Whitby Free Press, 17 Jun 1992, p. 33

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~Kt~rss ANIMALS IN DESPERATrE'need Of permanentfi or foster homes. Volunteers and donations always aj>preclated. -Cal :the. animal Guardian Societ et .2t-63-TAGS, unmmNYKTfEWANTAfJPUIS"? M d h.Ca%"od 1«rtut ap"8alpet. ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE getting auto insurance because of age, poor driving, record or suspension cf license? Perhaps we can help. Phone 666-2090. PRE-PAID'WORD ADS (Cash, VISA, choque rocelved b0fore deadline) $6.00 for 20 words; ($5.61 + 390 GST) 150 each additionai word; (140+10 GST)»- BILLED WORD ADS $800 for 20 words; PWS GST - 150 each additional word; PWS GST AUCTIONS ANNOUNCEMENTS 890 per agate lUne <14 agate Unes perlInch) minimum charge: $6.00O-prepaid, $7.50 biîled DISPLAY ADS IN CLASSIFIEDS (Ada with bordera, pictures or graphies) Rèégular display rates apçply - 940 per agate lino Minimum size 1 column inch $13.16 CONTINLJOUS RUN DISPLAY ADS >AS LOW AS $1 0.99 PER COLUMN INCH. GST la extra on ail ada unleas otherwise indicated DEADUNE Monday noon prior to Wednesday publication. 668-05.94 PIeasê check your adverisement for errors on tue frt day cf publication. The Whitby Frec Press will not be-iâbi for failure Io pubish an ad, or for typographuie error in pubication beyond the cout of die space cccupied by dite error up to a maWimum cost of tue Insertion. The Whtby Free Pres reserves Mu right to chissify or rejcct ail advcrfisements. CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN* 0F WHITBY, PLANNING DEPARTMENT Rentai Houslng rtcIon Act 1989 NOTICE 0Ft MEETING, TO CONSIDER AN APPLICATION BY MARY GARDIENS COMPLEX INO. TAKE NOTIC that -there will be a pbi etn to consider an application for conversion froni a cooertiveoea condominium conoemlng the followlng property: M4 MARY STREET EAST ON 'AT 575 RO L SO1992 ATS P.M AT 575 ROSLANDROD EAST IN TH1E MEnN HALL, WHITBY.MUNICIPAL BuîLixNG Further, Information la avallable at the Wnlby PlnningDarmn du4ngnorai=xsiness hours, Monday to Fdy rb eehnn Dated the l7th dayof June, 1i92. - --------- I AC!ON I UC#OS CORNEILS AUCTION BARN 18TH ANNIVERSARY SALE FRIDAY JUNE 19 AT 6 P.M. THE ESrATE 0F THE LATE BESSIE FISHLEY 0F SEAGRAVE, PLUS OTHER CONSIGNORS Oak bow-front china cabinet w/claw ,feet, round oak pedestal table wýSle aves, 6 oak dlnlng ch airs, Brantford housier cupbeard (complete & in geod condition, 2 Boston rcers, press-back rocker, treadle 'sewing machine, bake table, pine chest cf drawers, oak parlour tables, antique dressers, odd press-back chairs, oak rocking chair, blanket box, washstands, oak buffet, wooden high chair, co-ail lampa, console colour TV, Bennington bowl, crocks, Carnival glass. AIse consig ned: 41 jointer, 17 tey tractors, EB, 350MX Honda gnerator, Vikig wrlnger washer, be chestedtield, 2 Bosch air nling guns, 2 cyl. gas-powered air compresser, white 2-dr. frost- fre fridige, W4 Prowler house traller, 1985 Ford LTD., 11HP Dynmark 36w cut rlding lawnmower, plus many more antiques, furniture. glass, china& heusehold iRems. DON & GREG CORNEIL AUCTIONEERS RA #1, LITTLE BRITAIN PHONE OR FAX 705-786-2183 MORTGAGES - 151 & 2NDs to 95% of value. Ail property types. Personal boans. Quick service and approvais. Coli Raycen Financial Lt., 571-2880,Oshawa, 686-2936 Pickering. PRIVATE MORTOAGES - the paete go when your benk says ENO.7 Serving Whtby since 1973. 668-7200. ANUBISINVESTMENTS. AUCTION SALE "KAHN COUNTRY A UCTIONS" Every Wednesday et 6:30 p.m. Located on Brook Rd., Pickering,3 miles north cf Hwy. 401 (exit #33b). Featuring every Wed. an excellent selection .of antiques, fine f urniture, *glass, china, collectibles, primitives and the unusuals. So join us, every Wed. and participate "in one cf Ontario's 'truc' auctions with no buy-backs or reserves. "Consign- ment and estate selling our *specialty.w CatI us today. Previews f rom 1lp.m. KAHN AUCTION SERVICES (416)683-0041 SATUIRDAY'S AUICTION ACTION SAT. JUNE 20AT 6:30ORM. EVEFf SATURDAY NIGHT AT 6:30 P.M AT THE PETHICK. AUCTIOI4IBARN, FHAYDNp 8 MILES NORTH 0F BOWMAN VILLE This week by order of Durham Balliff Services, under virtue of the Landiord andi Tenant Act RSO 1980, we are lnstructed'te sdil the contents cf Black Ac Cards and Collectables, 53 King' St. E., Oshawa, to 'finclude collecter carda, Ig. inventory o 'cmic bocks, posters, collector toys & more. We will aIse; have to be sold aur usual modemn & antique furnlttre, dlnfing mcom ste., living room ste., display case, plus lots cf other interesting & unusual items. Terma are cash, cheque or Visa. Viewing from 5 p.n. Foi' more Information, cal 1-416-263-4252. Sale managed& sold by: GARR4Y K POWELL AUCTIONS -" CORPORATION 0F THE T:OWN.0F WHITBY IN 1THE MATIER 0F THE ONT ARIO HERITAGE ACT, R.S. 0. 19909 C.0.18 AND IN, THE MATIER 0F LANDS AND" PREMISES AT THE FOLLOWVING MUNICIPAL ADDRESS, UN THEý PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO NOTICE 0F INTENT'TO DESIGNATE TAKE NOTICE that the Council cf the Corporation cf, the Town of Whty Intencs to designate the ~proerty, lncluclng landsan buildings, at the following municipal adrss as property of historie and architectural value or intrest under Part IV cf the <ntarlo Heritage Act R.S.O. 1990,.c.0.18. The James Brebner Hou», 407 Byon Street North WIBOntaïlo REASONS FOR DESIGNATION 0F 407 BYRON STREET NORTH- WIIT The James Brebner House -wàs built in the early iBSs on the lands oniglnally owned by the founder cf Whitby, Peter Permy. ARCHIECURAL This 1-1/2 storey framne house has a three bay facade with a mode)rately pitchcd gabled roof shingled wlth asphaît, a gabled front centre dormer, and a one stomey back ldtchen wI g,built te forni an L-plan. The most spectacular elemnent lai the enclosed front porch whlch postdates the construction cf the house by about thirty y cars. The houe s l a very attractive example cfthue modest house buitt th a design that was equally applicable on thc farm or In ,the Town and stylistically contains elemnents of both Gothie Revival and, Georgian Architecture. Any person may, before July 3, 1992, send by registercd mail or deliver te the Clerk cf Uic ToWn cf Whitby, notice cf his or her objection to thc proposed designation together mmt a statemnent cf reasons for thc objection and a Il relevanft facta. Ilfsuch notice of objection la recelvcd, the Council of Uic Corporation cf Uic Town of Whitby shail refer the matter te lte Conservation Revicw, Board for a hearing. DATED at the Town of Whitby thla 3rdday cof JuneÇ 1992. DONALD 0. MeKAY TOMN CLERK THE CORPORATION 0F 1THE TOWN 0F WHITBY 575 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST WHITBY ONTARIO'LiN 2MO PHOfE: (416) 668-80 PRAYER to the, Holy Spirit. Ycu who make me seeeverythîng and who show me the way ta reaçh My Ideal, You Who give me the'divine gift to forgive and-forget the wronq thatiledone tome and You who aI instances; -f my life are' with me In titis'short, dialogue, I want to thank you for everythiig' and 'confirm once more thatI 1nover want to b. separated from yul ne matter how great material desires may, bu. I want to, bu wth you and my loved onos in your- perpetual glory. Amen. Thank you f or your love towards me and my loved -ones. Pray this, prayer three consecutive days withoutyour wish; after the third day your wish will bu granted, ne mattèr how difficuit il may *bu. Promise to publish titis dialogue as soon as possible after your favour has buen granted. JM. BIRTH- CONTROL and, family plnigcounsellirig. Free and confidiential, available Monday 'to ~friday, 8:30 affm. te 4:30 p.m. Clinic- every, Thursday 3 to 6 p.m. For further Information. cail 420-8781 or 433-8901. HOST FAILESNEDED for.Spanilsh students .vlsitlng Whlitby. WeeklyremuneratiorL. 668-7883 STRESSED & DIS- EASED. Why net try shlasu, reflex therapy, aromatherapy, chakra energy bàlancefmassage, 1improved nutrition. By appoîntmen. CalI 668-5159 MAKE $500 WEEKLY stufn envelopes. Send« self-addresd stamped. 80 envelope, to Box, 20004. 3 Huron -St., Woodstock, Ont. N4Sl MX. S~ ffçeMoisrs~ M 4aytoPrkfay~ ~OO arn tC> 5~OO pt~i. Fax,$~&~$~1 AUCTIONEERS The people of Whitby and surrounding ameas enjoy attending auction sales. Let them know about *your next sale by advertising in the most wldely read pages In Whitby - The Whitby Free Press, Classifieds-. Cal: 668-6111, 1 ý:3 :::.j

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