BEAUTrIFUL 2.100-'SQ. FT. RENT. OR'BUY. Used wedding ANTIQUE OAK CHINA cabinet, CHEST 0F 5 DRAWERS, $35. MCCARTNEY, KEVIN & SIIRON' homo ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Y onlre-ne o.Vey gwa rnlns weddlng Invitae bow front, excellent shape.Be- Chrome table, -4, chairs, $25. 'are pleased to :annocunce the, bith clean neutralh decor. Upgrade tions, etc. 686-5248. room -Set, 8 po. ncluding addroè,$.Taster oven, 0of their 'son., WslyRbrt, 9 lb. broacloom,, large cedar docfrom. highboy, vanlty, 2 » i le eecffeemnaker, tools, etc. Phono 9 oonMnay* Api13192a greenhouse kitcheni, 4, 4, 1 bed- rocker, etc.,SecretM esk, $75. 668-3975. ý220 p.m., 1Bowmanllle Memoriai rooms.,,3 bathroomns, main floor, COMIOS FOR SALE -Silverae 683-6638. ___________ Hoptl.A wée brothei for laundry. Five minutes to 401 ln ap r rsent, et'and below Gua-ie. __________Christopher., :Proud grand"enta' gpaclous neighbourhood. $199.000. Cali 576-178, Mke or Sctt CHESTERFIELD SUITES, love-ý are- Rosa and Doreen MGrny 430-7402.,_____________ LTD. EDN. print clearance. Mr. soats, soctionals, less than hall Brooklin 'and Alice.,Cail Rexton, - Hocke by Lumnbers $200, Bobcat price. Large soilection. MctKeen New. Brunswick. 1986 PONTIAC 6000, 4 cyl., 122,000 km.,* 4,door, PS, PB. now tires 'and breke. job. Air dolay wipers, .AM'FM, tit stoorng. $3.595, certified., 655-4120. 1990 CoUARXR71 'Black,» Ioaded, 42,000 km, 11k. now, askino' $195,500. CilHorst 1989 CAVAUER 2-door coupe Black,, 5-speed.'Now tires, new oxheust . Cioth intorior, Spolier, storso. Good shape. $5,300, Cortfied. 668-9836, Steve. 1982 HONDA ACCORD LX, 5' speed, 4-door, depondable. As la, $700 o r best offer. 668-0128 aftor 7 pm. 1984 MAZDA 82000 TRUCK parts: Doars $60 sa., 5-speed transmission $60, aiternator, $50, front grill $25. 281-9379. 90 TEMPO, auto, air, p.s., p.b., Ai cond. $6,495. or lease for $162. per month 87 FIREBIRD., auto, p.s., p.4., Ai cond. $69895. 88 SUZUKI SAMARAI, Ai, cond., 5 speed $49995. 89 GMVC SAFARI, 7 pass, oaded $11495. MECHANIO ON DUTY Good Honest ýService 200lund . Ws ANIUE B AIIUB Wth foot-, $100 -Woathered bamboard for framing or craftta-1 p.6'6n x 38" 3pcs. 4'60 x 10", $50 o.b.o. Anique porcelain -,Inaulators, varlous sizes, hi h-tension stylo, 2-V2 dozon, $200 ob.o. Ail pie nogotiable. 721-0919.p 4 RED SKELTON TICKETS for sale for Mayý 24. Calil Doug after 5:30 p.m. 6553638. 12 FT. MIRROR UNE aluminum car top. New lest year, usod only fow tîmes. Caeil 416-668-5089. JEEP ALUMINUM RIMS and Goodyear P225 Wrangler radiais, $725 ob.o. 1987, Skldoio Citation, excellent conditon, $1.400oo . Mon'a> Miele 12-speed raclng biko, upgraded and in mint conidition, $300 obo. 668-9837. SOFA, OFF-WHITE, Qusen-size* futon/sofa with freine, «$100. Ikea'pine desk,' Bar fridge, $80. 668-9561.' $175. pinme SoWing Machine Repairs A#fMakes Complote Tune-up $39.95 Reoenditioned Sewing qMachines frm *$59.00 TOPUNE.SIEWING CENTRE 571-1385 400 Klng'St W. Oshawa 1988 DODGE COLT- 4-door automatlc, 4 new radiai tires, new brakes. Excellent condition. Certif ied. $4,200 o.b.o. 666-3764. TAKE ADVANTAGE of our 98 por cent coverage of Whitby when buW n or seiling your wares. Witbiy Free Press. 668-0594. NEED A CAR? BANKRUPT? Creit rabem? Lease to own. Î9J. 725-1988or,686-3775. Noed a car, Crodft prol Ie 0W hau tomasbsomes<e i L=a ~own an" ukormopds LEASEGUIDE AUTO LEI 1436-9837 - jeiff M ilems? by Dateman $400. Other artiste & Custom framing availabie. 668-1223. QUEEN-SIZE BIED/chesterfiold, $150.- Antique 30q range, Moffat, $35. Cloth rocker & ottoman, wood frame, $40. Wooden rocker, $35. Lots more. Phono 430-6342. COMPUTER, IBM compatible wth hard Isk, MS-DOS and database software with manuals & more, $525. Like now. 576-0833. TOPPS BASEBALL CARDS, ypeara 1959-62 in ex-mint condition. Reasonable. prices. Wantod: Oshawa Generals% Dominos Pizza sets. Will buy or trade. 666-3043 ater 6 p.m. KENMORE fuil-size mlcrowave, new, $175, Kitchen range hoad, almond.,.$25 Kitchen cabinet, upper 2180 x 51 long, 3 shelves, 3 cloors, also above-stove cabinet, 2'6w x 6'. 2 shelves, 2 docrs both $75 obo. PFrices nogotiable. 721-0919.. 1938 SOUD MAPLE SOHOOL deaka and chairs, groat, for computer or, tolophone table, asklng $125 oach.* Also 2ý ocional chairs and ottoman, good condition. OJIl 668-0058. BIRCH TREES - MOuntain Paper birch, 10 ft. ta 15ý ft.9, $15 ta $25. Oeil 655-3211. VERY RAREý - SUPERMAN frizbee. Excellent condition. lssued ln 1944 for one month only. Serlous inquiries only. $500 firm. 430-8041. WHITE -STOVE,.3081,SIZE, excellent condition. Soul for $150 or trade for 24n" white stovo. 666-3764. FIREWOOD- SAVE MONEY with supreme quality, mapile, beech, oak. Very dry. Honest meesuremonts. Free delivery. <416) 4 I APPUANCBS~ iqos SALE! 140H QUAUTY CROSLEY I ran . , yaree rbiite wr WING app aanèe. e iitedar- metfridges $250, stoves$10 rs rs.m New' gas stoves Z$549. New ishwasheras, 3 wator levels $388. Rebult timers Appliance parts., BBO burners, steel, cast iron, cat brasa. Hank's A1pieces, 191 Bloor St., E., Unit 6, . sawa. 728-4043. RECESSION SPECIALI Repaira to: weshers *dryers 9 atovea dishweshers. Al mekes and modela. We'Ii pay PST and GST. 683-8519 or 430-7382. Furniture, -524-Simcoe t.S. Oshawa. Phono 725-51811. MATTRESSES, and box springs, at hall price. MoKeen Furnituro, 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phono 725-5181. REPOSSESSIED water. softening systomasoieling, $495 & up. Dura Cube, pure- sait: 50 Ibs. $60, 8 Ibs. $9. Ultra violet purifiera & bulbs for aIl makes. 655-4544. GARAGE SALE antiques, household items china and more. Saturday & SundJay, May 2&3, 10 4 pm. 407 Coîborne St. W., ýWhitby. ESTATE SALE - Saturday, May 9 - Rein day, May 10. Pearl St., Brooklin. Furniture, bocks, linon, dishes. FRIDGE, COMP UTER, tvwn carniage, toys,,clothing, goc . pool 'table, carpet, household, Storm &, Series 300 doors. 7472- Ashburn Rd., Brookîin., Saturday,ý SundaMay 2-3, 9 amrn. - 4 p.m., YARD SALE - Saturdaiy,. May 2, 200 Athol St., Whitby, 8 a.m. to ? Bikes, wishing wells, household, Items, books, oos.Rein date: Sunday, May 3. YARD & BAKE -SALE- Bonecord Day . Care Contre in Otter Creek. 9 arn. to 2 p.m. Saturday, May 2. Bargeins galore. Rain date: Sunday, May 3., *............... CEDAR VALLEY RESORT, eas of Orono, 4th or Sth Concession line, 7 km. eat of Hwy. 35/115.ý Seasonai campg round. Beautiful. $887. 1-416-786-2562. CLEARWATER,,FLORIDA -.3 bodroom,, fully furnlshed, air conditioned homes. Pools, hot tube, beeches, attraction Child- ron welcome. Lesa thanmotel. $275 wookly. 683-5503. COCOA, FLORIDA iuxuiycndo . 2 bedroom, 2 bath, US$t.200 monthly, US$700 2-week min. Close to ail major attractions. Caei 430-1583. "-LEAVE YOUR CARES et home' wihus." Professional pet/home sitters are fully bonded and Insured. ,Custom -Homewatch international. 666-5353. ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE gotting auto insurance bocause of ago, poor driving record -or suspension of license? Perhaps wo can hoip.ý Phono 6 ,66-2090.' PRIVATE MORTGAGES - the place to, go when your bank says' 'NO." Sorving Whitby since 1973. 668-7200.'ANUBIS INVESTMENTS. MORTOCAGE$ AND LOA NS for any Pumoe. Quick eproal. Al aplications, considered Finlal Ltd..571-2880. Mfl~;~. I ~ LAWN MAINTENANCE, "prng,' gr ss oodlng,- soddWn ,Sp"ring ce-ups. Renovetioaï adons, rock gardons, plantlng, rewood. Dutchway Landsapang, <416) SPANKYS Property Maintenance. .Rosidontiai' md commercial. Lawncuttingto general, maJnton-ý anceG (abage' dispsaiserice. Odd OO el'd scont. im EXPERT TREE CARE -piulg trmîg.removal.,Free estimates. 666-0942. 'MOE MOWS LAWNS" -- Moe's Lawn Caro. Reasonable rates. For free estimat., oeil 430-8927, eveninga'. CUSTOM- TILUNO p 'vdin rototillirig 4servico ,for new-,or od gardons «ý1within 25 miles of Oshawa. Flfth season In business. 432-7773.' BLACK CREEK TRAIL AREA COURTIE $243,900OO BrightlAttractivel 2625 sq. t. 4-bedroom home, 1~ 5-pc ensuite, sitting area. Spacous greenhouse kit., M/F fam. m., fireplace, W/Os to private yaid. WelI cared property, quiet. Oms., closeto schools, shopping. Many upgrades. For appointment oeil 432-7241. M OTORCYCLE INSURANCE 4'~83-9725 -. . . ..---..------------. --. . .~ imr. trim Iawn ,and garden servio e goem et'-ricensd prooloals specialiiýng nprprymaintenance tree anid shrub' pruning < >landscaplng FREE ESTIMATrES 623-',9711 -4