Whitby Free Press, 3 Jun 1992, p. 13

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AHOME DESIGN AND IMPROVEMENT FEATURE Cho0osin g ýa ýc arpet -a three-step aprach,. Do somo careful research befome 'ou shop; -buayfoma knologealedeaorand review the' installation Plan boforo the wOrk begis. These simple rules .will ensure a* satisfactoy renovation projeet. Wh at is more imprtat;these tluiee simple stops can helpYO-u avoid a costly mistake -- one you, might have to livo with for years. Heère's how: Step One - Initial planning Shopping fior cePt jtequires carefu thinkling before you get anYwvhero near. the store. Start with a budget. This will giveyour retaileran idea cf the bost.value he *can provide basod upon -your means. Brrng along samples of the colours. and fabrice from the roomsyou wish to carpet. Plan to asic the retailer for a *sample cf the carpet you choose.and take it home with you. Compare the carpet sample colour t your funishingo. Viewing the carpet sampl e under difforent lightig conditons in your home evrnet.ilhl yen select the moet appro',priate colour and texture. You sheuld also know 'how muçh-and what type cf carpet youW will need. 'Ta a rougli measurement of the room to determino the approximate amount. An.installer-will do the accurate mesurement later. Knowing wliat ind of carpot youneed requiros somo research. Koigthe difference betweon a good and poor' quality carpet is important. Because moot, carpets are made from. strong synthietie fifres, theéy will last long after you - have' tired -of.,their appearance. That- je -why it is important te choose carpets that will retain their appearance as long as they last.< Knowing what you want or need before entering the carpet showroom cani mplify the purchase procese. Do yen want a ricli,- deep luxuiy carpet that yeu can sink your toes intô? Or do you need a carpet that will stand up ta, an active family and withstand much wear and toar? Thore are fivo basic types of carpet construction: saxonios, textured saxonies, level .oo 1 berbers & serolls, and cnt & loop or traceries.. Sâixonies ofler a1 traditional formaI look in a eut' pile construction. The degree te whieh individual tufts are visible ereates a wide range cf subtly different appeals. This style shows footprints and shading as part cf its styling effect. These carpets aeenerally used in the more forai areas c f the> home; living room, dining room and in the bedroom. Textured saxonioes provide surface interest through light refleetion off the textured tufts. This more casuel style is very popular and ean be used in the formai and informai areas cf the home. Textured saxonie's tend to mask fotprints, moreso than traditional saxonios. ..Level loop carpets are made with tufted icops cf the same height. They have a tight, pebbly surface and take bard wear and hide footprints and furniture marks. Soff tends to stay on the surface for easy eleaning. Usually used in commercial -applications, level loops are ideal for rooms requiring durable carpets such as basemnents, kitehen or cottages. - Berber or Seroli 'carpets are also made with tufted loops cf the same heiglit. The visibility of each loop and the way it refleets light from- the surface wive berbers or serolis a charming appeal that blends well witli any decor. Cut and loop styles cen hob used througliout the lieuse and they combine the effeetcf sexony carpet with a tracery loop patterned effeet. This is why these carpots are sometimes roferred ta as 'traceries.' This unique combination cfofeut pile and' loop pile croates ýa carved sculpturod effeet. Stop Two - Search out. a reputable rotailer' Because ehoosing \the riglit carpet roquires mueh speciaiized knowledgo and training, it is advisable ta shop at a store that lias well trained staff who specialize in carpets. These speeia]ized sales personnel are mueli botter informed. For example,' one leading manufacturer, Péerless Carpet Corporation, offers its retailèrs an extensive course in carpots. This course deals with fibres, decorating, construction, styles, maintenance, installation techni- ques and mucli more. Talk ta, your friends and got a reforral ta, a repiitable retailer or eaU tol free, -1-800--363-3801 for the nameo f the Peorlese dealer nearost you. Stop Three - Blan the installation Once you've made a sélection, the next sop is to meet with the installer. Ige will measure, your roons accnrately 'and.,plan the Yeu Blaion6àl discus this plan with the installer ta ensure that the finished product will be satisfactoxy. Ask where the seams will bo ta, ensuro that tliey don't end up in conspieuous locations. Wlierever possible, malte sure the seams are hidden or at least kept In budgeting and shopping for ancrpt= we consider a 'wide numorf iffactmr. However,ý wlien it comes time to close the deal and place the order for the new carpet, we are faced with another- very important, some- times-unexpected decision. What 9st of carpet underpadding or cushion is bost ý for the' new carpot? It is very important to choose a firm but resilient underpad that will not only com leinent the stylo cf the carpet t Maise meet the anticipated traffic load. As weIl, a good underpadding will improve the acoustical- proeriescfthe room, help you svhetand make-your carpet casier ta maintain. The experts say that the choie c cushion. aise bas a definite impactqon the life away frmqmjor traffic areas. Booeapproving the plan, asic about the direction of the. :Pile. Thé objective iis tahave the,ý pile running in the ýsame direction througliout the bËouse. ýCarpet looks darker when lookin into, the, grain than it dpos fom othor: directions., As well, seamsi are, botter 'disguisod'wen they run towards naturel lighting or the windows. Another important concern is underpadding. This is the shock absorber. of the carpet. Choose a good quality nderpadcLing. , wl add an %udcomfort ta ryour carpet. A poor qua'lity underpad will. deteriorate quicicer, reduce -your carpet, lifie and feel: ÙncoifSt@le underfoot. For more information ýon* carpots, eaUl the Peerless- Consumer Carpet Hotline 'at 1-800-363-3801. ôf the. carpet; an inferior pad will: shorteni the life of a good carpet. A 5/16-in.,to 3(8-in. cushion' je- fimbut resiint, 'andwill srv topoog carpot' life- in manyi cases. Avold any underpadding tha fails, the inch test.'Th undercushion should. resis;, reasnable --pressure when. squeezed between the thumb and forofinger. A thick lpn ai not' recommended, ,since it may contribute, to the, early dmise cf. the >carpe ecuoit allows. excessive . lexing. and is« difficult, towalk on.: Remomber, your new fleur covering ijeàa system of- both.ý carpet and cushon., If you Cuit corners on the cusik you coud be reducing tffhoefuHlfe cf the;- * D t yur hoei he Pink and save s oie reen on an exceptioýnalgr 1pobeautiful [C apel aea ugs. t s u s are as long on ooks as they are on Wear, an d er offering a seeto of coloirs and styles to gîve any home new, sizzle this sumâmer. Choose from c[sic Oriental Reproductions, durable Flatweaves anid'warm, reversible braided rugs. Corne in today for the best selection. Store Hours: 'ïM'IA Closed Monday- Cm ,eHEMFAGE HUEImtdsat9%30-5c0 ~668-3483, TorontolUne 686-0061 ' -07 WBrTBY FREE PIIESS WEDNESDAY, MMNE8, 1W%2 PAGER 13,

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