Whitby Free Press, 17 Jun 1992, p. 35

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,tYP PIS,,FN. Oen forum o Besfeig GENEALOGICAL EPR Brian, Glichriet spoke ai th. O)ntarlo Gene alogical Sociéea 10h anni-'- veruary meeting, held recently.' Photo byMairk Resuor, Whitby Fr.. Pr.m speaks atTHE-,OS aniversary confeec By Zigarlo Boucher Wiiitby was hoat toe i.3tii anniversary of THEOS this past weekend. 'They Help Eacii Otiier'Spiri- tuallyý(THTEOS) is an organiza- tAion for widows te get together and iielp eacii other through tii. difflcult time following tii. death of a loved ône. The Dlurhiam chapter of tii. organization host.d the. THEOS' International Conférence for Widowed Prsons last weekend at tii. Baptiat Leadership Edu ca- tion' Centre on Taunton Rd'W. This'y.ars tiieme ia 'Building CommÜunities,' witii the subject focusing on tii. organization and its' mem-bers being part of -a caring community, and. not, feel- ing alone i dealing with a ch ange in their lives. Author Betty Jane Wylie was a guest speaker last friday- and spoke abut her eXperiences as a widow and how ah has ritten about it in numerous books. Wylie aaid ah, iiad te undergo m~n changea in order te mû aa li lg fornher four children. every wido has a "deatii wisii at some point following tii. deti of their spous. but'must fin Itii. courage te, go on with hife and accomphaii thinga for thiçmselves- and tii. coxnmunitiea thi rliv, in, ah. said. ~ylie said two of a widow's M geproblemns are the. sudden oso icome and, the *lack of- em tional support from family an . friends' about a year aftr thie deatii of their lovedl onea.-, ~ey witiidraw their support" us.tiiey believe the mwdow h already r.cover.d or has iiad en htime teget over apart- nosdatii, ah. said. yle said it' is difficult for an ~e te understand the, pain un9s one experiencea it tiiem- sel~a You realize ou do have te on Peci for tii. sake ot de kIL-e hesaid. .~le said when you get mer- riedl"you invest a. lot emo- tonalyin another person" and -it tae'quit. a while te adjust te tii.legs Accrding te- statistics, thi flrst year of being a widowisa teugher on men while tii. second year la more diffcult -for women, ah. said. ,Wylie aaid mon are more sub ject te heart. strokea and die' Witiiin the. frat year following tiie d fathetiir wivea. Widows -sholdn' ýprogramn tiiemselves, for a "daii wis and siiould set some goals they wouldllke teachieve for the reat of tieir livea, ah. said., Humiour aei .helpa d.al with, thi. d.atii oôf, a spouse -1 often 1hnkn of- that person whent aoeiig goea wrong, pointing at.the heavens' as if their-mates are stilli ùfluencing events ýini their.lives, she said. Wylie said being positive as a widow is param >ount to any reco- very a nd improvement in i their quality of living. THEOS was founded by Bea D.cker, ii the United States i 192and operates as a'self-help group throughout the world. Tih. organization gives each member *a network of support with a mixture of the practical and the spiritual. Newly widowed pole repre- sent the firat level of TilOS with widowa who have adjusteJ to life and now try to help other membera being the second level. The Durham - chapter' of THEOS meets every secnd Sun- day of each mont« at the St. Andrews Preabyterian -Church i -Whitby. For more information, caîl lea- der Dorothy MacNaughton at ObituaryI GEORGE STOIT George Malcolm Stott of Fair- view Lo)dge i Whitby died on friday, June 12 1992 at Whitby GeneralHospita. He was 92. He w'as born on September 30, 1899 i Panbride Scotland son of George Malcohm and iJele (ols tott. He married Agneai June 1931 ini Toronto. A Whitlby resident for 61 years, Mr. Stott was an orderly at Whitby General Hospital. He was a member of the Pr.- sbyterian Churcii i Whitbywa a caretaker at St. Andrew's and a member of the Whitby Lawn; Bowling Club.; H. is survived by his wife and two grazidchildren Werdylee and Dan. H. was pr.deoeased by his son Malcolm. Tii funeral service was held on June 15 1992 from Fairview Lodge, J. àtrzelecki officiating.. Interment at Mount Lawn Memorial Gardens. 6 Generations of Service, Quality & Tr-ust " Family Monuments* " Granite or Bronze Markers " Cemetery Lettering " Sandblasting Stafford Monumenits 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby 668-3552 AfterHodurs 668-4460 or 6664513 'Home appointmenta gladly arrarged-" IIow are breaatfeeding. -babies3 f&ring i Durham Règion? National trenda, show that moat mothers tah tobréesfeed buît abaiïdon nursing becume of 'jack of !noratonanmspport. if, thia'topeic ao cnen attend an open forum cafled. <Breùtfeeding i Durham: Bilding ,Bridgea.' iie, featuÈed 'peakerwill,.b. Dr. Jack 1 ewman,, thé, well-known .authority from th.' HoM ta for, Sick .Childrens, brateeding clinic., There -,wfll be. two, locations: Monday, June,22, fromq 7 te 9 p .m.- at the. Michael Stan, Building, 33 -..King' St. W.J, Oshawa; Wednesday, June- 24, from 7 to, 9 p.m., at, St. Paul oný tii. FEU11Anglican Church, 882 Yingn Rd., PIck.ring. Nursing babies are welcome. DRESS IT UP AND MAKE IT HOT!! *Trailer Hitches *Box Liners *Truck Caps o. Runningoards *Bug Shields *Van Interiors 167 SIMO S.N Thé, forum la coe-spnsd by publisiied 'The. Durhamu Region the. victorian Orer = ofuraeaaànd Br.aWtf.dng Manual - A the, Durhiam Breaitf.ein 'C .iee»Mve EHandbook for Coalition. Hati roesol,which' will Tii .,-VON la currently odutng a braateedng project tae help nursing mothera and babiesin m*, Durham.,Region. A irsplah.ld each SymorningiiiOswa. ifrem evce, offera answers te individual ,,questions,, and providea inforation and .,,encour*agement i the early weeks when ,.,breala bJ -eing established. >The Durham- Breastfeeding, Coalition iaaip comniitfod te, ,prmotngbresteeding inthe. community and icéludeg, representatives from lca hosptale, .La. Leche League, Lamaze Associationý public iiealii department ,VON, 'Parente ýof .Multiple Birtiis -Assoiation, Caesarean Prevention Su pport and Eduscation Group, asj weil as a. midwife ' pediatrician, nutritionist and lactation consultant.. The .coalition hms recently Decnisplayecl at the. open forum. Tiere will -also b. other dipliay' ofintereat toex ecting adnew parents. 5,00make up Li*fe Chain -An estimated 5,000 people teok p art. ithe,'Lfe Cham' on Sun-, day, holding 'Abortion KiUs Cul- drêe' and -'Jesus frie n emes'formed a 30- mile,Î:,cross i tading along Hwy1 2 from Pickig te.Nàw- enile, and on Simèoe St. from- Bloor te Oahawa General Hoapi- Tii. event laii eld, inpart, te e ncourage pr(Olife.politicians and- .te .activate ,congregatiosb making mèiembs more- eager th sere n ohe arasofthe mns try within thir own churches. By Conat. Grant Arnold- Dunham Regional Police Crime Stoppera and Durham Regional Police -a7tson suad are asking for the public's help in solvig a house fire whch, occurred in Oshawa on Sunday, Jan. 26. Jut'after 1 a.m. the houa. at the corner of King St. E. and, Athabaska St. was dehiberately set on.fire. Tii. house was unoccupi.d at tii. time of the. fire and was completely .ngulfed > ifBaries wiien the. fire department arrived. Damage is list.d in excesa of $120,000. Witn.sses have told Police about a- suspect vehicle whicii waa' meen in the victimIs driveway juat pnor te tth. fir. being observed by an on duty police officer. Vehicle, is described as a n.wer model, full-sized Ciiev product and the. windows may have beau .tinted. The. vehicle app.ared te b. ail on. colour, dark.and shiny. dean.' The grill was wid. and chrome, the. Ontarzo, licence plate was just te the* passenger aide of the. bumüper. Tiiheadige t were- off but the, paking and fig ligiita w.?. on.*ii. two f- lghta wer. yellow, and square-siap.dand wereonto t, uper about 18 inchea apart- an~d ,about six -inches infomthi qur headlights. The Wiieels were shiny wi wa okZuhlke chrome spokes. The. car was running and 'on. person was, sittn$ in the. driveres seat, slouciid down. Crime Stoppera wlll pay up te$1,0 for inormation leading,, to the. arreat of the person or porsons resp onaible forsettnng tis fire., If you know or have heard wiio might haveéha something te do with, ttua occurrence or any other serious criminal offence, cail .Crime Stoppera ýAs a caller youdon't have .to give your name or have tog4te ourt.Yu will b. given a code number to protect your identity. Ifii. Crime Stoppera number is 436-8477 (that's 436-TJPS). Conatable Grant Arnold is the, co-ordinator witi the. Durham Regional Crime Stoppera and writes thia articl, toelp combat crime. LUMM

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