WE1TB FME PUES%, WEDNESDAY,- APRIL 29,199% PAGE 27 OSHAWA OSHAWA CENTRE (Shops up -Top) 723-1163ý Avon, omu' EÈam iextra Scash, "TH L. slin your spare time, cail 416-725-9696 YOU CAN'EARN upto $627 per week assembling 'products, it home. Amazing 24-hour recorded, message reveals details. Cali now, 705-739-7184.,ext. 24. TRAVEL and TOURISM HOTELand RIESTAURANT OPERATIONS I SECRETARIAL L EGAL,' MEDICAL, DENTAL, BO3KKEEPIN09 EXECUTIVE, RECEPTIONISTI WORDPROCESSINMG PICKERING, 1450 KINGSTON RD. (Hwy. 2 ai VaIIey Fa=m Rd. 4210-1'344 KUWÂIT ISAUDI WORKERS. neoeded. i%; & up per hour. Tex f ie. Bbth skilied & uinskilled. For' rilo cmli 615-779-5505, ext. K-384. EARN' MONEY readlng, booksl $30,000/yoa arr n e ,,potentlal. Detalis<1 805-962ý-8000, ext. CY-335. DO YOU HAVE a, professionai business Image,? Are' you self- motlvated, responsible and. weii organlzed?.We roquire-a saes reprnative fo)r ourprogresvea wldw company. Pieuse cmli 404-0447. Your tpprtun Adveirtising, Sal1-es Profesioal Sales Experince and/o 00 related training required. t Car essentfia g' Submit r«sméto:, gWhitby Free Press -.. 131Brok t.N&"oz206n i E Whitby LMN 581 FOR" YOUR WELL-BEIG different plants, each rich-vital' nutrients: vitamins, mineraisan <essentiai trace elements ýYour Satisfaction IsGuaranteed 100%>0 For more information/freeliter'ature contact: HERE US VOUR GREAT opportunfty, tô make' a- huge incarne monthiy. Be #1 on the first level of this- new. fantastlc marketing, plan. New product. Cali Serge rqpw, 721l-1207. ... .. ... .. . .. ARTHUR MRRy D CE Studio- is Mnaw offeriÂng A BALLROOM DANCE TTCHERS' PROGRAM.. EnroiL now. Cali Arthur. Murray Dance Studio (a recognized eclucationalIinstitution). 430-0014. aXeCUTive OFFICE SERICES' WORD PROCESSING & QESKTOP ..PLJBLISHING , Resumes,, legal. typ ing, reports, transcription, 'correspondence, spreadsheets, mailing labels, and advertising'flyers, A Laser Printed. Fast, FrienjlY & Aacurate 655-5485- 24 hours ILOVING MOTHER 0,F 'TWO wlin ab ftýNutitioUsmeais and Dryden. Karen, Fli~ro EXPERIENCED REUIABLE, chiid cure avillable in my home for chlldren any age. Non-smoker. References- avaliabie. Garden/ Dryden. Cmli 430-7631.' LOVING MOTHER willing to PrOvIde day cure ln her, home. Nutitou .-lnces & 'snacks avallable. Walks & playt ime. Near St. Bernard school. 430-7474. MOTHER wiII do, babysitting ât, home. Very reasonabie rates. Any Ie welcome. Cmli ara 6 6-3549. CARINO MOM would likçe ta Iook atter ,y aur toddler ln my home.ý Fallngbrook area. 668-4881. CARING MOM.wouid like to look afteryour child ln my homo. Neur R.A. Hutchinson School. 668-761. NOMS DAY OUT - ,Home day cure, huif- or fuit-day opon-n-si Many activities , lndoor/outdor pi1y. Nutritious snacks. Cmii Wend ut 668-7644. Gardon -and'anlng are&. HANDYMAN'SERVICES -Clean yars.basemnts cut trees. Smtigto soli? Ã"aii 655-,3004. CUSTON-MADIE DRAPES& drapery ,alterations. Ceramîlc tue Ilnstallatio*n. For your freeestimate and 'm-home <ýboplng, cal -4327,14. - MaN-TrERPRIZES - Commercial" and Rosidentli's)ring- dean-up spocials. 'W. alsodo tres removai, Iight repalrs, rnotos & j anitorll se rvlce.'.. FuIIy l nsured. Discounts for :sen ors. 4217-8752, Aj ax. CERAMC TIUNG - frees esti-, mutes. Over 25 yoars expéilence. Quailty workmunshl.Reesion rates. Cmii Paul ut 571-6340. PAINTER wlth',over, 20, years exporlonce Iooking, for reidentia. work. Cai anytime,-J668-5562-for' free estimute. GUARANTEED- SERVICE -on mowers, blowers,- tractors, outbourds, snowmobies & saw's. 21 yaasame. location. Pickering KLEEN KUT '7UPHOLSTERY.' Re-upholstery. of, antiques. Ail kinds of recove ring.,Your fabric or mine. Freea estimates. Over 40 years experience.443O-7568,WhItby. PAINTERS PLUS - Service and, qualfty are. not 'à nan identi. For 10% off uà nd no GTcalf M11or Geri, 404-1224. CUSTOU DFSIGN and dress- making. Weddlng 'ýand'evenlng gowns. brdesmaidS &,gruds, suits, etc. RenovatUon and altoration. Gurmnts-alsomade: from a picture. 723-3259. GRANDMAS COMPANY. Green cleuns (no cëhemiculs)..,Homes and- offices. We ,offer .mathor-in-Iaw. cléan" (réad for lnspectiion). -Ail empboyées._are ,police-secUrity chockod, bonded & nsured. Member ofWhibyChumber 0f Commerce.725-917 (24-hour answerlng). WE SERVICE.,& INSTALL air condionlng and mli _>gas-fired furnace. Nýogou n-, Reasonuble rates; Cmli 3029%9tg WORD PROCE8SING *WordPerfec eMulthnate Advuntag. *Liotus 1.2-3 Secretaiy' on 'holihday. *or maternity bave?-Work pln iiip"? O uu, en y or re a o a i including fre. -pilck-up& delivery toalal busineès. 0Bul"mIssuRep orts * Maiiing ]Lie"o 9 Label PENNY 668&5230 ~W~MtbY te Le,8~: f. t ~ i ç ..<p COMPUTERtS COMPUTER ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY,' BUSINESS APPUICATEONS:, BED FORD ACCOU'NTINO, LOTUS 1ý-4, D BASEv DOS, WORD PROCESSING BUSINESS AMINISTRATION BANKING SERVICES ACCOUNTINO Financlal Assistance.May De Avallable AS BOTOU IG CORE 2 Camupses in Durham- 5~ BISSMA CO MPU TER EDUCATION START 'NOWI *ACCPAC * LOTUS * LANS D DBASE -WeORDPERFECT- s DOS * ACCOUNTING - TYPING e WINDOWS - BEDFORD Reasonable Rates - FIexibiIity Fredom to learn when you wantl. 185 BroockSt. N.'(at-Maiýy)Wib 668-7755- 0 L SCHOOL sawa -, 728-0091 Fuli Drivers Education Courses. > COMMENCING MAY 5TH Tues.& Thurs. 4 wk course MAY 9TH Saturday. 4 wk course JUNE 22 Mon. - Thurs. 4 day co'urse. PRI VA TE LESSONS. REGISTEREO & APPROVEO BV THE ONTARIO SAFETY LEAGUE There's no better way to f ind out what's happening on.the local scene regarding news events, sports resuits or entertainment. Specializing'in Eariy Chiidhood 1Education. -, For Peace of Mimd. Perry lôs DayCare Centre Ltd; 129. Perryr St., Whitby 6897 I I j