Whitby Free Press, 17 Jun 1992, p. 27

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BEST AVAILABLE CONY WH1BYFEEPRESS, WEDN9SDAY, JUNE 17,139nZPAGE 27 claib Good',fenc' ke,. d es do ore tham. a goo negh,"bours Ontario'Real Est ate MAsoeiatin If you're familiar with the old adajge, ."good fences .make -geod noighbours," yýou probaby neyer gave it;, much thought' until, yen owned àa home of. your' 'own. 'lI additien* te helping,,you maintai good rèlations 9 with: your1 neighbours, fences cý'éan aiso enhaéncé the generaïl appoarance Of youj!r hous., give you lota of- privacy, aend'keep neîghbourhood pots and wildlife at bay. If you're contemlating bildin a fence, the flrst thinyou shoulId do is té ask your neighbours if, they're interested in'helping eut with the- projec; .this would holp defray coots. if you are,.building a fence- on your. own, you should have a property survey done te doter- mmne where your - -p rety- od and the neighbour's*begins. If- you build a fence without knowving where the proerylinos are, yon could very wilend up on neur neihbour's poet. And if1 hesh callenged you, you would have te tear it down. In new subdivisions, lots should already have.,stakes < in,,the 'rid o tee k e < should have 'Ontarjo Surveyors> written .on them1.; 'f you havýoestaàkes n o pr~erymnlino oten t em 'fus should enable yotefog the sur'vey. When planiàing your fence, take ail your needa and wants, into conaleratin. Pator M-- thé lndscpingof:your yard anÏd the, ,,activities.that'take p lace there. IfyU Yen cant do f the wvoe, yourself, it's a good idea'te hire a' genieral contracter. Re3emmnber tel gelt at leastthrÜWee stimates *and compare the conts. Your conteac- 'ter'should have the knowledge and -'expertise te suggest ýwhat' .type cf .fonce or',comnbination of fonces ye require. For instance,,vou might want te put a chain, link fonce around the bulk of your property, ýbut; erect aà woodon privacy fonce around your dock or patio.,.Or, yen may, evon want te, eroct something made cf atone or brick. Privacy fences are a good choice iyodo't want people te see into your yard. 'fier. are many difforent varietiesosfc privacy ronces on the market teday. Yrour contracter sheuld b. ýable te. discuss the advantages and dieadantagescf tisparticular vyp androommond varieus Seéurity fences are usually made fr-om chain"link because it àe s trong and durable -- anid difficuit te climb over. Chain link, fences are commonly used 'te enclose pools_ (contact your municipal office' forth égal hegtrquiremente),orsrud dogM ruma. The héigh6i: f *these' fences oen range anywhere from four te 10 feet. Decorative fences, on thes other SaIès& Rentais Also dealier for: CIProwler 0 Dutchmen CI Regal QBayossile 01 Campers store& service repairs 0 Starraft 1Q Caribou. **Y12 hand, are used te, enhance' the, beauty c f your home. and> landscain.Thyuaally.hv fancy top rails'or latice work "aud. othor a- ttractive 'devices that, croate eye appeal. Note ail reqmrenuea. S If you)re,. building ýýthe fonce yourèelf; mrake sure ta i h moasurem2ents are correct;yo waut your fencete t t theu ryou'ià -uilding a, wooden fonce, yeun may wanit te cousider using cedar ,-- ies more expenaîve but less poe. jýte i!ot. Otherwise, yoU' roal want te -u 1se pressur-treateovod, -wh ich- aIse has a longer life span,... If yen dedde te buid the fence yourselt talk with' théeexperts at yourlol iùi58upply centre. The shuldbe bleto -give yen asistance -anid' guidce* A deAi«ed, .Weil-thonught.out plan, should give yen the- desirod results&. 'Ih', t .ýoneruIlife with familles work- and ursin ool.u igtogether. Well, at Tauntoni Pools, working The atmosphère atTauà.nton Pooldi "hat together really isafamilyafair.,. of friendlinegs and helpfulness by, an 9",,ertly' Owners 'BiadRobbins and AI. Richards trained stafflcf true professionals just like Dad.' alnwith thieir sons Try~d John respec- always told you about. Spealdng ,of Dad, QoU tvlare evidence 2ofairoious family's can visitTaunton Pools this Saturday June >20 business vvâuei that some maýY s y is a thinig on Father's Day'weekend, froffiQ a.màÀ. to 4 Oth'past. Not so at Tauntordodis pan. Refreshments' and muniches'are on the Now in their- tenth year, at tlhejpresent house wvhile you browse in D9urham's largest location Brad and- AI's #bev havéin ýstaled showroom. thousands ofýîpols in, ang around 'urhr r santu.14fu1-size operating Region, arc3%. With vr40yas nfcmined pol on displayý, as <'eII .as plenty, of experience, ow can be,,ýonifidÉt when seléct-. above-ground pools in stock, s e oe fami- rng an ingro nd br aboves.-grouhd pool ly c'an visualize the joy of having a pool in ýtheir The. crew at -TîuntonjPools will see that ow&ibackard'this sumimer your pool instalainge mohyfrmsak ta rgh tere, 's stili time to book to finsh. Thereafter BrgWd and AIl's business is your ingroundor aàbove gr'ound>po>ol this sum- eqiupped *te ,perform. , service, repaira or meor. Just thi of ,how! many,_tri p s to the adnsafréee conputerized -Wator * analysis crobwded beît (via4 fhe crow red ihwas dri4acc'urat#aë o esaeandprpe;tha lyu sav vile -addig cosidérable hiÏndlingoàf pol,.hemicals. . equity t1 ur home. So t aaturdaà e,~20 EvorySp$ng andTaEll Tauntol) ?Poos e- c rat visit te-pèoplpýIwho are the. experts* fe~ co P'i~itary-..seinas osted by a opoW dabovo all..second, te non. on écis recogized~per tt -tare; designdt n tmorc sitrut you in proppr, procèdures froeii ýIk, Pictured i lift to right are Chris fiTrQy Roôbbin, fo egm ....... MaohJn j. i ....... ...>* CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHI-ITBY. ... ....PARKS ANDRECREATrioN DEPT. RENTAL GARDEN PLOTS .,FO.R WHITBY RE9DEN TS The Parka and Recreaden Deparirnent of the. Town- of Whltby. has re-establishedi garden plots for cornmunhty use for the 1992 su mmer season. The size cf the plots wl be 20' x 45, and wiiI rent at a cost of $50.0 prlttthe user. The land wmiI be rototilled by the Town, and water Mtwill ade available. The plots are locted at the southeasîcerner 0f VICTORIA STRE AND JEFFERY fTREET, at the nerth-west corner of Vhe hitby Generai Hospital'site. The plots wilI be available tentatively June 10.,1992 te October 1?, 1992, and wiII be precessed on a first corne - first served basis. lnterested resients are invited te apply te: PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT Iroquois Park Rocoeatlon Coômplex1' 500 Victoria Street W.st Whitb4i1tarlo LIN 9G A i BE ATR SrM TIOl ENIGIlADITSIBMI -1

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