Whitby Free Press, 17 Jun 1992, p. 17

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wHwFME PRESS, WEDNESDAY,-JUNE 17,'19n2 PAGE 17 Funeral home expns ion plan deni ed By Mario Boucher Town planning committee has demied a rezoninig application by Robert Carson for expansion to the Carson Funeral Horne and Chapel on Baldwin St., Brookiin. At Monday's planning commit- tee meeting, Carson sald Brook- lin deserves and needs a fuheral home if the population in the area continues te w.isae quate for nqw-but'ho would like te expand lus busin ess using the garage ares, h. aaid.- Carson suggeated that a scnd floor could ho added as pCartEof'an expansion of the fneral '1home, w*ith .visitation rooms.on the, orund floor and offices and a show. room on the Big winmîdowsfacing the Lynde gek ould hoviaually appeai- O)peraions centre PROM PAGE 1 *About $125,000 from the deve- lopment charges act will ho annually contributed towards the repayment of the-annual debt. The amount will ho financed out of the money currently being contributed te the future 'capital reserve fund. This will prevent any further tax increase to ratepayera in Whitby te, pay for the prýoject. Bradscot Construction Ltd. was awarded the project with a tender of $5,965,0Ot includes the construction o the new building (about 62,1L20 square feet) and site work such as pave- ment, grading, landscaping and. fencing. The new building will ho loca- ted, immediately north of the existing one on McKinneY Dr. The new centre is expected te last for 20 year or more,- with further expansion possible in ton years. LETTER:', Landfihl sites PROM PAGE 6 homes if they want to. No one can guarantee that this will not happen here. The sites will devaluate ail the propertÎies in the area including Prince Alhort, Port Peri, Manchester, Myrtle, Ashurn.%Een if you can sella property, without a clear well water certificate the purchaser would bo unable te obtain commercial financing. In addition te, the wator contamination the sites wil croate, additional concerne are noie oluton, air pollution and garbage blowing rud We feel that the sites, in addition te being contradictoiy te the recommended critenia for a sMlécted landfill sité, would dostroy the Township of Scugog and ail surrounding ares. A resident Who attended tho information meeting at Manchester United- Church reportod that the 1WA's agrIcultural specialist even admitted fthat t h e sites should neyer'have beeln choson. 79 BOO S. .,OSAW 404mO52 ng tevisitora te the new,.bIid- intnd help croate a paeu atmosphero, ho said. Carson has -operated the-usi- ness for 20 yoars andh as answered many of theresidents' concerna byr withdrawýng-plan fora footbridgo anda parking lot on the northern part of the pro- porte. Councillor Rosa Batten said even if the Town allows Carson te expand, the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA) probably wouldn't. arete' replacing the garage wvith a new bidihng. Ho suggosted the. extension of the existig building but not as closeteotthe floodplams -as a new building would ho. p h roperty was designated asC ocmmercial use until 1989 when it was changed te a greenboltzoning. Bob Short, Town planning> director, aid the Cl deiration is net rocommendedor the application but it could ho dealt wit as an- exception te the greenholt zoning. Tie official plan'dosignation by the Regilon cals for major open space With an indication of a hazard land-design'ation. New.mal PROM PAGE i p e wthin the next few weeks, constrction could begin Bore- time this fail, heosaid. Thore have been many in- quiries regardinrg retail and office spaces, andathere should ho ne problem filh*ng, the space Wii the mail, ho said. The key is te get a good mix of tenants and the right. vaniety of stores, restaurants, banka and other *stores, teo ôffer the. ,beat Possible choices te ares rosi- dents, he saiW Gutfreund said there will ho a beautiful landacapo ontrance at the southeaat corner of 'Gardon St. and Rossland Rd. te feature honches, trees and. flowers for people walking -into the parking lot or, waiting~ for -the bus at the corner. CouncillorJo. Drumm said the ares is now. a popular spot for illegal dumping and it is costing the Town* a lot of money te dlean it up. wmnt LimitccI Êdition F'rints OF PKINT5 b>Y Kobert bateman é&' Carl brenders John 5eereý-Lcster & onPre Jo6nNew6 éeJoh boots Laura bEcrrý ?& Colebroolc KierstcadJ and other notable artists SAVE (Y! TO $3oo ON A FXAM[LL) I>INT Ca!! for Lu/I cc lis Z37 Qç2en 5t.,-IPort 1'errý9 (+16) 985ý-ý23+3 J D FISHING & ARCHERY c The Largest Live Bait and Tackle Dealer in Port Perry Trtj our Good Service and Cheap Prices! Learn to fish with - the Bass, Pros. Book Charters 'NOWI For Upcoming Season. Water Ski Lessons* 30 WATER ST., PORT PERY UE (41,6)19857O737, (FROM left) Ashley, Elizabethand 'ax. n Moore check out. an interestIng looking fin at Famiily Trust's'Camp for 'KidB' garage sale. Aimost $900 wa raised to help send underprivileged kide to camp. photo by Mark Eoeaor, Whltby Fr.. Prm ... ... .... ... ... ...... ......... ......... . ......... --------------- ......... .... . . ..... ..,Scugog. Shores Museum Village PIONEER DAYS SAT. JUNE 20& SUN. JUNE 21 1noon to5 pm on both days rain or shine ADMISSION: Aduits............ $3.00 Students .$1.5 Senior Citizens...$2.Od DISFLAYS & DEMONSTRATIONS Wým eavin he~eainne Home Baking + Lemonade +VIC.W. Tea Room Lunches + Music lent Butter Making + Tractors > Threshing Machines GIFT AND CRAFT SALE SIrANJÈS AT GREY«STONE POUN DED 1991 Now, in additon to our popluar Sunday Brunch4 larn to 3 pm we are invitingxyou to feast at our > Sunday Night Buffet-,-5 pm-to 9 pm ~'~flflChildren under 10 $1 9 1/2 PRICE featuring an assortment ofsalads including SEAFOOD w .CAESAR w ~POTATO 'è& CARROT w COLESLAW CUCUMBER DELL w FRESH FRUIT SALAD Peel And Eat Shrimp w. Teriyaki Stir Fry' e& Chicken Champignon Schnitzel & Sauerkcraut Nk Rosemary Roasted Potatoes Fettucine Alfrecki iaý. Rice Pilaf w- Soup m, Bread Table Mak e *r esr tinsfo Casual Dining Overlooking Indoor Riding Arena. SUMMER HOURS: Wed. to Sun. il arn to 11:00 pm, Closed Mon. & Tues.' We serve dinner until Il pm. Reservations are not necessary but always appreclated. 'Our licenced patio* is open. SHIRLEY R OAD 985-1598 Please Feel Free To Cii Colleci 50% TO>100% OIT. I'ICTL4KL UKAMING when purchasing one oF over 200 dfFferent

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