Whitby Free Press, 17 Jun 1992, p. 6

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suwwal The only Whitby Newspaper owned and operated <by Whitby residents for Whitby residénts! Published every Wednesday by 677209 Ontario Imc. at 131 Brock St. N., Whity, Ontrlo LI N 5S1 Phone 668-6111 Toronto Line 427-1834 Doug Anrsonm - Publisher 'Maurice Pither - Editor,.. Alexandra Martin - Production Manager 2nd Class Postal Registration #05351, sot eed tr. Stopthe tax To the Edltor: I am wrltlng thla latter becausa ot the desparate situation that faces the 'can-maing industries and their empleyeea ln Ontario due te the levy imposad on bear cans by the NDP government -- more paclicaly, the unemploymant that will folbow the implernantation cf thiaso->called anvlronmental tax. To begîn wfth, Envlronmant Minlaer Ruh Grier announcad that, baglnning May -25j 192. the govammarint la knposing an environunentai levy on the purchase ef beer canea--te encourage buyers te purchase thair beer ln bottlas. Her raasonng la that thase' beer canas are an anvlronmentai hazard, due te the tact that thaey are non-retilléble and ara balng dumpad loto our landfills. This excuse la unfounded and show the tack cf knowledge thla minlater has et the -mailng. use and recyclability ef th~ cana. Lot me atate a lem f 9t about' the makig and di slion of thase containers: - c f ail the cana that are producad for the bear lndustry, 88 Ca cent are returnad to the rewer's Ratait for recycling. 0f the remaining 12 par cent, 6 par cen!'t 'are returied via the blue bex Proram nactual fact, 94 par cent of ta c amrecyctad. - 100-par cent of the scrap generatad Id these collection prograuns la used to make 85 par cent of our raw materials. - statlatlcs show that the amounit AIl. over but the burial To the. Editor: Re: - Article about Sinclair achoothouse, J une 10/92, Whitby Free Pres IR. should have been obvious from the omset, but we (members ot LACAO and Joe Drumm) met wth the achool board (Patty Bowvman and- Co.) tate a sfait. It was aur Intention at thla meeting te save the Sinclair achool and te haveR I ncurporaled into the $50 million new projact. It was thée school board's Intention te find the quletest and moat convenlent way te dispose cf this building Simca thon nethlng haschanged. Alit the motions and gesture's hava been madle.' Patty's ruDlappolntments" ad holbàw offeringa (a tombstone *to maintain spirit mnd historie value*) hava been racordad. l'a ai over but the burilL What a pity that the architect wm Incapable et desining thla tin1 historic structure ltothg u then Man thlasher-sgeeness la probably a productof the dcainlsysteaunmd Is electéd tt@ Richard Worr Vice-chai LACACi of cari crap that does makeit te landfll equals the weight of boer capsgenerated by, the use of' botties. - 35 par cent cf alilboer bottles used in Ontarioe are made in the us. 1-l10?per cent of alboercans used in Ontario are made, in Onta"l or other parts cf Canada. 1The llst goas on and on, but tew peple are aware cf the pros cf the be a.Let me asic you how marri times you have corne across broken, bottis on the aide of the road? How doyou recycle -these? Boer canis currently have a depos6 value that remains aven if theca gets crushed. Try te get your* deposit back on shards of broken glass that you return te the store. As an employee et a large can manufacturer that Is feeling the ramifications already, 1 know the sipl act la this Iavy la tumlng pepeaway tram buying their boer in cans, whlch is causing a euss in cm mcnu production and «in turn a loss ln jobs. The f irst crunch was felt ln our plant yesterday when severat people were told they were belng lai off and that the situation may wrsen te, the point where a very large porcentage (30 par cent orè oref the workforce mai bu laid Off.' This gevemment must bu stopped befare 'more job ioss' occurs. I urge alilconsumera *te write their MPPs%, and the Premler's office te encourage a rollback of thla tax and help save an estlmated 2,000 jobs. Edward Jacksn Whltby To the Edltor: Re: Propesed IandfitI sites, Durham Ragion, sites L2. 13 mnd L7 We are writing to you to voice our strong abjection te the siting of the aboya refarenced landfills and wlIt endeavour ln this latter ta clearly ouf lina aur reasens for our atrongaopposition te, these sites.- Th e main access route fer the L2, W3amd 17 sites wilt have te bu Highway VI7. The highway is airaady averioaded with gravai, transpart mnd car carriers, nt te mention commuters- md vacation and teurlaun trafflc.. 1A vary censervative estimate provlded by the IWA has been plcdet betwean 20 and 30 truiapar heur delrverlng gaag te the site with thase trucks as havlng te retum te their peint. et arigin. This increase. in traftlc en the hIghway, as.in Wel as ovedrlodng a well travallad route, would cause a poorly malntainad' hlghway ta bu destroyed buyend reaku * *0oin No confidence votefor government By Michael Wycks Psy chologias contend the way te bild confidence ln a persan la thraugh a consistent mix ef support,. encouragement *mad nurturlng. Conversely, the leust confident among 'us- are those who've andurad an, endtess streamn of negative feadback mnd ne meaningful support. Thea confidence Canadians have ln their economlc' future continues 'te languish, ,and governmentsa t ail tavela are a big pat cf this problam. Ccnslder the amai- amd- medium-sized business community that has ean liftla ln theý way of gevernment suppcrt but has cartainly recaived a barrage oet nagative, onerous policies. In the tWest survay etfIfs memburship, the Canadian Federation of Indapendent Business Iaarned that business owners believe thet goermnts hava been slow te recogniza the impact et thair poticies on the aconey The survey, CFIB's 'National Business Watch,' shows ctaarly the weight of govemnment la hard eneugh during geed economic timas, but during this recession it has becoma unbearable. Goemmant burden manifesta LMainstreamI Canada. Itseflnm!any .ways but the Most noticeabl form.-la taxes. An 80 per -Cent01 Ur;%rmbert xpressed serlous concernsý about taxes"durnng the laut hait etf 1991. Compare this fIguré te the recession cf 1981-82 when taxes were lidentiflad as a serlous problemn by 46 per centot the memnbershlp. The goaand services tax Is the primary1 cuiprit' -ln the huge j ump this Urne around. Small business owners know only too weil the- road te progres is titterad wth rad tape. A lot cf their tima is spent trytng ta manoeuver arouild governiment regulation. red tpe and paper-burdan. A whopplng 66 par cent of CFIB members expressed concem with regutelar Issues. Revenue Canada aise constitutes a suprame headache for 39 par cent of smaller firms, mostiy due te the GST and accompanylng compiaxity, paper- work,l naccurate advice and slow payment of rabatas. The CFIB study aise found another 1conficiance-erodlng measure la property taxes. These taxes are reg ressive ïMi insensitive tâe economic conditions and make thei cost Of' local governuent the fastest-growlng concem for snall .business..Bythe end of 1991, 41 par cent cited t'as a concen,' compared wlth j ust 20 par cent durlng heaithier times ln The last:0f amati busness concemS expanda further.-.te, Include a ýhigh-cost, WCB, empioyea ýshortagea,, Inflexible banka and onerousa labeur kawa'« most netably propesed changies In Ontarlo,. J >Govamments. et ail levea shoutd, turn thair, attention te the problema faced b<yW the ani business luemmunity ln Canada' and te thri$waysthe public sactor has contribùtad te ths problema." Sunait business, creates, the meaôt Jobs. ln our economy '-'and Jobs, ln turn,' create' sociaIal d'aconomtic stability. Thèeantreprenaiurial spirit runs stron~ In Canada, but its poentiat banal ifs have been sappad b taxes mnd ragutatiens. Tea much growth potantlal las betng waated through unneôessary costs mnd complianca burdena imposed ,by govanment., A business' m ost serieus risk sheuld net bu its own government. The highway is\also utilizad as a iocal acheal bus\ route. *Do we want te make. our chiidrens' lives more dangerous then they airead are? The Ihighway runs through the villages eof Broeklln and Mrtle which wouid mean an increase ln traffic past mmny homes mnd astecir tjle change cf accidents aloa esidants use th:' hlghway. The likaliheod of an acident in Myrtla is-quita greait.Just Imagine a huga abgercï cmn down the hýili in Myrti on a wintaer day. Someone puits 'out of their dniveway net knowing or seeing the truck coming over the hilI. The truck.can't stop because ef the icy condit ions. Just imaginet What about air traffic. eth the Greenbarkk md' Oshawa airperta fly in thla area. How wlli they avoid the seag ulta that MI gathar et the site. Part Perry la, a tcw'ist town. Man cfthepeopl and businesses. depend on people te vlalf the area durlng the summer mnd wlnter. Fraun iof, swlmming, .boeing, bas (- fishing, aking, many ethar activities that draw, sites because et' the people hure, do we want thaun te ninmnal sensitive nature of ais know us- by way et a dlrty, the Oak Ridges Morraine. smelly dump en the way up the Athogýh te -sites -are- not hiphway. People don't want te eniardte bu Iocated on the take a drive ln the country past a ,meorraine bW tha IWA, the pollution 'dump' te watËch the seagull-a md created by the sites will affect tf e paper flying by. water sources coming, from t t e Paoplte ln Myrtîa Station, net moraine whlch, ln additien to e ig only Scugog Township, are the aonly watarý source -fer mar 0posdte thla dasacration 'et residerices southot the-sites, al# beutitt armîmnd. Thay ara only eventualty ends up ln Lake Ontari. one mnd hait mitas away. Watar ,WaJsas everythË1g Myrtle Station ae contains a downihiîl thanks te gravity. Diredtl meSa processîng plant that south of thae17 site lsa a marsh thet empioyees 35 lecal people. This uitimatety draina inte Lake Scuo9 plant needs a clem water supply With aI tha pollution alraady i ntl mnd raquires If te bu testad avery lake,>tha Increasa from thae'dump month. -U the watar goos bad, md wil effectively kilt ail .wlldlifae, net ~ the plant has te close down a lot of mention increasing pollution ln tI e familles will suifer ln an, aiready lakes and rivera that La Scugog daprassad aconomy. > drains Inta. d.Windcrast Meat Pacicera aise Loek -at what happenad ln dapands on dema water- for its Stoufiville when tha placad a business amd it laeiocated aros garbg dump'.north of ton. thé street tram 17. What'wlIt es&ens wera assred that their happen to thia business when the water suppty would net bu atfected garbage starta coniing ln.bY seepage. Now ail thaîr weits are Both ScgogTownship, ad Poilutad n ne can cesIttheir Whitby have tught "a deve qént M ~ f.ih ~ *54EE17 To the e- di* wg -- -. Myrtie Station residents oppose, proposed Êsite'

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