt ELECTRONICS 'ECHNOLOOY USINESS APPLICATIONS: EDFORD ACCOUNTINO, 'OTUS 1-2-39 D'BASE,,DOS, ODPROCESSING TRAVEL and TOURISM HOTEL and RESTAURANT OPERATIONS,, PENTAL CHAI :R±~i-SIDiEi 3UNE SISECRETARIAL ,ADMINISTRATIONj B1ANKINO SERVIlCE$,, ACCOUNTINO -LEGAL, MEDICAL, DENTAL, WORDPROCESSING Your opportnty In Advertisin '.Sales Professionàl Sales ]Experence an&/or relatedbtrinig required. Car essential Subidt esumé to:e NIVI Free YPree 13Brock ,St. NJBocm206, 4 Wlntby LIN 581 requires a Superor cmmncaio ils and orgniatia ssntial 131 -Brock St. -NiBox 206, itb LUN 5l686 LEARN & EARN 8 hours of WP5.1, Lotus, DOS with a private Iiptrcor for $99, plus mianual, 4 hoursof free practice time and eriiate. Cali ,668-7755. COMPUTER BEGINNERS: Çioe ,to aur free, seminar ,on 15 at tOO pin.ta lémrn ~boutLotus Worderfect and iha 'aPC can'do f oyu. OeIl Iiiâe -at'668-7755.o TAEADVANTAGE 0f aur, 98 pr cetcovorage oôf 'Whltbywhen bulg or selling your. wares. WiItty Free Press. 668-0594. I9 QUAUTY DAY ýCARE availablO in, my ,homo. Flexible, houas. Breakfast, .lunch,,'.& ýsnacks. Fonced-ln yard. Dmlly autlngs «& library. Oel 666-5452. DAY CARE AVAILABLE ln my homo. 'Lots if 'fun.',lndoorand outdoor, activties. Flexible hours Exicellenlt ýrofs. $75/Weok,? plus receopto. Phono 668-8152. Perry House Day.,Care Centre Ltd. 129 Perry St., Whltby 668-9476 CU8TOM DESIGN and dress- miaking. Weddng and"e1venlng gownsbridemaldo & grade, malts etc. Renoviain and ,éteration. Garments . also, made -fram a pbtre. 723-3259. HANDYMAN SERVICES;i Clemn y ards bosemonts ct.troos- omtngto oeil? ôii6553004. KLEE N' KUT UPHOLSTrERY. î R,upholstery of antiques. :Ail klndsï of- recovorinçi. Yourifabric or -mine. Free ýestimates. -Over '40 yegr~xo lnce. '430-7568. Whitby. GRANDMA'S COMPANY. Green domeas (no chemnicals). Homes and olesè. Woffer Omothér-in-law clean". <ready for Insectioni).'Ail emptoyes are Po.lIce..socurig checkedi bondod & Insured Member of.,Whftbyý Chanbr of Comere.725-9177 .<24-houa answe 'ring). EXPERIENCED housecleaner aàveilable ta dleani your'home or smil office. Cost: $10/hour. Cali 666-6888 or lave message. PAINTER wlth over 20 yeat' experlence iooklng _for. resI edtl work. -CalI anylmie, 668-5562 f<>r free estimate. EXTRA HIAD CLEAINING Service. Vory proîmpt and reflabe. Reasonable rates. Please call ater 5 pm. 666-3590. I'M INTERESTED IN babyslttlrg childron In your home or mine, or as a l;.Ive' out nmnny. Phono, 430-2984. FinanclalAssistance MayD. ,Avallable AS AOU URNIH CURE 2 Cmpses In Durham. L(0 OSH0 AW A I QDRI VINO 7Mshawa *798-0)091, >Full Dives Education, Courses COMMENCING JULY-14TH Tues.'& Thurs.,4,week course JULY,2OTH>.,ý Mon.'- Thurs. 4 daycus AUGUST4TH Tues. - Fri. 4day COUrse PRI VA TE LESSONS # REIISIERD APPWlrBy THE The systemr that provides.ý.. *Unscheduled homie visitS ensure qualty cars for your .child *Fultytralned povder recelve ongoln»4Agsncy supPort 0 Relaab ls oclback'up cavera Provider linesa or holldays, - Complets Insurance coverage, *Incarne tax receipta * hildren six weeks and up *Full or part-tlme For More nfoumain coli: 686 -3995> Hello readers 1 IHo$P'ITALITY.

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