Whitby Free Press, 1 Jul 1992, p. 12

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PAdE 120' WBITBYFREE PRES WEDNESDAY JULY 1,12lm A Canada Day. editori ai: Democracy in, crisis. PROM PAG0E 1 More'recentlywe've bad (after a lot 0f prodding) a erles 0f con- stitutional coniventions (nothing bidiîlg - just more input) where "ordinary Canadians" were in- vited (but hand-picked). Now onceagain we're on ti sidelines. They don't trust us... and we don't trust them.' Wo have a Prime-. Minister who b as openly .declared that the only opinion poil that mattera lu the. on. on éeoction day. (If. the. goverznment holievos that the people.are wrong every I Sumer program at Parkwood Parkwood Estato i Oswa now offers a summe rga gardoning buifs.r Free, guided gardon tours will ho offered Sundays gt-2:30 p.m., now through Angu9t, and wll feature commentary on smre of the more unique feature of the Parkwood grounds. , The Parkwood -grounds have been nationally recognized as being a. rare, and complote -xa-I- of lavish estate desi gn in canaiaroprseting the work of some 0f (Janda's arliet and best landscape arcéiitects. carofui reearch bas uncovorod itresting, detafis- about the grounde and how they were eryd by the famly and guesta ofOshawa's «first citizen; Col. R.S. McLaughlin. G NOTES Wed. JuIy 1 WELD & EASY ACCESS Fri. JuIy 3L& Sat. JuIy 4 'VLVEE>.)ERTANMENT'# WATCH FOR OUR %iOLLEYBALL - VENT . Julyli1 & 12 1.14 Dundas St. E. (Off Perry St.) Whitby 430O-8637 »THE LION & THE tTNICORNl Friday, JuIy 3 & Saturday, JuIy 4 JEFF WISEMAN Sunday, JuIy 5 JIM O'GRADY "Folk & Easy Listening" 112 Coiborne St. E. Whi-tby e 666-!3034 THE PROSPECT 0F WHITBY Summer Sunday8pm11 Pmn -THE E RLS Paddy & Debbie Cauley KAR0KE - WED. TO SAT. Suends 2pm to 6pm PETJOHNSTONE Che&k out our new menu! Brock St. N. & Mary Pearson Lanes 666-5092 day except éeoction da, isn't it logical thât 'tIi.? wore seo wrong on election day) The' real constitutional problem ln thia country lu that nowhere ln our constitution doos it evon mention democracy lot alone defino it. Nowhero doos it dofine what reprosentativo gov- ernment im; nowhere dos it define an elected repremontative's responslbdlities te. bis con- stituenta; nowhe dos it define what "mandate" means. In short, we lect governmonts .which are' free te define democracy in any, manner'they choose and act ac- cordingly for a term of five years (the only tbing that fa defined). "The provinces were creteda century ago by British bueacrtswho wouldn't bave known a beaver peit from a buffalo hump." ERIN KEANEY and Jeffrey Morden perform during a preview of Cullen Gardens' summer production. The show is being presented ait 2 and 4 p.m. every, day but Thursday.ý Photo by Na" Reesor. VMW yFia. Press Wone dopt1y need some ac- .onaiiy. What we need is a mechanmm wHich eista in some parta of tfi world, known as "recaWl - the abîlityof con- stituonts te remove their repre- sentative fr-om office mld-term and force a by-elecon if they are sufficiently upset. Wxth "recal" in place, thie GST would have beon very different froïn its present form . And- itis safe te say that the. general, conduct 0f the constitutional negotiations, would have a vedifferen ee How can two léeelsof govern- ment, who both say theyar Chapman> prints at MeLaughlin AM exhibitionl of limited edition 'prints, developed fiom phoagrpha by the well-known Chapman, willorn at heRort McLauhlin l Oshawa on Thursday, July 9. The public la invited to meet the artist at a gallery reception July 9 at 7 p.m. The exhibition will ho opened by >rt"et John Chapman's photographa were taloen around a group of smal islands in Georgian By. They are shown right aide up,:upsido down and sideways. "Iàke manj. hob explore or canoe the I eoof thé. Shield country, I have 'alwa been'fias- cinated by the reflected iages that emerge when water bocomes a mfirror,» says Chapman. The exhibition shows those reflected moments. «They reveal extraordinary im- ages, con juring up many thoughts including the origins of mythe, legends and totems of earlier! cultures. Roflections are tiineless in- their inspiration," saysChapman. Te reproductions are taken from original photographa usn»g, a. laser printer. Each had beoni meticulously adjusted. "Quotations are interspere thoghout the exhibition. They arefrom many sources and' gay in words what the stiliness of the refloctins convey to me.» * -.- ~ ,, * * ~ < -Ž 0 '1a,,.a tel.c -q1-".t' r. '.-' 4t", il44 I J. " ~~ reprsentng u hoarguing over thedivision o powers, or the Sonate or anytbing else? W. are not; a nation of schizophronlcis - w6 want thern to agree If they cant, then clearly hey're not representing us. The flrndarnental problem- of division 0f powers between the foderal governent and the provinces will 'net ho solved by provncial politicians because teir interesta are vested. THEY are the. problemn.. The. provinoes of Canada were created a, cenýtury Ïgo by~ British bureaucrats lm the colonial office 0f London, 'England, non. 0of whom bad ever meen Canada and wouldn't have known a beaver 9h tfrom , a bufflo hurnp and d't >cur e. Tiprovinces 0f Canada make'about as much sens. us Whitby d.cluring its ln- dependencefron Canada. If ýthe i. provinces 0f Canada bore sme relationiship tenatural economnic or culturalboundaries, there niight ho meme grounda for the curront discussions, but they don'tNorthern Ontario bas zero in commun with the. south; the. Maritime provinces should ho one econiomic unit but are kept apart; by potty provincialism; Québec may ho porceivod as the centre of' Frenchi Canadian culture but that culture spills inte and dominates large parts 0f eastern and northern Ontario, northern Newý Brunswick and pckeýts in virtu.ally every province and ter- rltory. ,'In short, wo need te, rethink the. whole. nature 0 f Canadian federalîsm and provincial govera- monts, are clealy not; the ones te do it. Ony a" constituent aasembly, éecteddirectly for the. ole pur- pose-of rewting- our -constitu- tion, oa. avoid the. vested intrets0fcurrent-governiments. Many -0f the . me flItcîan would stIllbe invol * d but they would, know# who' they were rpeentingand they would, ho mharing that responsibilitywith *uical lo is, academics Only c an elected assembly would tcle the problem 0f put- ting teot into democac - defin- ingjust who'm workcing for whom. Canada - la clearly .at, a crossroadm.. It can becomo the model 0f multicultural democracy of the twenty-,firmt century or it can disintegrate into the kind of narrow ethniecrivalry that; is rodrawing -the. -boundaries 0f Europe. HoUarng developmenat FROM PAGE 1 and the parklands. 'Haydni Matthewa, exocutive vice-president of the Paragon (Qroup, the company that managpes thé property, said there will ho mome restoration in the parkland and. the valley area immodiately west of the south- east corner of Cochrane St. and Rossland Rd. Councillor' Dennis Fox said bot'h tho. .Town andti he Regn Matthewasaid construction in expocted to, start early .li the apring of 1993 from Rosal.and Rd. goingnorth. The aplication1goesbefore Fu tmes. ov nies One 8x1 Iwo 5x1s Eight IaIIets Bring this coupon to Olan Milis kids and get a 1 special portrait p ackage for only $ 14.95. You - choose the pose, props, backgrounds - and 1I4 additional subjects are FRE Whitby 430-2885 i Pickering 420-5881 i Studio Hours I 1200-9:00pm I I 9:00-SOOpm - I Ail major credit cards accepted I avl MWtUi MYo 00woe«Adub a anfamdb..welccm. m, n pca Per ftmUI, PO mas . r.elnOffem.pims7/14W-2.SSing.yaii IN4 7he or ut tdio that reaily Jcnowskf. '-c ~1 'j lp

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