WHYrB FJREE PRESSI WEDNESDAY, MAY 27, 1M9 PAGE i CommuniyGa rrfers çaregiver reliefprg m Durham Région Community Car. Assoiation is a 'nnWA Home Sup port Agency foundad in 1977 and dedicated to helping seniors and those aduits with special needa stay i their own homes for as long as le. The caregiver 'relief prora began in 1987 -ffen»rep«te ýto Dirham Region f- es carina for frail elderly and dibleaà adulte. The »service offers planned, temnporary i-home respite for a minimum of three hours or up to two weeka for a vacation.' Tii.e service helps relieve morne of the stresses, that ço with constant caregivmg with the focus being on the primary, caregiver. ThMe in-home respite prga has been expanded to ofre an adult daypogram for frail elderly, dia bled adulte- and those with more cognftiveimpaim«ent. SThe. program has a socal and recreationa theme and will provide respite for the primary caregiver as well as an enjoyable experience for the participant. A recretion theraplst vill le able ta, provide ndividualized progaxnsaccording ta interests , Tihe dayProgram - Winl lie operatmg Tuesdayto Friday, 8:30 a.m.- to 4:30 pm. with Progrmmigscheduled between 9:30 arn. and 3:30 p.rn. A hot noon meal will lie served. The. prograis offered ta reidknts of DUrha légit.a wh meet the criteria and the office is located at 487 Westney Rd., iits 19 and 20, iANax. The. asociation is partiafly flided by the Ministry of Commuity and Social Services. and therefore available at a vely reasonable cost ta clients. fiers will lis an open houée on June 15 &rm 3 ta 5 p.rn. and 7 ta 9 p.m. fier. is'also a great need for volunteers toa assst in the day-ta-day operting -of the day prograrn and ta help at mal âime. Volunteers who have 'a special taent that they would-lie' willng -ta s hare with a ru, sudi as music or a patclrsicl or hobby, would lie more tha welcome. A study is being held ta inves- ,tigate the supportve service neede and problema encountered fie study aims ta reach as For 'further ifrmton sither program or on"'becong a volunteet, caSU calect (416) 427-2315 oer Fax (416) 427-7587. manypepls with CPS/M as. W1.2boUh1 researchi it i. people w de CSMeà pro6iem adtheir 'supportivge service needs. .For more information caU 430- 2136. Inok who's inbetter shape than the. Imports. And nowshwn off a reygreat fgre. The new Buick Regal gets you into -a great shape this Ispring at a price that leaves you in better shape than the imports will. Besides its brisk aerodynamic looks, it offers a raft of in-demand features that include e a responsive 3.8L V6 enginee air conditioning -automatic transmission e Dual ComfoiTemp Climate Control to allow you and your front-seat- passenger independent'comfort settings 'ASHBACK APIEDiUh *fingertip convenence with Power mirrors, power windows, power antenna, power trunk release and power door-locks -, tilt steering and cruise-control for driver comfort intermittent wipers the confidence-inspiring GM 3 year6O,OOO km No -Deductible MA TOTJI.7Warranty.tt ~i~1 A Choose from over 1,000 cars in stock! There's a Golden Horseshoe Pontiac Buick GMC Performance Dealer near you: Agncourt Ajax Aurora Bolton Bowmanville Brampton Burlington Downsview Dunnville Etobicoke Fonthili Grmsby Hagersville Hamilton Milton Mississauga Newniarket Niagara Falls Oakville Orangeville Oshawa Pickering Port Coiborne Port Perry Richmond Hill St. Catharines Scarborough Stouffville Thornhill Toronto Unionville Uxbridge Virgil Welland Whitby Woodbridge YOîUR GOLDEN HORSESHOE PERFORMANCE TEA] &M.W-U S ~ÂW .RetaiI price for Bwick Regal equipped as descnibed. Cash back includesGST Freight icenceý ansurance GST nd otherappIicable taxes flot included. Deaer maysell for les& SeeDeaerfordeualk fTheseoffers mlynotbecoxnbtnedior used in combination withany odherofferexcept the College Graduate Program. Offerapplies to 1992 new unused. ordemonstratormodels purchased fromdeaierinvenroyOffer validforalimitedtiîmestartutgfrom April 8. 1992 or whiequaneitîes Iast and applies taretail deiveries only GSTis ncluded in Cash Back offer See Dealer for details ft3 year or60,000 km limited warrantyý whichever comes first. Certain conditons apply See dealer for canpletedeeaiL& $1899 m