Whitby Free Press, 6 May 1992, p. 20

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TRAFALGAR KI~CI MM E [*Ie] By Leuah Sultaii-Khanm Thore ie neyer a dul moment at Trafalgar. The ,,Debating Societyis,,in fuM force this term as students sow excellent spealcing, sidIls. On April il NeeraNny Lahra ý.Aldina.. Heather Cohen and Jennifer KEhan represented TrafU-a at, the Independent Schoolas uliford Cup Tourniament. The resolution wam. "Words are, the- great foes ofd reaty." Neera Nundy 'placed tenth out c f 40 debators in the senior ,categoiy -"and. Labra Alidinaýplaced second out. of the 40 debators in the junior cateory. congratulations must be made te, these two outstanding stdents. On April 29 Tubanna Mtslaar and Sheri-Lyni Pare, represented Trafalgar-in a novice debate in Iàndsay. The resolution was: "Quebec shouldbe allowed to seaaefrom Canada:'",Beth stdnsplaced third overall. The Environmental Com- mitteel bas been vi active mver the past few weeks.-On Earth Day, April 2 a few.'students of Trafalgar pricpted in.-the. Indigenous REstoratien Prqject at Quee's Park. Native people from arou.nd the ý world and representatives from -20 schools .. . . . ..- - - - - - A musica1, 'Fruit cf the Sword,' will ha presenited by inter- mediate students cf S t. Mar-'. gueite 4'Youville Catholic choolMay 12 te 14.e The musical fantasy, h two acts was written and dir1ected by teacixer Edmond J. Dixon. There will ha performances for studente ay 9:30-a.m. and 1i'p*m., and, evening performances, a 7:30 p.m., for the general public. Tickets are $3 of0r adulte3,$1.50 for ebjîdren. Reserved seats may ha purchased at the school.. Cal .666-9301 or.666-9302. wer résent- te diseuse how the humean race, can'help. save the environment. Neera ,Nundy represented Trafalgar Castle and délivered an eloq ent speech. I was a learning. experience for the students of Traalgar. nA-pffl ý,24 there was a general assembly outsîide te plant two trees as aisymbel of helping the environient te stay green and clear from toedc waste.' The - Student .Fellowship of Trafagar earned $2,860 fromn the 'Thirt y-ýHour Famiâne' -for 'World Vision. Also the - student body, collected -a roemful of clothes for the Covenant House in Toronto which -assists teen>agers on the street. At-Trafalgar we are deeply concernied. about the hemeless and underprivileged and extend a helping handwherever possible. The girls on -the basebail team display get spirit and enthusiasm as they begin practice at. 7 a.m. many days. They played. exceptionally well against Havetgal and Country Da. The gymunaste of ed*lgar took part in the ISAAG, gymnastac neet at York Univereity, hosted b Toronto French School. Clare Lurri, the captain' cf our tear, placed eighth eut of 36 gynasts. Everyone did well and Taagar Caste qualified for -the trials. The tennis team is off te a great start with a surlus cf victories. -On Monday, April 27 Trahfal , comipeted .against Havergal and defeated their first team . 6-3. *Guillermira Guerra and Anel Rodrigrez represented Trafalgar. - " 1 On April 2 Trafalgar competed against Trinity College and won fouir eut of six sets. Al tennis students must ha congratulated fer their great effort. On Sunday, May 3 many cf Trafalgar Castles alumnae returned, te Grace Chapel for an evening service. It was really beautiful te, talce a trip down mmery lane as, the aluùma greeteeach, other with warrnth and'affection. On* April- 30 the -grad committee organi zed a bin'go te raise money fer the' graduates.' Many wonderful pri»zes and goodies were available te ha won and eveiyone erdjoyed themselves. S<Lastly, these das afcer lunch the steady beat of marching feet can ha heard' throughout Trafalgar's grounds as students eagerly prepare themselves for the upcoming May Day and open hous te ha held on May 23. Evexyone is welcome-te attend. LAMRA GODFREY (front), Tammy for the March of, Dimes, accepts a donation of $250. by. the -Anderson Student Athetie- Association that r-aised* the money at. a recent roUer skating'Roilerama.' Studients ýon hand'for the presentation included 13Y KarenAchong This week the plans for Austin's . huge fundraising walk-a-thon were, revealed.: On May 15, Austin students walk a 10 kcm route around Whitby te raise funds fer school excursions, sports prograins, varieus school, cls, and te, asst student council activities. The goal for* the 'Walk Tis 'Way' capagn is. $10,000. The prizes aaiable :te students who raise the meeft--mon*eSr censist of a $500, first prize, $250 second prize, $150 third prize, $50 for fourth, ffth and ixth,.- $25 for seventh prizÈe, and $20 fer eighth, ninth and tenth prizes. Top class prizes include non-uniferm days, and a pop and pizza lunch.' Tickets go on sale next week for- the firat annual Austin athletic ba.xquet, te ha held on June 2. The event hagins at 6:30, p.m., at the Durham Squash ttront, from left) Cynthia Anthony and, Nadi ne, -Van Stavereni; :(back4, fromleft) Jennifer King; Tishà Roor- dinh, Angela- and Edna. Miesêflerry, Brian;,Maù-rks,. Evan Williams - ànd Club. Tickets3 are $15 each, which, includes dinner. . A",- Austin students are welcome te attend. lIn Wildcat' sportsthe seni*or girls chalengedDyr last week., Austin.lest -2-1, i aine that- was tied- 1-1, until the Iast,-15« seconds' cf the ganie. "Camre VanVeghel, was the lone scorer for The midget boysW rugby ý*team added another. victory te t record as they defeated top-rated Dunhartoni. Standotscof the gamùe included* Mike ' Drago, Bryan Scett, Steve Faust, and Deug Duplantis. Good luck te-the'ý team as -they chalenge Harweod this week. The. Austin lacrosse, team racked up two wins' as they beat Eastdales A and B teame. With the help cf team' members Shaydon Santos, Mike- Massy Brian Mederios and -Bras Weseman, the boys defeated Eastdle' B team 9-2. Then the Wildcata took over first placëe in the. division by dsryn Eastdalels A- team 91 Cogauations. >._May 5 is the day thâit the 3-on-3 basketball tournament will take place. Student eeazms wl challenge the, invincible teachèr team of *Wlli; ' Bak and MacTggar. Gaes begin at 3:15 p.m.Seeyeutheve. :The Durhain Board of Educa- ýilons sixth 'annual Geography Fair will. be.j)Ield on Thursday, Ma 14 in Oshawa. Thefair wil], ha held at ILS. .McLàaughilin CVI, from, 1 te 3 p.m. and 7 to 9 p. m*.- -- About 300 studentsare expec- ted to take partmthe fair, with prizes awardied for the hast pro- ets. Ande rson students off, to, boot Caap inOdessa-. Bly MaroBoucher - 'With funding due May 15, she says.. Whitby gade< 12 student at says she =edete raise two- ,TIis will hanefit hier when she Anderson I Al!ayna Hunter is tlurds cf the required $3100 in' attends university ini the falI cf headed for the L kmine to work order te hae able te participate n 19,poaytesuymh- ini a boot cm with the Teen- the rprin in the Ujkraine. matice with a minor in dramna Missions Caaa organization. ]Mcpn needs one-third cf she says. ,The grade 12 student at hier fundig at -this poit, she "Tins experience will also help Andereoni CVI wll blave June 20 says. me te improve myself hi n"y for a two-week boot camp sèeson H1uter says if she je unable te ways hafore going te university,» i Florida, and will then fly te get the required ainount c f she says. Odessai- the Ukraie until hier mon. , se may have te stay hi The two-week beet camp ses- ýretur eWhitbyo Aug. 27. the Florida boot camp for the. sion in Flerida will take place at lamate, Cindy McAphie entire summer or the Teen Mis. Merritt Island and is a primer who travelled te Asicut hi yp siens Canada orgaization may for approximately 2,000 studet last summer with Teen Msin send hier on another, lees expen- hafore they'separate inte groups Canadaî, wll accompany Hunter sive tri,. c f about 30 in different. parts, of te the tUkraine. Aldonations, are tax deduc- the, World1 eh.e ays. ."ýCindy went last year for tie ,. table,-eh.eay.ýe. , The primitive jungle campc p p mgrz iE'tsud when she "I wasn't BWre, at fret if i Tee» Missions International hC. came bac, ehe was téfling me wanted tgqqo there but gradually inu.Florida, presents intensive about lier expeine there and I eaw thal 't would help open me trainin to get acquainted with that astarted my interest in the. up, and eau ,more about myself the conitions and custeme cf the pr~dftè vyu .0à'Wdid acu eý À -vi5 o dw1;dà, eh.0 says.,-2;- It will include layiug blockçs, mixing mortar, tying steel, ter sonal evangelism, Bible memory, music, tetter writing, laundry, and an obstacle course featuring a maze of tires,'rope swings o àver a moat and a 1-ot aIshe saienter eays, it je a mental, spiritual and, physical po paration for the trip tePthe Uklraine. Thjrou )ig there wilI fly fro â lan»Îýo I ela n Mscow hfore atgnOes on the Black Sea, se. aye. .ý,'- -"W. will ha constructing a boot camp in, the "Ukraine' aud -then we will train the. Ukraine teen- agors they can start their own botcampe in the. ares, over the next few yeare under the same il? Hfunter says they will aIse help spread, a bit about Christian1ty te the residents in the Ukraine. The--mission alec ,cals for the students te travel te vanriu vil- lages in .the Ukraine to help local pasters i the building'cf dif- féent projectesud- teach the gospel with the -uses cf puppete, inging and .tract, distriution, eh. says. "I just hope te lear a lot while ]Pm in Odessa," she Baye.. Before returningte Miami the group will have a chance toe; yte Moscow sud it uch teurist attractionfs as the 'Kremlin, Red Square, .St. Basil's Cathedal, Pushkiu Square' (whéeo'the ,world'a biggest McDonalds cen hae found), and shop fer sou- venir.,Élhe gays. eWi4l ' UI .qf Y jVU The Kidlney Foundation of Canada Z_7#p 4d * I FATHER LEOJ. AUSTIN PAGEC20; mBFE RSWDEDYMY6 D2 r 1 ley'l'

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