WMMB MRE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 27, 1992, PAGE 21 c~3w l Several fir8ts for, Whitby students at DYSSAL4 Brereton ýraces> to,2-gold Thirteen students from Ander- son CVI anid seven from'Henry Street Hligh School have quali- fied for the OFSAA central region track and field ineet May 27 and 28. Troy Talbot is keepig bus ya he prepares for the banalan boxing teaxn trials next Deoem- ber or January. The Whitby boxer recently had two more bouts against Jay Mas- iewhom Talbot had previously de1eated te wmn the Ontario senior open light-heavyweight cha.mpionsbip. Massie, former Canadian light- heav eih champion at the intermdit level, will represent Canada at the world junior chainpionships i Montreal in At the Canada Cup boxing competition i Ottawa over' the. long weekend, Talbot won a iunanimous decision over Massie in their firetencountor. Massie wôn the second encoun- ter on a split decision. The matches were held to, give Massie teugh cotition as hoe prepiarefor the wrd, umors. But Ajax Boxi lumnae Don Bues sasthebouts were asgodpreparationfoTabt 23 a clubîmember.. albot isn't guaranteeda spot in the national-boxing trials, but the winner of a bout in October betweeft two challengers would have to, defeat Taiot twice te, Andy Brereton of Anderson, facing some of the best sprinters - i Ontario, won the senior 100m and 200m races at the Durhanm- York (DYSSAA) competition Iast week in Etobicoke. earn a trip te the nationals -- and Talbot has thus far defeated ail other boxers in hie clase. Sinclair 2nd in province AWhitby gninast had second-place ah at the rment poical championehipe. KeMr Sinclair, 13, was second overal i the tyro <age 12-14) A élaus. She was only one-ten1h of a poit behid the w onr, from ondon, Ont. Sinclair was firet in vault, fourth in fluor exorcises, flfth'in balance 'beam and, seventh on bars. Sinclair was competig as a member of the Gemmi Gymnas- tics Club. AnotherWhiMtby gymnast had a firet- place finishi at the Metro Eaet-West Challenge on May 17. Michelle- Totz, 1, was firet overali in> argo (age 9 te 11) C division. She -was firet in vault, second in fluor and third on beam. Jennifer Kolumbus of> Whitby was eighth overall i tyroC division of the competition. Mfer the two races, Brereton Compe ted in the long jump and rmished third. Jason Brumiey of Henry won the junior10lm hurdies, and was tid in the 100m race. Adrian Woodley of Anderson woni the' junio triple jump. Jori Hopkins of enry was- fireti junior long jump and second in GroeguSmith of Anderson' was firet in junior,1500m and second in 3009m. Steve MacArdle of Anderson was fnrst ini senior 400m. Jeif Clayton of Anderson won the midget-age 3000m and was second in the 1500m event. Jason Bacchiochi of Henry was second in senior llOmn hurdies. Junta Reid of Anderson, fourth at LOSSA, had a frert-place fin- ish in- midget competition at DYSSAA. Brett Giles of Henry was second in junior high juznp. Tim Ambler of Henry was fifth i midget 800mi Stephaniie -Defy of Anderson was second in junior 3000mý and third in,1500m.ý Dennis Givens of Anderson was third in mnidget 400m.' Othor qualifieris from Ander- son wero Amanda and Angela You scratch my b>ac e Mliles-Berry, Andrew Charmer. fOWN ADMINLS'RÀTO[ Bd WaMace (raht) sand an te uior girls' 10114-by-lOOmn rue'alowr reaytamofJnnfe nd,<>~ aagr freretonBuc Tyorweoamn ~yn Koestr, Tmi J n d Town staff participating in exercissFriday.at the TaniJohnon.rec centre to recognize Can ada Fitweek. L-Photo by Mk Remr, Wtb~y Fr. Prm Whty aim to goai the way in sen ior, basebail1. Whitby mnor, lacrosse BOUSE LEAGUE, Majobstum Mmy 16 Lacom. Oldtlrn 9 Noriharn Ame paltJasa 8 Gavin Prout 4 John Houston am Hoath 4 Mia Rowland Zac Aitkem Marty 0OErlan Jasas Macias Whtby Truphy il Cahway Lumber Jasa Ward 2 Arthur Whaley 3 David Stahile 2 Bryan Power 2 Paul Webb 2 Derek Suddnsa Paul SaIle G.. Nash Rob Dancey Mat.Grile 31" 19 Whltby Trophy ilLacroasaOldtiners Jaman Ward 6 Pèter Clarke 3 PaulI Webb 2 Gavini Prout 2 Pauli Sale 2 Staven Deth David Stabile Bon D.ath 2 Lui. McKamy Northr mnA n 10 Caahway BIdg& Sap Pat Jones 4 Derek Suddass 2 Daryl W. 2 Mriur Whaley 2 JalmHouata Nal Mynard 2 11k. Rowland GOeash 2 Zac Allias Hyan MCol Marty OB3ien Aaron Braie Aqua Pools i Broobin Patorbuilta A. Hawuon IK Carrail Broobuls OptiralsI 1 MarlgoldLincoln K6 Naccanato J. Iinmas8 C. Shaw N. V~rai I. Pollock D. llsh.rd Toymsdus 4 Besy arts B. GINY 3J.CDO&,ey D. Collorman D. Rami. Jshwed - uaPools J. Mumfard Z. Thanali T. Harda., A. Hawuoe Bay aet J. Patter 2 J. Shleld 2 IL Kubeyul D. etee" Brookln Poeeruil IL Carrai IL Oct 4 Toym.udua B. Gay 2 G. Bobyk 2 A. Rainer J. Bird ilOptomit 0. JohnatSe EL Healy a Marlgold Linn P. maimefla N. verkuyî J. HEU= Ma la Couablan Home.; 8 Whltby Optilts Paron Whlltako Brad voyoey Mati Mya Michael Calnmn Mati Wo T.5. Manufactumer8SDr. Pbnga Jasas Whltworth 3 Ryan Menney 3' Robert Whte 3 Matt Cauquenetta Lee Silverthor Gauy Kltamura s9 NM i aminui May 19 Couiblan Homos 2 TA Manufacturer Androw &nala Davld Juatynaki Andrew Rae ERUY Bray P,10 Dr nga 2 Whltby Optimiste Matb.w Casquenet. llon Wataon 3 Justin Bnolt Chria Bad. 2 Byan McMichae Kyls Walles Gruham Carsan May22 McTlesgue Electric il Lany SuIlvan Al Cama VasBshachots 4 Justin Bawet 2 Wayn TurcoLte 2 MibwCua"01.5 Mati Doberly 7 Demi McTesgra ichad Hm .2 Mn Dimmch BrookiPrlive m 8 J00% Plsa Daa Brick 3 Sccuit Mrrisas 8 Bqan mcKlnr3a OMMu stgont By Marlo Boucher The Whitby Canadians are in a position to- win it ail this year in the Eastern Ontario Basebal. Association. So daims Judy Turner, player! coach, who siays the team has al the right ineents this year. "It looka * e we have an excel- lent chance this -year," says Tur-- fer. The team lost in the baguee final last year to Kingston ini three lames two games to one), each victory >y uone run. Onatarlio lacrosse junior A league W L T GF GA PME - O.callaarlna a 0 O O Kltchmwue'atoeloo 6 1 0O norn" 4 20 a Bramptos 8 1 0o sa Naios 82 0 6 orungvillo 1.20 a Mmsua 18304c Whltby Oa31 a Taret. 0 201U GPGO Bave Perguoc% OSt Cath. 5 13 au= wWrlghl.St.C" 6. 5il MmaveTon, St.Cath. 5 a Gramt Jobsatas. St.Cath. 5 9 Derok Campbe L .S.CaIILS 8 Joeesglaz4 L.StCatb. --S67 Mils.Genaial. %Nat. 4 101 Jami. G"rloty, Sauca 4 10 amf pe1 Etu L 4 1 Am 14 12 13 PME 26 25 21. 20 20 20 19 la 17 la CI <. 7 <i 'tà <J 'Kingston went on to win thé alntroB championsip and admitted, the Whitby Canai*ns wero their teughest opponenà te. ,Turner says ýthis yeare'team hasmor yothmore speed, and beterpithfigarme. Lest year, the team's outfiel- dors were a bit- slow and the 9 tching was somewhat iconsis- "'iehave a eod mix of youth and experience, ho says. Turnier says ruokies te watch for include Jeif H ardy, a much- needed ieft-handed pîtcher, out- fieldor Mike MacApagal, catcher Brad'Harnum ouuf»ieldor Bryan Grylis, and third baeoinpit- cher Grog MacIssac. Tue coach says ho is alo counting on, the vetraSsuch as shortstop John Her ana desie- nated -hitter/outfielder. Doug Shearer, a power hitter, eheip the'rokies and croate tamche mistry., About one-fifth of the team is Ail four. winners play in the all-Ontafio championiship, regardless of who winsthe tour- nament between the four divi- sions, he 'says. Turner says -the four> division, winners play,-in 'atournament because there is tuo much- of a layoff ,between the end of the playoffe 'within-each. divisionin eafiyAugust and'the ýail-Ontario chanxpionship.iii eariy Septim-, ber. The teame are placed in- thefr respective divisions. based on their past records and the popu- lation oftheir town,heogys.- Whitby Canadians play their home games every Tuesday even- Ing atfroquois 'Park beginnjing at 7:3 pm. 17urner is im 111ethird year as VWitby has a vwin -*and, aloue playor/coach a-m in hie fourth as- after» a pair of 9-8 games in a player with, the Whitby Cana- seniorbasebali dians. Gr~ cIsac 'had- two hits,. Tuer. are 12 teame in the areai ncluchngahomne run, for Whitbyý B division with teams from Scar in a luse Aax on»y 21., borough te the west, Kingston te TrevorB shad two hits the east -ad Orillia te, the north, while John oJdy Turner, ho saye. BradHranaAMike MaCA- Tue -tome play 22 regular pagalhad ône each for Whitbyv in season games foibowed by two' the 9-8lues.- -- rounds of playoffe for the divi-' Stéeve Dernier wathe. loeing, sional championship, he saye. pitchor. Tue winner participates i a Oni May 19, Whitby defeated tournaniont againt te winners Scarbmerougi49-.Scut Buinett of the other dfvsons -ÀA, C and and Mclssa e ch lied a hit and D categories - whilo aWaiting. twoIlns-batted-i. the all-Ontario chamrpionship in Trev@r Beggs, Heffer, Tuîiior, Talbot, Massie meet again in boxing ring] L-jý-