Whitby Free Press, 1 Jul 1992, p. 6

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The only Whitby Newspaper owned andoperated b>' Whîtby residents for Whitby'resîdents! Published every Wednesday by 677209 Ontario Imc. at 131 Brook St. N., Whitby, Ontario Li N 5S1 Phone 668-6111 Toronto Line 427-1834 Doug Anderson - Publisher Maurice Pilier - Editor Alexandra Martin - Production Manager 2nd'Class Postal Registration #05351 Toth dior. Sens eless violence Tothe..Edlor: On Tuesday, Jungo 16 at approxlmately, 11:45 pm. Our son was assailRed four maies autslde Koo o Bananas, Kendalwood Plaza, Whitby. This senseless behaviour was the rosuit of a mistaken ldentity. The injuries that rosuted will cause ur son ta b. off work for an Indefinite perlod of time. Ho is swving for his college educaton, and this job was a g reat bonus, especlally in 'a bhrd-to-fln- employment recession. W. wlsh ta say thank you ta Alan Williamson for ýhis prompt action In admlnlisterirg first aid, calling 911 and comtarthg aur son. Fils quick response to help may have saved aur son's Ilue. Fils arrivai farced the attackers ta figee the scene. Our son ls recaverlng fram a fractured ceko,, elbow, braken knucles, passible oye lnjury, brokon teeth, and numerous ciLs and bruises% but the emotional scar wiII bel a Ifetime. Sonseless, violent behaviaur lik this cen allen Suspect motives To the Edtor: A new regional government building in Oshawa and a new edLIcatIoaa office In Whitby are'a. danger ta the survival af the homeowners aI Durham Roglon. More important, the people meJing those decIsions an aur bolieR are belngwgIven financial Impact studies whch are not correct. This makes the motives A garig ,exemple le the reinlreport whlch states the prsn vaiue cost of the now regional buildings will bu $43 milion. Tho real cast with Intorest wlIl b. $141 million. A $98 million discropancy cannot b. lgnorod. Many other errors exist alsa. What -las most Important, hawevor, il le not aur respansibllty ta bulld magnificent new buildings wlth tax dollars ta replace o commercial areas. At the June 3 meeting, mernbors of the Texpayers Coalition Oshawa chapter vated to roquest cauncil ta pastpono plans ta bulld larger hoadiquarlers buildings In WhItby anid In Oshawa. The romaons are abviaus and urgent: i. The slow economyand lack of tex funds. 2. The present re-asseas- mfent 0f regionallsm by the Ontario government. 3. Puie ldissatMsactlon wlth dupicato municipal admkiltratlan nid long distance govemment. 4. The hlgh cotofthe two levols cf municipal administration. 5. The priority noed af a hospitai and a unlvorsity nid low-cost housing in the public sector. cause permanent, ife-throalening damage. W. are thankful that aur son was not let in a 'vegetablo' state from lis head injuries. W. also wish ta thank the witnesses whc have co-operated wth the investigation. Sincere thanks ta the officer and detective from the Durham Regional Police Services for their time and energy ta find the assailants. We are confident that charges will bu laid, and justice wAill bu served. ht le comfarting ta, realize that the ccmmunity of Whtby does have caring citizens, who tond toaa person In distress. AI and Marie GobrIi Clarification abo ut cost ot demolition To the Editor: Re: Gordon Grillsand Gerald Schroor's lettors rogarding disqpo- sition of the cld Sinclair school June 24192, Free Press). Thore definitely ~seems ta bu some confusion raniuing tho casts 0f the demolition versus removal 0f the old Sinclair chool. The total cast ta demollali the schoal, and attached buildings, le $26,075. This. Includes'a cost 0f $4,000 for the actual' school building itseel.' Regard" o f aitho Cullen Gardons' aller, il was necessary for the board ta pay $22,OOO ta demolish and removo the additions made- ta the original sdhool. To retain the schaol intact by paying Cullen $25,00 would've cost the board $47,5W0 ($22,000 plus $25,000). ft was the declelon of tho board that, clespite the historical value of the bUilding, the 'additlonal cost coudnot bu jusliflod. R was with thl 1 in~md that wo declded ta give the name Sinclair to the now secandary sdhool, as well as retain some key components of the old achool for Incorporation In the Sinclair Secondary SchooV Education Contre. Tanya ML Koch Truste. for Wbllby Durhiam Board of Educat"o To the Edilor: Regonal adimInIstration building ln Ohwregional leadquarters ln Wlihby? This fla eyc l opromise betweon Os=aeandWhhby councula, just because no oce bas tle guts 10 aay we don't nsed it, period. Wly la there anyý debaeo on tle Hulstone projoci going on? Talking about new buildin9a so councillors cen have b.ggèr offices? To theedo. ,, We're moving, but flot south To the EdItor: As Canada celebrates Rte 125th annlversary, w. would lk. tta e tIs opportunity ta explain why aur ccmpany le moving. away fram iha SWlggers Custom Fumniture Ltd. bas boon ln business et the same address ln Whhtby smo.e 1967. And thanka ta, the, many wcndorful customers w. have had. over those 25 years we have been able ta enjay steady gmowth. W. have now reached the paint whore w. have. outgrown aur r oent location. Despe everal ucrative cifers from, US. stades., w, have docldod that àt would b. preferable long-term ta stay ln Canada Therefore, by the summer of 1993 wo will bu movlng into new facilities ln Port Porry. Ont. Wby are w. staying ln Canada adnot JolnIng the exodus south cf Despito the misorable econolmic and constitutlonal climat., Canada la still tho greatoat country in'the world ln ý which ta live.. Evory Canadieni sould tae. a minute ta thlnk about how goad, we really have h hero. For exemple, Canada lias one cf the, hlghest standards 0f living ln the world, plus a universal hoafth care system îlot ls second ta nons. We have abundant natural resaurces and aur country la also one of thé safesi places on the planet ln which ta, liv. Sa what is wrongwhts country?., g ihts For one thing, it le peop3les' oxpectations. Canadiens have to realizo that'Canada does not Iowe thom a high standard of living. If you want h, go out and earn il. But don't blame this country fcr your faloed aspirations.ý Wih ar without fre. trade, we are forced ta compote ln a global economny, nd the only way 10 survive and prosper la ta out hustle and outporform aur compotitors. Inefficient -slugs that- roîron government handouts will ýnot prosper ln theo..now global economy. Our cross-barder shoppers should have every right to go ta Buffalo ta drain dollars oul 0f Canada But, as this phenomenon forces Canadien companles ta get Iean and mean to stay compeîhivo, these same shoppers shouldn't cry the blues when their own Inofficlont josget, lopped off tîraugli 'downsi zi1n g. A second problem faclng Canada la that taxpayers'hbe are' overburdened wlth a cost of runnlng this, country that le far to hîgh. Whllo taxation ls nec.ssary ta pa for the bunefts we enjay. Cen lans are simply avertaxed. How la Canada -suppased ta bucome competitîve lntemnationally when taxpayers and busînesses are farced ta support a ridiculously overbloated publiesoctor and an overly generaus UIC and welfaro systom? f free trade was meant ta give -us a lovel playing -field, then gîve, us that level ,fileld and wo'll compo ti hanyane. Final , this country lacks load.rshlp. The constitutianal crisis drag<s an as an ,argy <Of akstabblng because no pcoitician wants the ather party ta score paints wth the voter 1 actually soMvng the problemn. Manwhbile, the only thlng those gavemment wefare bums can agré.e on -l Increasing their salaries nd fine tunng hei ow , ull -Indexéd pension systom. la thle leadership? After rammlng the. GST down aur thraats.,Ottawa has yet ta account for whéro ail thîs extra revenue ila goiang. Are we reallypaylng< down the deflcit -wlth the STI or *Ili these surplus funds maglcaily reappear as apork barrol for noxt. year's election? HapyBlrthday, Canadal Dospito ur flaws you are stili the greatoat country -in the world, and we .1cr one Intond ta, stay ta flght for yaur future and ours. John A. Wlgg.rs GêeneraI Manager Fumlelhed? During those tumes. thia le completely rldculous. 1f Gênerai Motars dossanyof theOshawa plants, Whwilpay for tIs unneeded poect? Houso velues have rpd drasiically ln the past Coupeof yoara as taxes continue ta nse. 1The taxpayera 0f tis region just can't efford any more. Gordpn E. Woodcoclc Whftby To the Edior: CUPE (Cenadian Union of Public Emplcoyeoai as called for the elîmnaina priva. sector involvement ln health* 'cars -- spocfically th. cioslng down 0f prîvate nursing homes. This la 111 ccncolved and patontly Irrosponslble. h le basod on the bulief that only ldeology should drive- public pallcy decisions. When hiaith dollars are so scaro, tliey must bu used tai Imprave healtb care, not te Imploment the Ideologîcal buief that 'privato la bad:1 Na public polic, purpose wculd Ruo5 ree* e unnecosa, xix puliefunda ta r te change the cwnership of thos. long-term car. facilities whlch aro currently provlding a mucli noeded service te a rapldly 1gralg, seniors pcpulation., And h Woul furt her in'mh consumer clicice aitaa time whWè eniors are lncreaslngly concerned about their- abillhy ta. chocs. the type cf cars they will have ln future. f the government attempts te deprivatize nursing homes, h would send anothor negativo sinal te th. financial comfmunky ty fh unfriendly attitude towards the' rrivatê sectar, and encourage the fi h fcapital out 0f* Ontario whe investment le desperately needed te move us out cf recessian. Currently the private sector ln long-torm cars has a capital Investment of $1.1 billon ln Onta"l. The cost cf conversion would bu eXobtant. For exemple, ln MoIra Tôronto, the non-profit buda cosi $13000 more per bed porysear ta oporate. Whth 5,850 priva. soctor beda, OUPE's proposai waud oast 1he public treaswry an addltlonal, $76 mnIllIon' a yoar In cpering costein Moira Toronto alan. And noi ans now.béd wculd bu added, nor would thoere b. any guarantee af Impravement. In the quaihty af cars. Tho real Issu. -- whlch CUPE totally. Ignores -- le 1h. car. pr ovlded ,ta resldents and. the health care, aulcames achleved. -'ThQ.le nient -should b. mado ln car., pot own.rshIp. >Why, woul4l we wanita orepeat thé dlay ",cars experience? .The govsrnieit. allocaled $26 million ta cnverl prlvato aycars centres téi non-profil entres, nd nmi ans nu«w ëPace ýwas created., Had tb. $26 .million buen ,Invosted, In Increaslng cepachyj ratIer than ln pursuing thoedeclogical p urlty, 5,200 new day care sacea could liavo been croate.d. A healthym x 0f pivyai.and public faciltes Integreted Int.a n efect Ive delivery Sysfëm le InAil besi Interosse0f the consumer - and thé taxpayer. 0.W. Dllane Chaîrman of île Barçi Ontario Nurelng Homo AssocIation Real issue is care Costly compromise.

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