Whitby Free Press, 27 May 1992, p. 24

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Dag m .4eu<im Yo#m yaaAiwaw .eaq tsnq -çirmw PAGE 24, WHUMY MU > PRESS, WEDNEESDAY. MAY 27, 1992. MADERSON MUSIC GROUFS picked, thews, Drew Devine, Kwesi Thomas Up sevOfl silver medals at Music Fest i (kneelig Kathryn Fairchild. Stephen Halfax recently. Slhown are represen- Nevf elni einen and, Mark tatve ~> te groupo, (from Ieft, lBainey stadin) amie Branna, Doug Mat- PoobMr ssr Whltby Fr.. Pr.u 7 sîlver. for ACVI rnsic groups Anderson'CVI miusic groupe, including the- concert band, ear- ned seven silver moedala at Music By Lesh SUltan-Eha The May Day and open house held ai Trafalgar on Saturday was a success despite thie inclenient weather wbich set in .mmediately aftsr the open air ceremony. At 1 p.m. the days activities q commenced under brflliant sunabine with -a gentie breeze which creatsd the perfect weather condition. Thers was excitement aud ~np as studeuts honoursd the y Queeu aud her counsellors who were elegant in white gowns and carried bouquets of spriug After the corouation ofithe May Quesn and the preseutation of the pins to the qupsu and her' coemssllors, the entertaininent begani with the Maypole dance aud a pyramid formation by the gymClaie, SThis was followed by a variety of cultural dances including Mexican, Ukrainian, Chinese sud Hawafian. Their brightly colouired costumes depictod the traditional culture of their countries. At the sud of tlho ceremouy the princpal, Mr. çainckeý1 announced the captains and sub.aptains, amid Ioud shouts, ansd chsering for the n eit scbool -yea. h was at ibis point the Fest hsld May 13-17 in Halifax, N.B. At the festival, choral groups sud bande compote agame. t a standard, . net ,againsi other groups. Gold is the highest award, silver the secoud-bighest. "its probably eue of the besi festivals you can go te, you get a lot of feedback,»sys Anderson music director Audrow Uranowski. Ho says individuals, groups- sud even directers aiÏ receive By Meranda Waters This past week bas boon fihed with exciting events. Se, withoui. fuiriher ado, bore is ail the uews youll ued te survive suother glorious week... The Hawks basebail teani brougbt home three more wins afier playing iwo gaines agansi .Auderso n d oeeagainsi ONefil ibis past weekL The 'firai ,Anderson gaine resulied in a 5-4' score, with- Sean Brown as, Heurysé winning pitcher. A final score of -2-1 over the ONell tsam was 'the Hawks' second victory. %en Calway and Brad Newport had 13 sirikouts sud allowed only ibre bits by O'Neill. Todd Huethersé quick bat allowed Chris Delbore teorem the iwo rtuns The ibird sud final gaine agaluet Andersonwas a painems one, Henry wkning 10-0. Leaing the offense wMas ubd Hue e n Obris Delbore. Comhinsd Pichn by Mike Mlchaud. Josh M e sud Mark Salonlus bouht about writteu sud taped adjudication of performances. <Clinici are beld, daily for hoth students sud teachers. F»or exain- pie, ihere inay bo clinics iu flute, or conducting. Anderseus Kwesi 'Thomias -was selected te ho a member of the aIl-star 18-piece stage band that performed ai the closing cere- monies ofithe festival. Andersou's Jamie Branima earnod a $2500 scholarsbip te Borklsy College in Boston. the shutout Equally popular were the boys rugby~ teains. The niidget teani banwith a wiu overDnhro 6-3. Christhi Skelcher bad a try sud Topher Stevens ihe converi. They wsnt ou to'play, Father Leo Austin, winuing with oas,' 13-0. Topher sud Christian had a try apiece. As for the junior- rugby tesa, tbeyo, tee, playod Austin sud.aIse won. Tries Iby Chris Cook sud Mike Brown su'd Icldng points ZbBruni Peters sud Mike Park contributed te, this'fsutastic wlu. Arecent 16-7 wiu over Austin broughi; the girls' faatbail record te 4-0. Special mention te Jen Carrol sud Rhonda Cooper for a totalor four bonms rurns, as weU as te Debbie Loba for ber defeusive play at fri.t The resulis for Hnys track sud field DYSSAAcM pttr are now in. JasoBumey . was Birut lin110mhurdisthrd in lOOm sprints sud fifth in 200rn sprints. Steve MacCardiefrought DE]NIS .X'CONNO[e]IGH[e SCHOOxs] Helo. Sonia Bebbng o re. As our achool ysar rudsislait and longest bond, the tfrne'has coin. for DOCaters to bid fond farewells te that entity wbich bas guided, tsnded te and supportsd us through the l" achool yoar. I refer -te the '91j<92 student council, and in appreciation of tbse bloo4d, ,- sweat aud, tsarswith which bhy ave served -the stuen bot4I solemn1y dodicate this colunin te their msmory. In the ,pained 'a'nd, angst-ridden proceo. writiuig this piece,Ifind Ic m*bestdo16the job in verse. I therefore strive for that poèe genius that bas long eluded' my work, and offer the folowing 'tributs with over- whehmnfughumility JiiMors,<ii oriourý beautfuiprez, YoMII ae ler atIlunclitme, feaarting on Pez. Our VP is neato, lier naine je ByKaren Achn les bard te, believe that i h«re are only ibres weeks left In Ahe sohool year. Austin studeuta have been busy wiih activities,,wblch include yearbook, studeni council, prom commttie sud W ildcai present Prom 6«92, 7to 10 p.m., ai' the Sheraton Ilote. Dinner wilI ho served at 7:30 p.m., sud piciires will ho takenfrom .6:30 te, 7:30 p.m. Packages 0f picfturs Congratulations te ailU graduatig stuý ns Just a few rmnes studeni, council elections are couing up;,. tickets for the athlstic anuet are still on sale;- students shud briug iu suy outétanding walk-a-thon money. lu WilIdcat sports,- the boys'î lacrossteaim s.»t:hedits1 uudefeatsd. record hy destroying1 McLaughlin's B tsam 10-2. Theni the boys cballenged .Essidal.1 Austin was victorious by a scorec of 9-2. The tesa'. record ià uow t nins wins sud no losses.1 Ths girls'softballteain lestc 14-12 ai Kelloryn Park on Mayt home a gold lu the senioir boys' 400m hurdie evont. si A gold lu long jump sud a sver ia high jump were awarded te Jon Hopkius. fBrou Giles aiso bail a ilver ia highjumflp. The stron endurance of Grog Smith earued hmm a second place lun the 3000m event sud a fourth lu the 1500m. Fifth place in the midget boys' S500m category ýwas awarded te Tlm Ambler. -' Could it ho? Do, I have soins non-spèris news te, report? 0f course, therea someting for Fo7 eamle ason Adamns sud Nay&9-ngh wth their creative 'Chaetic Butterfiies,' exhibit recontly participated with others across Canada in the Canada Wîde Science Fair. The trip te Sudbury was well worth thé effort as "'Chaotic Butierfiies' eared a weil-desrvd bronz modal. Elections for ibis ya valedictorian teokpleystra sud teday. Good Làckte ailt seniorssud, stay tuued for, the- Kaheenpoe f eo,- Sues ia poarof etoan Briteathat area ken. an Exra w reasrrn etaordinareo oey n He a he aicre fm.y n Nexi zis our -aecretary Paola Lopez, You7J see lier at. lunchime, feasting on those utile purpie thiipgs with the a&war coeting. Our grànd senior rep wliom wje calDaurn Marwxi, Dancea tlie'baa in a gracefl watus.si Nowmuj umrrep a a ucko Representa the grade ninea, wlio make lier ail antay. Farewell to thisouncil, Andles altattimwith Freahie anzdcheeae. Voila.1 Oh, how bittsrsweet it is Recail ail god memories, friende, until nexi time.., 12. The topý bittea f the gie, for Annwere KristnDerusa and Jenn. Nicholas. XTheir-next game is. againsi e,, ad everyn i nouraged -io coine ouCsd supor the testa. participatsdi the LOSSA meet- Mýay 8 su _. plcia Benyarku who r'1ved sîlver niedals'in the midgeti girls' long jump sud 20Om sprint. - She as. receved .a god d ale.., ute.r iidgt girls' lOOmi sprint- with 'a-- time 0f *11.91l which. broke a LOSSA record. ýGavin-;T-ackuy placed fourth' lu ýthe 'unior' bos'- 300M vin; Boih stiîdeuis advaýnced te ihe-DYSSAAmesi.'* For the past two weeks'mauy Austin studenta have participaied in 'the 3 <,baktba tournament. Leading tbe Austin division is the teain, Deviaýt;g Bunkers. Loadmng theý Wildcat division isth tsam, 3Peasin a Pod. Tying for firai place in eveiy ,division is the invincible teachers' team. TNT gines are - held on 'uosdys aftsr school, so coins oui and -cheer ou your favourite team. Congratuations In in order to Ms Brudeka word .processing clans.. 'fley recently. comp.etsd'at OBEA where Heather Cross captured firat place aud Michelle Lus second place. In fact, the whole cas even brought home a trophy. Way to go. The halls at Henry are now 11usd with- bright poster with creative logo's. Why, you ask? Ies student council election turne, of course.'Si di 1 " .na so next yeas hopefisanmaze and debight the voting public. Good luck to ail the candi atend may the mntoesneak tand shrewisb (thanks ENfG 3A4). yet .eemingly innocent person win. A New Spirit Of Giving Anaionalp, ni oeriur2t p -r ~ ýFATHER LIEO J, AUSTIN HENRY STREET HIGH SCHOOL M- 1

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