PAGE 18, WMM TBYFR tESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3, 1992 HELE DEW U cfWhitby receives.the--Duke o Edlbughuiver award frOm Henrr JakaLeu- tenant Governor of Ontario, at a ceremony held May 2 at Queen's Park.' Tom Samdle photo ONTARJO GOVERNMENT NOTICE PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE The Ministiy of Transportation (MTO) is conducting a preliminary design study to examine potential impravements to Highway 12from Rossland Road northerly 6.6 km ta Highway 7, in the Town af Whitby, Regional Muünicipality of Durham. Subjeot ta the outoome of, the study the Ministry is currently * the widening of Highway 12 from twoto five« lanes,, Inçludlng a continuous lttùtrn Ian., vertical alignment imfprovemfents-at Hillcourt Drive, Lynde Creek and Graveside. Comeitery,.horizontal alignment changes in the vicinity of Lynde Creek/Groveside Cemetery, and drainage improvements.- This study foliows a Glass Environmental Assessment pracess, approved for highway projecsfa this type. An Environmental Study >Repart will be submitted ta the Ministriy of the Environhment and will be available for public viewing during detail design; a further public notice wili be pubiished at that time. Yau are encouraged ta cantact'MTO staff at any.timeif y ou have questions or cancernis about this praject: if you feel afler consuling, with MTO staff that serlous environm entai concerns;e main unresolved, It is your right ta request thât the project be subject ta the formai Envirorïmental Assessment review and approval process, passibly including'a formai public hearing. The decision rests with the Minister af the Environment. Desigrf plans and drawings showing the proposed highway impravements wili be on disp1ay at a Public Information Centre. Ministry and Conisultant staff wiiibe present ta -answer questions, <discuss the. study,. and receive your.camments. .You are invted ta attend the Public information Centre scheduled for: Date: Tuesday June 9, 1992 lime: 3:00 p.m. - 5:.00 p.m.. 6:30 p.m. - 8:0 p.m. Location: Whltby Municipai Building 575 Rossland Road, VWhltby, Ontario We are interested in hearlng any comments or concerns you or yaur group may have about this.project. Comments and information, are eing collected to assist MTO in meeting requirements under the' Enviranmental Assessment Act. They wiil b. maintained as a public database and will be'kept on file for use during the study and, unless oýtherwise requested, may»be included in study documentation which. is made available far public review. If yau are unable ta attend the Public Information Centre, and wish ,oob tain additionaî information abaut the study, please contact one af the foliawing Projéct Team members: Mr. Lau Poltano, P.Eng. Senior Project Manager Minijstry af Transportation 1201 Wilson Avenue, Sth Floor; Atrium Tawer Toronto, Ontà rio M3M I1J8 Telephone No.: (416) 235-5576 Fax <o: 416) 235-4382 OMinistry' Transportatià n Ontario-- Mr. Mike Delsey, P.Eng. Proj.ct Manager IBI Graup 230 Richmond Street West Toronto, Ontaria M5V 1 V6 Tel. hon No.: (416) 596-1920 FaoN.: (416) 596-0644 ,Ministère des Transports June 12 te 14, Whitby wiil hasitfthe THEOS International. Conference with the theme 'Building Communities.' The conforonce, clebrating the 3th anniversary of THEOS, wiAll be 'held at the Baptist Leadership Education Centre on Taunton'.Rd, Whitby. Banquet speaker wiil b. Betty Jane Wylie, author of 'New Beginninga,"Successfuly -Singley' and ' Ev. yoman's Money Book.' Saturday's workshops feature, i part: Jennifer Williams: 'Dealingwith children's grief; Patricia Daley:' 'Boing "one" again'l; Dr. Bill Webster: 'Putting words on grief; Tom Easthope: ' Learning how ta bos.';Karen Lietofsky3r 'Surviving the-suicide. of a spouse'; Rv. WayneAllen: 'Laughter and Tears.' 'Grie f, health and nutrition wil b. discussed at a plenary session by panelists Jasehine Eslhpetor, Dr. Gillian Gichrist ÈKaren Letosyand RLv. Allen,' with Lv. Phlip Hobson moderating.. Blaine Marchand, poet, wil present Suday mnnga epc, Spýeaking out Agint.-Grief.- Heéalth- and elfxare Canada bas given a grant te the conference, enabling lower registration fees of $50. Anyone wishing overnight accom modation at the conference sfite, registers at $100. Regitratonis open to ail. 1Ayne wishing more infor- mation or> registration forma should cail (416) 576-7908, or Broollin Library Children's Club, for chidrenagd 4. and Up, nieets every Vauda,10:30 to 11:80 arm. for -stories, crafts, games and- movies. No registration is required. Photocopies, Fax, Service Custo m Labels& De cals' Wedding Invitations,,, Business Cards, Compeète Sidn ý Production BRGGKLIN BULLETIN'. 76 Baid-win Street, Brookiin Fax C655-3715' Cal 655-4434ý write THEOS International Conference,' Box 24068, 601 Dundas St. W., Whitby, Ont. LUN axé. The Whitby chapter is in its lOth à nniversary year of opera- tion. Month1l<,meetings 'are. held at St. Andrews Preabyteri*an Church. Dorothy MacNaughton is chapter faelitator. T.HEOS (They Help Each Othor Spiritually), founided' in' Pittsburgh, is a',:non-profit ogizatiorl,> with an -interna- tioalnetwýork .of' suppo rt..grou>Po fQr widowel ersné Eightyreight chapters e*'=*t'in ýthe< U.S.A., as e asa "smai number in ý'tii. Toronto-Whitby* areas. THLEOS focus . is te help widowed people rebuild their lives and' tohelp "socimety ,botter understand the process of grief. iY The Harley' Owners Group (HOG) preseikted $23,500 teý the Grandview Rehabilitation -& Treatment Centre of Durhim Region on May 23. .< > This year's donation is the proceeds of the. April 18 draw for- two Hà rley Davidson motorcycle-s. >The money wiil b. put inte the- playground fund as -the centre plans te ýbuild -a wheelclWar- accessible playground for c hildren with a wide variety of abilities. 'T'or tii. last* three years, HOB (Oshawa, chapter) has raised funda for the Grandview Centre' and this year's $23,500 donation is -double the.'1991 donation," says We Parker. of HOG. "Our members are pleased te rais. funds and, at the- sani time, promote the conter. W. are aledrpreparing fonetyas dra.or hi.yée ineit wasestablihed i 1987, 'the HOG - Oéhawia chapter, with ý over 50 :members, bas donated'teai«ar yof npn-prof it orgamizaiesîà aâd'bas "cliasn the- Grà adview Cetra their main cmuty prject. The<,tr belongs tote organizatâon that bas pprodm~ 160,000 Unitndantates Grandview Bhbilitation & Treatment Centre ite an ou#tienît fility for children and adolescents Up to ega 21 wha reqwre services and ,prograns scaspysioterapyaudiology, speecMn e ptology and, occup'ationa«l th ê'erpy. THE* ONTAPJO SOUTH Womene?. Institute held ita distrit annual last Thursdaya yteUie Chu#ch. Fa-cm left, sceayBettà ý PBéader pro- sident-Luefla Lewis a3nd .treasurer B onnieGero -Pree at the me eting. . Photo by Mm*kInmor, WhIt1ayFr. Pr.îe 2:ndanul4af show, at fair By Marilo Bouchewr The talents of local residents wilb. dsplayed at tii. secondý' anulcountry.craft and collect- ibles show at the Brooklin Spring Pair. On Saturday, June 6 from 10- a.m. te 8 p.m. and on Sunday,, Junte 7 fronih 10, a.m. te 3 p.m., about 40, apecialized craft'people from ail over Durham Regon will offer-a -wide varioty of items at -the LuthirVipond A&en a. moere is a -craft gift for everyone, big or samal, including woodwork -à ;tuffed animais, stained gLlass, jewery Victorian Iinena, 1ildren's clothing, a. wide. variety of flowers and: toys ý,and T-shirt of tiie fair. Li.z1 Schillings, chair of tiie craft sholw, ýsayi; it te due totthe resnsetelest yearsé inaugural siio that i t being iield again in 1992. o~adciet The country catadclet ibles siiow was very succesaful lastyar and about. 10 more ehbors.hav been added tuis year- she says. "Tuer. te a lot of talented people -i the.Durhiam area,» ah. gays. Schllmgs ay~s one nover knos- hatkin of items cen b. found at this type'of show. Whtby to host THEOS." internatioônal confere nce"