WITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 27. 1992, PAGE il1 Greenwood photos -on display at McLaughlingallery An exhibition of photopgrhy Jreenwood win.open ,at Ithe Robert McLugli- Gallery -on The public is invited- to mýe1 the artiMatia a reetion on Thursday, May 21 fo 7 to 9 p.M. The exhibition is a series of site-specific pieces using photography. as the primary med&ium. It is historic- in contenti, and bears a relationship to 'the Thomas Boucley, Collection of historic photographe of early Oshawa., Greenwood recently moved to Oshwa from Toronto. His work rrpresents bis, perceptions and «~~r er * *. *:37 e.. * e e 0'~ Regiîstration begins June 2 for ai 'umer Kdtf'cassa the RobertMcLaughlin Gallery. Once again, there. will be three series ofTuesday te P-riday classe& July 7to 24,JuMy 28<to Aug. 14 and Aug. 18 to, Sept. 4. Students will ha encouraged te pursue newi creative expériences sngpaper, paint, plaster, cday, farc, wood, plasticene, string, wire, crayons, found objecta, stones, rnarkers and a variety of other materials. At the same tirneP they wifl h learning- how te create sculpture pieces, draw figures, combine pigments te create new colours, achieve a balance composition, draw landecapes, create textures and make friends vwith others who Early registton is suggested te avoi ý intment. Marg Jackson, education offier, at576-300. reactions ýte living, in a single 'industry city.- Hie' adniits te being sêtrongly infiuéeced by the film 'Blow Up," a film 'produced by Michelngel Antanioni in 1969. The film. telle the tory of a photographer who diseovers, in the enlargenients of bis worc, what appearste, be a body -hidden under smre bushes.,Returning te the'site, he finde. that there is not 1a. body. H ue: throughout the flm iste= 'hthe truth. It is themarne for Groenwood in Isa images of Oshawa -- thus the title of this exhibition, accompanied. by a catalogue with an essy by Joan Murray, director of the galery. Cs LASER DMiSiGS AUOEQVIEO