Whitby Free Press, 6 May 1992, p. 26

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'/ 6i9 MS CARNATION, CAMPAIGN, The annuel MS Carnation caznpalgn will take place in Durham on May 7, 8 and 9. Proceeds froin the campaign wil] support MS research. SAILING SCHOOL The Whitby Yacht Club sailing schoolIs offering sailing courses for uniors(Rues 10: te 17) under ç instrunïer- frein white si !te ilver Ileves.Cai 668-1391 formore infomation., SPR1NG RALLY Faith Baptist Church Women's Missionary Fellowship will hold isannual, spring rally on Thursday, May 7, 8* p.m., ýat the cuc,95 TauntUnRd. E.i WVhitby. ý'ValeryDnop well-known speaker at Christian women- clubs'în Ontario, will b. the speaker, andcMargart Grant wii povdemusic.AUl ladies are welcome. Fellowship and refreshments wiil foilow the meeting.- FUN PAIR West Lyde ùublic sechool, 270 Michael Blvd.»Whi bwiil hold its seventh annuel Zn fair on Friday, May 8, 5:30 te 9 p.m. fluere will b. barbecued hotdogs and hamburgers, gaines -and events, including afantasy roomn for children, a fIsh pond, treasure gneand face paintin. A weekend at a Toronto hotel, togemther. with mahy other items, iil-be, aucetioned off at a silent auction. AUCTION 1992 The Oshawa Deal Centre wil hold-an auction of fine art work, . .welry, a weekend for two ad ceerty items, on Saturday, a 9, at Durham Colege main- campus, in the cafeteria. A preview will b. held fron 12:30, p.m.; the auction wiil start at 2 p.m. Admission is $10 per person and ail are welcome. Refresh- mente will b. served. AUl prooeeds go teo the Oshawa Deaf Centre. Por futer information and tickets, cail. the centre at (416) 579-3328 TrYNVoice. 'BE PREPAREI By attending a three-hour training session by the Canadian Red Cross Society, you cen becomne proficient in completing the registration and inquiry processa nd help the community during an einergency -situation.- Training sessions are free and wiil be held on Saturday, May 9 and 30, 9:30 ain. and 12:30 p-M For more information andcfte register, cail- Donna Hutton at 420-338 or Fran Harsell at 723-2933. ANNUAL PLANT SALE The Oshawa Garden Club will hold their annuel plant sale on Saturday,, Ma 9, 10 a.m. te 3 pan., at Five Poins Mail parking lot,. Oshawa. There will. b. -a variety of annuals, perennials, herbs, houseplants and vegetables for sale at reasonable prices. Ail WIO SAm WIDOWER$ A pleeseuit « cal club for widows and'wldowers wil hold its next, meeting onSundeY'ýMay 8, 7:30 p.m. in the 420 wing,: Oshaa Airport. Dancing shufileboard, derts and carda. For imore information oeaIl En».e 683-2045, Forbes, 430-0130 or Marion 688-3855. BAZAAR'ý Aspri bazear will* b. held.et- Providence Place,' 100 ,Glen Hill Dr. s', Whitby on Saturday, Mýay *Z1o4.mthere will b.crafts, plns ;ae 8Wodcod crafts ad refreshins PANCAKE BREAKFAST A pancake breakfast with pure maeple syr.lp, will b. field on Sunday, Myl10, stârting t 8:30 a.m e h 0FHail, 211 BrckSt. S., Whitby. Cost is $4. Ail welcome. THEOS FOR THE WIDOWED The local chapter of THEOS <meets on Sunday, May 10 et 2 p.m. at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church,' Cochrane St. Whitby. This is e support group for the newly widowed Ail widowed men and women are welcome te attend. Tuer. wiil be a THEOS conference in Whltby on June 12-14. More information available et the meeting-en Sundey or by calling 668-2648. IING WITH CANCER The Living With Cancer sup- po rt pru. will meet on Monday, May, ]U o9p.m., et the Ajax Cricket Club, corner cf Clements and Monarch. For moe informa- tion oeil 686-1516. AffS SUPPORT GROIJP The Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Society cf Durhamn region wiil hold a support meeting May 11, 7 p.m., et Feirvlew =e (a!de entrance). Tuere will b. a guest speaker. ail welcome. FABUIESg IN CRIS15 A discussion of ¶Families in Criais' and 'Gender Equelity' will b. held on Monday, May il, 7 p.. t Byron Street Comimunity Chuýroch, 508 Byron St. S., Witb. Guest speaker wlll b. Dr. HIB. Dannesh, director of the Marriage Therapy Centre- in Burlington. The event is spon- sored by the. Spiritual Assem-bly, of the Bahe'is cf Whitby. DURHIAM AVICULTURAL SSOCIET The Durhamn Avicultural Society will hold a meeting and judges' pane], on Tuesday,Me 12, 7:30 p.m., et Pickering HM-igh School cefteie (Church St. north cf Hwy 2). For information cal] Dale et 6835038. HOSPITAL MEETIG The annuel meeting cf the. Whitby General Hospital will b. held on Wednesdey, June 24,. 8 p.m., in the hospital's cafeteria. Business wlll include board elec- tions, bylew amendinents, reots uditer appointinent, QUALIFIED PROFESSIONAL FOOTCARE IN YOUR HOME 0 Nails',cuit, filed and thinned 0 Corns and callouses removed * Diabetic care p0rovided For, appointment cali: .666-9882, Karen L Brady SPRINGFEST '92 Spngffeat '92 wiil b. held on Saturday,, May- 9 et the Home & ýDesigi Centre, -Pickening (north- east cerner'cf Hwy 401 et Brook Rd., acroe from *»,Plckering Fleamarket), te raise -funda for the Canadien'Cancer Socîety sund Pickering Swim1 Club. There will b. many events su ad shows, beginning, with e panceke breakfastfr-oin 9 te Il a.m. sud general adision isfre.A ance party with CHUM-FM DJ Rick Ringer sud special guests Sab sud the' -Ail Star Band will parform from 8 p.m. te, 1 a-. 'Tickets for the danc. party are $10 in advance,,$15 et the door (oidren under ae 6 free) sud are' eveilable e- t Tioketinaster (870-8000) or the Homne & Design Centre Idea Place <427-4332). ROCKWN IREFORM «The young Reformers of the ,Ontario Riding Reform'Party will hold a first annual- sping dance, on Saturday, May 9, beginning et 8 p.m., et the. Ajax CommunitY Centre. Tickets (only 300) are evailable et $20 par.parson which includes eaniidnight; buffet, door prizes, music with a fifties sud sixties theme sud a cash bar. EPILEPSY Epfilepsy Durham Region will odth.ir monthly meeting on Tuesday, May. 12, 7:30 p.m., et the Kunismen comniunity centre, 109 Coîborne St. W., Oshawa. Guest speaker will b. pediat;ri- cisu Dr. G. MacGillivrey. All welcome. For more information oeIl 436-3152 or visit the. office et 369 King St. W., Oshawa. BABIES VACCINATION CLINICS The -South Durham, Veterinary Association will sponsor e rabies vaccination cliic for doge suad cats on Tizesday, Mayl12, -1 'te, 4:30 p.m. et IrouRis Park Arena sud Wednesday, May 20,,2 te, 5:30 ,p.a. et Luther Vipond Memorial Arene, Brookhin. AnimaIs must b. et leat four monthe old. Ail animaIs must b. pFroparîy restiraîned «- o must; Deon e leash,* cats ishould b. in 'carriers. A fee ci $10 cash wiil b. charged. INTERNATIONAL TRAINING IN COMMUNICATION The First Oahawe Club ITC will hold a meeting on Tuesday, Mey 12, 6 p.m., et Hong Kong House, 89 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. lhe theme wiil b. 'Are You- For or Againut?' Cost cf dinner 19 $14. For more information, cal] Pet et- 725-9375 or Joyce et 668-5504. GOLF LESSONS Tlhe Osawa YWCA wil hold golf lessens for beginnersstartmng Wednesdey, May 13 et Kedron DelIs golf course in' Oshawa. There are various days sud times avoulable. Contact the. Oshawa YWCA et 576-8880 for more information. ONE-PARENI« FAMIES North Oshawa chapter, On. Parent Familles Assocation will meet oý en WediànesdeyMa 13, 8 Non.pfoit communlty groupe- which are based ln su bnilW ib page e cat . The Witby hthorClubve a hold an annuel gnrameeting wit elcto c offes on l MondayMay 11,7 te 9 p.m., et the, Fe y Tust buùilding. Entiries (four e adesorprints, may .b. submitted 'for compatition. SHUING LUNCHEON WVhitby Chapte:r,:No. .248 wil luold a, spring luncheon on May 12 at noon, at the Maonic gall Cochrane St.'lhe cost is $6 par person. CANADIAN CLUB The. Canadian Club of Durham. Région,,.will meet on Tizesday, May 12 at the Holida~ Inn, Oshawa, starting w dinner at 6:30 p.m. Guest speaker will b. T. Sher Singh, (a litigation lawyer), *and bis toic wiil b6 <'Ethos cf a Nation. Currently Sinigh is participating in the 'Nakoda Prqject: Conversations on Canada' - a week-longf "think-tank" retreat near Banff, Alberta b.tween May 2-9, 1992, as on. cf epproxinately 40 people sel.cted froin aeross Canada.The. idea and agenda is teý ignore the current -politics and. constitutional "crisis," and focus on the concept of Canada-- what it isand what; we would like it tebe. Anopen invitation is extended te aânyone wishing te, attend on May 12. For ,reservations, càll Lenore Hewley at 640-4481 or N. 'Stetts' et 668-4335. TELPING CHILDEEN COPE I> P amlly Education Resource Centre wiil hold a five-session -study .group'.for parents with children up ae 12 te assiet parents he p theinselves and their children ccp. with separation or divorce. Conunon probleina wiil b. discussed and parenting strate- iewill b.suggested. The group wimeet on Wednesday, May 13, 7 te 9 p.m.,Yeat the Durham H oua. Child sud Fenully Centre, 1521 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa. The cost la $28 par person. Ceil-the centre et 579-2021 or 68e.4353 'te register or for more information. BLOOD PRESSURE CLINIC Wednesday, May 13 has been rclaimed as 1'Regstered Assistants- Day' throughiout Durham Rtegon, ,sad the. public lu* ,askedteso suppoet end appreciation, for their local RNA9 by participating in events scheduled for that day. A, blood presure clinic will b. held, by, the Lakeview and 'District Chapter' cf -the. Ontario, Association of Registered Nuraing The ýYMCA Durham Region mll hold a <computer camp' this mummer. Cempers will Meari that omputers-are net just for gaines, but aise fun te use for dawlng,- tr-writig, creating. newslet- ers ndbners, greetigi carda, osiers and fiyers, and' dvertise- nents. Ther. a ise otime spent' Ltdoors ~in mes, 1crafts,sog nd swimmin, sd weeVikly tature and cookout day. -F.. s >290 for.ýa two-weeksesao..au- AQUAIUM SOClmT The Durham' Région Aquarium Soiet? will m.et7on1esday a ï2,8 P.m., ln the cafétéra t S. MLaughlin Coleg1te 570 -Stevenson ]Rd. (southoft Rossland-Rd.), Osbawva.,For more information cidl 725-911l'or 686- 7368. < FIME SENIlOR DENTR- The,: Puham "Departmaent c f Health ServeicsIn. cenjunctien ,with the WhitbyS9nioW - Mtivity Centre,, .wiil .hold -a ,free denture-cleaning chëfiic at the centre, 801 Brock St.. ýS., on FridayMay 8 froin 9 ain, te noon.. -ring winth.you a plastic con~aier ithyeur.-naine on t. 'Appointinents .are, necessazy, and can be made by calling-the centre' at 668-1424. CRACKED UP A one-woman 'tour de farce, 'Cracked Up,l written .:and performed by Kate- the Great (a personal, account of one woman's- triumph over, mental iflness), will b. held' at the Arts Reësource Centre' auditorium (behind Oshawa city hall) 50 Centre St. S., on Saturday,' wy g9, 8 pa.. and Suniday, Ma Ly' 10, 2- p.m. ickets are $10 each and are available froin the Canadiený Mental Health Assoiation, Durhamn Branch, 436-8760, Information Oshawa, 434-4636 and Information Njax/Pïckering, 686-2661. EXCEPTIONALCKILDREN- The. Council for Exceptional Children, Durhuam chapter 584 will hold the. annual meeting andà awards night; on Tuesday May 12 (dinner 6:15 p.m., social heur 5 p.m.) at General Sikorski Pol- ish Hall, 1551 Stevenson ]Rd. N., Oshawa. Students, tep.chers, edu- cational assistants and adminis- traters are ýhonoured for, their success, contributions, and sup- port in the. field cf special educa- tion. There will b. musical enter- taininent b y, . Waverly pýublic schoo1. For more informiation ell 666-2500m and ask for James Penner, president-eleot.. LA LECE La Leche League oshawa -will hold its regular monthly meeting on Wednesdaýy, May,13. Mothers and nursing bb iear welcome. For more informatien'about the. meetin including location, cali CAPIC IMTING Durhamn Chapter c fCAPIO (Canadien Assoiation for,.Pro- duction and Inveëntory Control) will hold 'a dinner meetn on Thursdy, May 14, atEalc Durham,, 227 ,Brook St. S., Whltby. There wiil be a cash bar fom6 te,7pm., dinner at 7 pan., folwdby a -presentation froin.8 te 9 pm. Keith- Launc1hbury, immei ate, past president of ÇAPIC wIll speak on 'The state, of Cenadian, manufaoturing'.- are we ready for world clam' copetition? .Cost, hncluding present'Liegal Issues'Concerning Your 1Volunlteers end Your Prod- ar .'or more information cal EM(YI!ONS UNL1dME FPeeling ertger, lonelu., depreiJin the Emodoii Med 7hursdays et 8 pan. For ddf) -771 7-- - 77- --r 7

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