WfflTBY FME PRESS WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 1992 PAGE, 21 Meadow, Westwoodroa eufcn otponed. A roay arieBoucher AôZresiurfacing Projeé t for Meadow and-Westwo R.has been'postponed until the 'fal i the hope that'the Town will be able to flnd mo Dre money for, a ful reconstruction of the roadls, Town councilpassed a recomý- mendation Monday evenin*-gfor resurfacing work tob. dons on Meadw IL from ForestR.o Weswod Rd ýan -*nWestwood Rd. from Garrard Rd. t Meadow Ores. But an amendinent was also made to delay the tenderingpro- cess to later this year iii the event that more. money will become available from other pro- jects ini order to do a reconstruc- tion job - although the possibi- lity of finding money tis year for reconstruction seems remote. 1 Town staff waill also look at the Costs associated with reconstruc- tion of the roads as opposed to résurfacing. Thne proJect was a'pproved in this *ypares capital bIudget for resutacng workç. Both ýroads are considered low- priorities for reconstruction as they havegood drainage systems and are local- roads with low trafic volumes. Curýrently Wesitwood Rd. is cosdrdas a ý-now» need for repaire, while Meadow Rd. is a «one- to ive-yeareed ,The Town's ýPublic works department has recommended that resurfacing work on these two roads will umprove the road surface and extend the life span of the roadi. The 1992 capital.budget allows $130 000 for resurfýacin'g work on *Meaclow and Westwoqýd Rd. The total.,reconsitruction'.work lis esti- *matedlat $480 000.I ,Counillor Judi Longfield said laast week thiat the. Town cannot promise that a reconstruction job ,Will be done next- year 'and t ho wai t coulai De even, tionger ý than one or two years. If the money* is not used for res3urfacingthis year, the funds will be directed to other road projects, she said. SArea residents feel there is an immediate , need for reconsitruc- tion worký because' road con- <itions are, getting worse every Johni Fraser said ho talked to' the resjidents on Meadow Rd. and' they. weroi fayour of -recon- struction work intead of, the profl-iidreurfaigjob.~Bre thing dons now,» ho saad. SFrlaser,said 'ho .has -been -a resident on Meadow Rd. for almost 20. years and noted that* many. reuidonts have actually beeni livighere since the 1950s. The Town ha's« urbanized most of the roads near Meadow Rd. and should, do reconstruction work, ho saà id. 1The reidonets want' to see if they can g et "the proper job dons,1 ho saiîd. Fraser séaid if the resurfacing work onlyý lasta, about five years, it isn't worth'it flniancially. Ho said residents, are tired of wait- ing for improved road conditions. It would be to, the Town's advantageto do the reconstruc- tion work on- Meadow. and West- wood Rd. at the same timeé to save timie and, mor.ey, especially during this ti me when construc- tion comipanies are bidding lower than ever in order to get projects, hsaid. «W. just feel wé are due,» ho Out of the 27 ýhous'eholdu 'ho visited, 24 of ýthem prefer tho road cns3tructiôn over-the'resuit- facing work. Fraser Said continued popula- tion growth. will .also inicrease traffic on'the rodmh the area and, 'conse quently, '-the" roads -should :be nIùproved 'to better conditions Deputy chi*efs appointed The Durham Regional, Police, Services board has aîppointed two new deputyý chiefs. 'Sut.Aloi McMurray -53. will beomte deputy chief -ofYpfcn operations on May 2 Ho replaces T1revor McCagf- hortywho become chief of police eSupt. 'Roberit Jarvest, 50, will becomedeputy chiefi administ- ration and special services. f, Ho will replace C. Dougla Bulloch, who will retire in J uLfy. McMurray joined* the Ajax p olice department in ý 1965 eane detective in 1969 and assumed investigative i4ties when the* police service became region-wide.' An ýAjax 1reident, ho becaine mnsecto0o -oing operati ons in19839 î d later was Im charge. of the criminal investigation branch. HowsMost recenitly in. chageOfp-licig -operations for Oshaw, htb ad Newcastle. Jaret, aBehnrsdet was. acontable iKent County, England in 1965 before ceoming toWhitby where ho joinedl the. town force-,,and served as con- stable, thon,. sergeanit before several promotions, ,;hinthe police.serviebecame regfional. :Ho b ecamo superintendent .,i 1987. Ho 'mIl, as sume aduties as deputy chief où uy1 Brookim»6 ~J ~ JT 5K -.Entries are required, for ,tho, Mis Brooklin Spring Fair Pageant, the traditional opening of the annual fair to b. leld this year.-from June 4 to June 7. To be eligible entrants must be aged 17 to 23, umqnarried, a resident of Canada for two years and resident of Durham- Region for six months. Cash and prizes Are awardeld to the winner and tworunrup Last year, Jennifer Carney was named as Miss Brooklin Spring Fair. Entry forme and a briefresuime can be sent toKNerri Death, R.R. 1 Ashburn, LOB1AD. For more information RailKorri at655-5441 or Kelly.Squelch at 579-3285. Entry forms can be picked up at Hligh Schools'and at the public libraries i Whitby and Broklin. Closing daté for entries is May 18. Ealch -contestant will receivo prizes. The Brooklin'Sprig Fair' Association will b. awarding $250 for firet. place;,,$150ý for second place and $ 100 for third place. Springdance- iBro oklin Asphgdancwilbe held at the Oddfe low-RebekahHall, in Brooklin on friday, May 8, 8 P.. There- will -be music by the Oshawa-Whitby .Old Time, Mddle Club. Proceeds, from the dance will ir d.t the hall's maintenance .Admission is $5 advance tick- ets only. Caîl 655-M034.<, THE SCBEIDER Male Chorus wiil sing secular and folk songs, spiri- tuais and popular selections, at a concert on, Saturday, May 2 at Brooklin United Church. The group is one of Ontario's best knowny non- professional maie choruses. Admis- sion ià $7. For tickets and informa- tion eaUl 655-4411. Tickets are avail- able at the door. Optimisits to hold junior golf tournam ent Giant s ale at church A giant yard and bake sale will be held ýat St. Thomas Anglican Church on Saturday, -May 2, startng at 8 a.m. 1 1Coffe. donuts and cold drinks will b. ýor sale. TI¶ere- will also b. copies available of a limited edition lithogaph of the original church buildig drawmin h 1981 by Catherine boihais for her book, 'Corneratones.,' Tlwre will aklso . sts of notes with the lino drawing. AUl funds raisod féom tho sale of prits and notes will go to. the church's ongoig landacape devo- lopmont fuid. T he church is0 located on Win- chester Rd.- at Andors3on St., just eat of the Brooklin arnaand The fourth annual junior golf teurnament, hosted by the Optinijat Club offlroolin, will b. held at Wichester Golf Club, Winchester Rd., saut of Broolin on Sunday, May 31, with a 2 p.m. tee off time. bobes, subject te spaco availabflity. Winners of the tournament (best score) wiil b.eéligible te. compete in the Central Ontario gO timist Golf Tournament at the khedo Golf Club, Hamiilton on Thore ita aregistration fes o0f M Li un U $18 Perperoa with alimit of 48 To reister, mail yoI participants. The fe. includos 'ffl=*Jrc goir less hot dcgs, salad pop) a"d awards The program is opon te Tne Optimist Club cf Broo1 indiviuasaged 9 to,17 (as of willhold junior golflemSons July 19). Regitrants compote in individuals aged 9 te 17 (as thé following age groups: 9 te, 12 July 19) at Thunderbird Glf (13 te14 andl5Stel 7 age group& Country Club, Ashburn. will play at Thunderbird Gl There will b. five sessi Course this year). A dreas code over three weekends - Sund& *will.bein effect... May. 3 .Saturday, May.. ~v t ift>Wk tblay10 fra, $25 rqdsti !efr 8-clzi i 1.. Mr registration fee (choque maLdo payable 'te Optinilat Club. of, Brooklin) to P.O. Box 490, Brooklin, Ont. LOB iCOý by May 1,o ae it to The Video Imageý at .76 Baldwin St., Broki (65&-3306). For further information, cal Keith Wick at 655-4434. gons available clin for cf ýi1 one-hourbesson WMllbegin at oither 2 or 3:-30,p.m. Thoreistaton .....$20 P'ar participant includes personal instruction by a, golf pro use of faelities and a custom'siozed golf club. ThereAsta a lit of 15, students. Watch for aOurý Grand Opening ,Specials Large ,'Selectiori 0'f Qb1i & New Sports'Gards& WihAny Purchase Receive ' WhA, Chance ToWi Two, Blue. Jay Tickets) (Ballots Avallable-At store) 69B Blvýidn iSt (Hwvy 12> B3rnoc>kllru