7, 7 7 -,W- PAGE 8, WEYPMFW RES WEDNESDAY, APRIL 291992 WNNED: ads delibrv ei PROM PAGE 6 place. The. savinga could b. used to enhance public transitd4sewage troatment and other services. Mr. Bur-gess should also be a booster ot the revitalization of Whitby's downtown. Bringirýg business and employment o- por- tunities back to the core will also make car less necessary. Hle could become a proponent ocyclixig and walkcing, and of buying locally-grown. -odsand servces. 'Dis latter wil cut down on truck ttffic. Taig upan of these causes would pveMr Burgess the satis6ctio etheping to, reduce globa warming, ozone destruc- tion and air and nois eltion. In't the world our bakard? V. Skine 1i9THANNUAL THIS WED.- NEGHT ioNLY MR. JOHN ZIMMERMAN, Canada's foremost pool.educator. Leam how to open your pool aind'the proper usage of chemnicals. TECHNICAL'REPS WILL BE PRESENT TO' ANSWER VOUR QUESTIONS. ..............i .. i i l laiI i .~I ~JA[~ LII em * I- ~aisa~Haunton~ Rd.W. DOOR PRIZES ýWILL INCLUDE FREE VACATION S11DRAW AT IEN.D 0F SEMINAR. QGland VfrCif -y5<fŽE offering a comnplete service.i upholstey fumniture repair, and restoration is pleased% f0 announce the 0PENING of their NEW STORE 1411/2 Brock St. S. ,Downtown Whb 668-4468 SATURDAY,) MAY 2ND ~12 NOON Dave Grandy, a graduate of George Brown college in fumiture manufacture & design wiIl custom] design your specifle requiremfents, co-ordinating colours and fabrîcs. to match your existing decor. FREE PICK UP AND DELIVERY FREE SHOP AT HOME SERVICE OPIENING SPECIAIL 401%~OF Ail Upholstery Fabries for the Monthi of May Visit. us at the Kinsmen Home Show and I out a ballot for -a free draw.- OTTO',EINRMinister of officesAprailà 1.%e' visit was part of Nattional Revenue answered cznagn-style wing trug h questions from aà handful of people area Iby several high-proile Cabinet at the -Whitbyý Chamber of Commerce mninistèes. Photo by M" Mh WhUtb FmrS 1% Scouts hold 'Tre»&Àues "for Canaa' project TreesfSr Canada is a national prqject dei ne t gveal ebesof ScotstCnaa h tlioug acion Ceirco eo thicuthey.fo Infuureyeasthmillions of tre (8mllionsince 1972) will help beautifyr Canada and provide a renewable resource. Trees for Canada is "ais fundraising prcject. The fuids raised wiil help'.te, further Scuigin Whiùtby,, Broilin and It wfil aise be used te sfupport -international scouting programs in third world countries se they can help their failles ana commities. lteisexpectedthat, nationaly,. two nulfiân trees « will be developed,. 10,000 iWhitby district alan.. -Up *te 1,000 youths will b. participt ùtis ysar mi this bi-anualevent in Whitby. Region budget, iýncrease FR OMPAGE 1 lug such as unconditional grants. O>ne of the major factors for the 1992 increaseincludes wel- tare costs at $25.3 million in 1992, an increase of $3.5 million (15.9 per cent) over 1991. Durham, Regional Police. ser- OPENiNG MAY 151 MOTHER'S.DAY -,Fîowering lBaskeëts" & Bedding Plants T n IAjX OI y 2 N.W. CORNER AT TA^UNTOiN AND CORONATION ROADS Cali 668«5509 for more informatiai . .. ........... . . . . . . . . ...... ................ ....... ... ................ vices ,are expectéd, to cost $43.4 million la 1992, an increase of $3.4imillion;over ý1991. The «uncontrollable» expendi- tures will total $15.6 million, including $11.9 million for general unconditionai-grants. Property tax appeal, children's aid society and th conservation authorities will niean another $5.0 million in -the regional budaet this vear.. Fiinding for the diffërent departments is-as follos fInance -andadmiistation, $6.0 million- *planninà ,',$2.2 million; * special sotaninýg comriîttee, $762,400- ë healtl an -ocaservices, Give -us.a. breatk FROM PAGE 6 l up',and Students Against IMl'red' Dri ý'(SAID, ot lwich I amn a.menT>er. -~ Thereare mn rebeillous' teenaeta l" do care and, once in a w*hile. we would :like te be, S recognized for oer, contributions ah, pnd ôtinsulted because et the stupà idityr of on éess responsible. Ple,ëw- don't base derisive Icomnments about an entiregrp astpol « n eso.Cnie Emiiy Bidoen The F'utueus ýREDUC RECYCLE with - WASTE S, SYSTEMS ~~'aI Ã"vrck 47-3253 ANNOUNCEMENT Dr. Gary Adams, & Dr. Michael Muzzin are pleasedto announce the relocation of their offices from the, -Whitby Mail to: <ZDurham Chiropractic Rehabi litation Cent re' 420 Crawforth St. -Whitby, Ont.LiN3R (N/W corner of Thickson & Crawforth) -430*.,+081rîi ~2tI~r, rIn. moi [l