WHfl'YFME PIROSWEDNESDAY, MAY 20.,19n2 PAGE, 15 There's neyer been a better time to switch your home or cottage energy needs to natural Propane gas. Forai limited time, Superior Propane will give you up to $700 to convert your home to Propane. Plus, if you rent or purçhase a Propane Water Heater we?1l do the installation Free!* With 0% Financingt or Superior Propane's five year Mà nthly Payment Plan,f switching to Propne is easy. 1So act now! Calyour local.Superior Propane Branch today for details on how you can benefit from Propane and add more joy to youir home. 5S bj t to Supeior Prpne's Wu*dese for a standard doniestic Water heater installation. Rentai not available on almodel.Contact yaurloalSuprirPrpaeB ranc o etia t1%dowtn paynienlc rd O prvdcredt. Iprpn In. 66 m Open: Mon. to Fni. 8ani-5pm, Saturday 9am-lpm