Whitby Free Press, 24 Jun 1992, p. 10

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PAGE 10, WII1BYFRMU PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, M~2 Annuities ýprovide steady income If you or a loved on. lu now uge 70 or 71 and have money ým a R'egitrd Retirement Svinga Plan, you will soon fatce an ipratdecision..* Thtplan must b. losed by the. end of the ýfearin whih the ludlder turne . i RRSP'con b. cashed 'M' - and b. fufly ta"ed-_ or the. tai sheter can b. .xtended by converting toan annuity or Reitered Retiroment Incarne Mun.This cclumn will discus. Wh" a aannùuity An îannuity is a contract under which yoli give a lump Mum toaa financial institution and they repay it with intorest over a set time.1 Life annuities, which guaranto. payments for au long as you livé, are sold only by 1f. insurance compunies. Terni nnuities, running a certain number of years, are sold by 1f. insurers and other institutions. Annities are designed *ta provide continuing, guaranteed, retirement income., Some people divide RRSP money between un' annuity for secure icomne and one or more RRIFs for flibility. Ho[w do annultlesîwok?, An unnuity ila a h#nds-off investment. Ail finacial decisions are mode by the. issuer, who ;uarantees you a streani of payments. Your income lu puaid monthly or onnual. Each payment lu a bl.nd ofprincipal and interest. If the. unnuity la purchased with RRSP funds, the. full payment la taxable. Otherwise, taxi lu due onyon the. intereet. Motpeople buy un \unnuity with a minimum gudrunteed payout peiod that typically rima toaugo 90, or for- a sot period such as five, 10 or 15 years. The longer tii. guarant.., the. lower your income payment. A life unnuity without a minmum guurunteed payout period dm. provide Ihigiier income payments. However, the. life annuity paym.nts end when you die. With a terni certain, or guuranteed payout period annity, if you die during the. terni of the. guaranteeperiod, the. remaining payments are made te your boneficiary or estato until the. end of the. purantee p.riod. Aohroplaonlu tii. 'joint and last survivor' annuity. Ihat mû..s payments until bt o and your posedie ltogieti level mgtb. elu. frthe smrivng spouse. Wh.ndo. nar&«egn An 'immediate annuitTtrt income on. montii or on. year after purchase, d.pending on whether itfs monthl-pay or onnual. To buy on., you une a lump mi often a rollover from A « defSed unnuitY' starte inume ut a future date, typically at retirement. You may purchas. it tiirough instailments or with a lump sum. Deferred- annuities usmuy have cash values and £rovide a death benéfit if youdi eS payments begin. For tiios. who want to lock in long-terni interoat rates, 1f. insurunce compunies offer By Marlo Boucher Are you in need of special cure for your feet? Pedicare lu a business in Dunh am Region that provides in-home footcar, says ownier/ manager Karen Brady. People with arthritis, diabetes, people who cannot bend properîl poor vision, thick "ard nails or corna and callouses are some of tii. people wiio need pedicare service, sho says. Brady says "peope cali and louve a message on the machine and thon I go out to visit those who cannot get out to a medical facility or a sjpcialist." People enjoy the convenience of haing footeare don. in their own hom. Brady a registered nurse, ha work.d for the Oshawa Senior Citizens' Contre for-tii. pat five ddeered annuities that can b. reotred as RRS1's. During the. R+Pphase, tiiey work 1k. guaranteed terni depoStâ In lator years, you get on. or mor oportnides ta convert the = anto- a Registored Retirment eFund. Otherwise, you wifl recoive unnuity income starting at the. uge you set up'frot or some otiier .ugo if your contruct ullows adjustm.nta. The L/ Underwriters Association o Canada prouidesaa prWoam of training and edlucation leadig to the award of tise titlear Chartered Life Underwriter (CLU) <md Chartered FïnancWa Consultant (CH.F.C.). If you have questions about annuitiersor soeuMlisHe mom nfomatoncontact tise LiIe UnZenwriters' Association of Canada, 41 Lesmii Rkd, Doun Midis, Ont. M3B 2T23, or your lo;cal lifie underwriters association~ <Mark Cri bari at 686-3472). Next edition: Canadian twooomes.' ' Taing yvears as a foot specialist, and has talcen courses in footcure. "'I thought there was a need for servicing c1pl who are at home orsIld stay at home,» she says. Some of the. services provided by Pedicare include cutting and fIling nails, cutting% and thinning tiiick nails, remoig corns and callouses, foot masagWe, health teaching and diabetic car.. Pedicare, begun in Januury, ha clients ail over Dunhama 'A lot ofm clients are seniors and diabljr peoplà who don't have the money and are unabe ta leave their home, and tuis makesg it easier ta have treat- ment don. at home,» she says. Mothers of young children and busy professional workers are other clients, often in the even- ing, a, more convenient. tue for theni. NJNEY AIMA FARMRS aresettlng Up shop every Frday in the Oshawa Centre, outdoor far- mers' market. (From left, front) Carma and Erica Santiago (rear) Shannon Ferguson and Daniel% Santiago sample apples at one of the booths. The Oshawa Centre- is donatin money each week to buy a truokload of gooda from the umket for The Denise House. Ph.U> by Mark Eosr, Whdlb Fr.. Pr Work begi ns on '93 tourismguidebook Tii. Touriut Assocation of Durhum Region has started producion for the. 1993 guidebook. The. guideboolc is designed ta increase Durham Region'a market shure in 1993, ta strengthen tii. local touriani ý industiy and ta keep puce wýith the. forecast tourism growtii... Tii. 1993 guideokwill feature agsOf atatos things ta o, ý information and servics. Tihe guidebook al" includes a pull-out tourist map showing viim aattractions ta b.found in Dunhum Regon. Wiiile ti guidebook receives worldwide distribution, thi. largest portion of the. 90, 000 copies are distributed acroose the, region, soutiiorn Ontario and tii. northeastorn United States. The. publication lu avoulable free of charge to local residents and travelling visitors, encour- aging tiiem, ta stay longer in Durhami Region and ta enoy the. services and attractions available here. To list a special ovent in the. calendar of events. or for an adviertisenient in the guidebook, calU the.Tourist *Association of Durhamoi*on ut (416) 668-8000 or write toP.O. Box 63 hty Ont. LMN *, 62, hib THE TOURISM ASSOCIAT[ON of Durham Region and Durbam's economic development department held an ail-day 'Seel la Belivlg bus tour of Durham touirlst attrctons last woek. Among the stops was BowýMan- vile Zoo, whero not everybody was exclted about a visit (photo at rlght). In photo above, Kathy Ahee and lîttie Jennler Lyle eznjoy a ride on Sheba the elephant. 1 Lun b 1 J> i Seniors, disabled benefit from m-home foot care Seeing is believing

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