WHMTY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 13, 1992, PAGE 31 CAREERS I DO YOU HAVE the opportunity ta, ever earnaà sx-fg ure income with yr cr ffnotwh~ asset management todayl Cal Gary Bittner at 686-0160 for an interview., COMPUTERS COMPUTER ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY' BUSINESS APPLICATIONS: BEDFORD ACCOUNTINO, LOTUS 1-2-3, D BASE, DOS, WORD PROCESSING BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION BANKING SERVICES ACCOUNTING TRAVELand TOURISM HOTEL and RESTAURANT OPERATUONS s SECRETARIAL LEGAL, MEDICAL, DENTAL, BOOKKEEPIN09 EXECUTIVEs, RECEPTIONISTy, WORDPROCESSING Financlal Assistance May De Available :é AOU eOR IG* OUSE 2 Campuses in Durham OSHAWA. ,osHfAWA CENTRE (Shops up Top) 723-1163 Avon SEam extra cash, BATH O01 1L seil in your par time, cail Joan 416-985-8701 or 416-725-9696 YOU CAN EARN up ta $627 per week assombling praduots at home. Amazing 24-hour recorded messae reveais dotails. Cali now, 705-739-7184, ext. 24. KUWAIT SAUDI WORKERS needed. J35 & up per hour. Tax free. Bath skiiled & unskilied. For info, cail 615-779-5505, ext. K384. EARN MONEY readlng boaksi 130000/year Incarne potentiai. Detalis <%)805-962-8000, ext. CY-335. PICKERING 1450 KINGSTON RD. (Hwy. 2 at VaIIey Farm Rd.' 420-1 344 CRUISE SHIP JOBS HIRINGI Summer/year round $300/$900 weekly *Photographers ýTour guides * asino workers eDeck hands - Plus morel Hawaii, Carribean, Bahamas. 1-504-646-4500 Ext. C142,24 hrs. TAKE ADVANTAGE ai aur 98 per.cent coverage af Whitby when buying or seliing -yaur -waros. Whltb Fres Press. 668.'Q594. CLEANING - Residentiai, com- mercial, offices. Short term and long term. 404-9936. 1 E Advertising Deadlines due to thie V7.ictoria Uay Holiday deadlines for advertising (classfdad display) and coming events will be this Fida May 15 a p Ikv ILiý7;yy.SFe holidy ARTHUR MURRAY DANCE Studio is now off erin g A BALLROOM DANCE TEACHERS' PROGRAM. Enrail now. Caîl Arthur Murray Dance Studio (a recognized educationai Institution). 430-0014. DRI VING LESSONS: $16 per lessan. Special: Pre-lessons and test $79. By prof essianal instructor. 571-1894 atter ilarn.. 0 0 OSHAWA I ODRIVING ISCHOOL Fuit Drivers Education Courses COMMENCING JUN E2 Tues. & Thurs. 4 wk course JUNE6 Saturday 4 wk course JUNE 22 Mon. - Thurs. 4 day course PRI VA TE LESSONS . REGISTERED à i APPROVED BY THE ONTARIO SAFETY LEAGIJE CUSTOM DESIGN and dress- maklng. Wedding and evening gowns. brldesmaids & grads, suits, etc. Renovation and alteratian. Garments also made t rrnam picture. 723-3259. GRANDMA'S COMPANY. Green cleans (fia chemicals). Homes and offices. We aller "mother-ln-law dleanw (ready for inspectioni). Ail employees- are plce-security checked, bonded & Insurec. Member af Whit byChamber af Commrce.725-9177 (24-hour answerlng). *Drywalllng (tapp & lnlshlng *Roc Roomo *e Base mt 0 Texture S19ayng Painting (exteior tdr) * Trlm Fres ostimates 576-7503 A NEW- BABY? In this world, there's always room for one more! Cali your Welcome A Wagon Hostes now. 668-665 MjUj $ERVI~E$..........E ARE. YOU LOOKING for an experienced chiîd sittor? Fuli or part-time, flexible hours. Alae welcome. Roi erences aval ol. Anderson & Lafthouso area. Cal 666-3621. LOVINO DAY CARE- Experienced and reliable mather ai two. Nutrhiius meals & snacks provided. References and recelipts available. Garden/ryden. 430-6278.- QUALITY DAY CARE available in my home. Flexible' hours. Breakfast, lunch & snacks. Fonced-in yard. Delly outings & library. Cali 666-5452. LOVING MOTHER 0F TWO wiliing ta absit. Nutritiaus meals and snacks.provided. Fallingbroak and Dryden. Karen, 430-3361 EXPERIENCED, responsiblo mam,. able ta provido reliable day care in my home. Shift workors welcome. 'Any age child. Hot meals, creativo, activities in fully finished playroom and foncod- yard. Dally Ilautings & walks. Thickson, south af Dundas. 430-3410. M&N-TERPRIZES .. Commercial and Residential fring dcean-u specials. 'We also treeremoval llght repalrs, renovations & I anitorlal services. FulIy lnsured. Discountse for seniors. 427-8752, ,Aj ax. PLANTING 0F, CEDAR hedges done. Any size. Lowest priées. 434-7746. KLEEN KUTr UPHOLSTERY. Re-uphoistery of antiques. Al kinds of recovering. Your fabric or mine. Free estimates.' Over 40 years experience. 430-7568, Whitby. PAINTERS PLUS- Service. and quality are.flot an accident. For 10%o off and no GST, cali Bill or Geri, 494-1224. I loi PRE-PiD WORD'ADS (Cash, VISA, choquerecelvod .beforedeadline) $6.00 for20 words;. ($5.61+ 390 GST) 150 each additionai word; (140 + 1OGST) BILLED WORD ADS $8.00 for 20 words; PLUS GST 150 each additional word; PLUS'GST AUCTIONS'. ANNOUNCEMENTS 8090 per agate line <14 agate linos por inch) minimum charge: $6.00,prepaid, ,$7.50 blilied iSPLAY ADS UN CLASSIFIEDS (Adsa with bordersi picturês-or graphics) Regular display rates appiy - 940 per agate lne minimum size 1 coiumn inch $1 3.16 DISPLAY ADS AS LOW AS $1 0.99 PER COLUMN INCH. GST is extra on ail ads unioss atherwise indicatodl DEADUNYEý"e Mondaynooni prior ,to Wednegday publcaà on. 668-0594 Plesoeck youîf :dvertisemenit' for errors on thé first day of publication. The Why Froe Pms will not bo hiable, for failure Io publish an'.ad, or for typographcr erlrs, in publication- boyônd the coït aifthm spaoe accupled byth errai up to a maximumoest of dhe insertion. ib *htby' Free Presa 1reservesIh right to classify or rojoct ail adotsen. I i t~tbFreePre 06eO594 OffceHurs~Qnda toFtidy, 90 ar to:OO m Fa~ 6E.09 .Wee The = ,,lr tat'po'ies... *Unscedid homevists ensume quality care for yaur child *Futraned rovders = eial local back-up cavers Provider ilness or hoiidays *Complote insurance *'Icaneta recelpns *Childrensix weeks and up, *Full or part-time For more InfonnatlonCoei: 686-3995 a icenseldAgency Specializing in Early Childhood Education. For Peaoe of Mind. Perry Ho use Day Care Centre Ltd. 129 Perry St., Whitby 668-9476 ým 1 r v . "Fr i