Whitby Free Press, 3 Jun 1992, p. 1

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~Lasco berm* expanion -gets go-ahead B y MarjoBoucher. ThbeTown of Whtby has ne objections te, the envfronniental asseemen bythe Ministry of the-Environmient for the expan- sion of -the waste dispÏosai site, with automobile shrder by-pro- duct material, at Lasco in Wl#tby. The -landflll -site is operated and managed by Lasco for its own automobile shredder waste. Lasco expects the sitetolst, for abolit 20 years and provide. enoughb capacity for the proposed 1.5 iioôn tonnes of sbredder by-product material classified by' the ministr- as non-bazardons solid industrial waste miaterial. Oriteria used to, evaluate alter- native methods of managing the materials include public health and safety, social, natural and economic environment, and cul- tural and land use conside- rations. The on-site Iandfill was chosen as the beat solution te the long- term management of the auto- mobile shredder by-product material. Advantages frein this sstem include the fact that it woù d not generate more traffic in the area and would be a cost-effective method -of managing, the it was aise felt that the under- taking offers "flexibility' - the facility could be changed te in-, clude 'additional reccig or could be shut down due te low demandea for scrap. Another advartage -for the on- site landffihl would be that it could provide a perimeter sceen around, the existing. plant and visually enhanoeý the operation te surrounding areas.- The Site will be monitored on a regular basis by Lasco and perio- dically. by the. ministry for any contamination., Town planning department SNE PAGE 17' INSIDE AFTER SOME preparatory work over the weekend, the Prince Edward Island left Whitby harbour early Tuesday morning and headed forpoints east. At a prvincia court yesterday, PEI ownmer Art Robinson ae ied to say where the derelict ferry boat was headed. after beinig dockeïd ini Port- Whitby for. more thanfive years. Town Ilawyer Davad Sims and'lawyer Bernie 'O'Brien, appeàring on behaif of Robinsonp agreed to a motion for an indefnite adjournment of. the- court case involving removal of- the PEL Photo lq Marlo Boucher, Whthy Free Pr... Meadow Rd. work to be'ý reviewed A 25-person delegation was unable te, persuade Town ope- rations committee Monday night te reconstruct a portion ofMea- dow and Westwoodroads. The Town bas allocated $130,000 i the 1992 budget te resurface Meadow ]Rd. between Forest ]Rd. and Westwoed Rd. and Westwood between Garrard and Meadow. Half that amount would be paid for by the provice Residenits wanit the Town te spend $390,00rte completely reconstruct the roadsý whxcb in- clu4osptIDg in*curba, a side- wland guttrs-only $65,000 Of that would be covered by the province Comm;ittee ~ voted to in- definitély potoe the resurfac- ing and asked staff te review the 'priority of the reconstruction" of the road. Resurfacing the roadways would have meant 9tspnn reconstruction for at least 10 years, the estimated life of the new surface.- ,Meadow Rd. resident Diane Stelar teld committee ber 7-year- old daughter Jade, who is blind and learning te use a-,cane, can't goeut on ber own with the road in the shape it is. «The construction of curbs and sidewalks3 would enable Jade te feel a sense of independepce as she learne te get around the area of ber home on ber own.'Jade's mobility specialist,: Bertha Wieler, whe's teachin ber te use a -cane te get around says it's currently unsafe for Jade te walk the, street on ber own. «What the residents want is te, rid ourselves of this rural'road setting, resident John Frser told the comritte, «"i order te become part of the town of Whitb an d the new uran deve- lont u4ig5' ?raser says traffic i the area has inicreased, and residents have te contend w.ith gravel accumulating hi ditches and "the end of Our driveways being tom off by snowplows.» Hie says itfs, difficult te main- tain poetes because of the gravelý roabe and problema with flooding. À 44-year-old Whitby man is dead after -a single vehicle acci- dent" Saturday evening inm Osh- awa. <Police sa aryTrilsbeck, -of Hlialeab r was alone in bis 1974 Grm]lin, heading west- Other- residents complained they don't' feel safe i letting, their kida play outside becauseý cars travel thr-ough the ama se fast. Aise, «when you say te the cbildren, don't goast the 'dri- veway, it's vewy difficuit for them, te know where yeu mean.» bound on Winchester Rd. when he bit a trafflc light standard at. the intersection efSfimcoe 'St., and Wlachester. An 'investigation is continuing, but police say "there are ne cagsanticipated? BON VOYAGE See Pages 1t0 16 Leue@ ________________ 0 Business 8,9 Entertainment___10,11 What's0à 12 Sports 20-e, School news , 2425 Recycees Reort25 Cnlmestopp.rs __1"

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