PAGE 2, WWMTBFM EpRiM WEDNESAAP1Ugs 1 -i Durham, Board< of Education elomentazy and secondary students are putting environ. montai wordà into acton with the relocation of over 6,000 trees fi=m thé Cid Sinclair aco property in WMhy ta sachool sites and othor locations acros the region. - Plans .ta buJIld a new socondaiy school ý>and: education centre on 'the Sinclair 'property have resulted In the, removai* of large numbers of trees froin the site. Durham board staff 'initiated the «Trees for AU' environniental prqject t6a ensure that, the trees find new homnes. IStudents ..and staff-. have developed plans <,for- creatingr attractive gardons aà nd naýtura woodlots at 51 s choolsfi * Teproecta have* helped stdetslarn ta identify, pflant and care for vaiousseso trees. Mlany school-baed horti- cultural -classes -.and environ- mental groups wiil participate ovex- a twro;week perod in- the diggng of trees at Sinclair. As weil, students and staff from'14 are& achools, visited the- site on April 24 to, dig 'cedar balsain, poplar elm ash Îand dogWood fortor c'wnà uhool Co-érdna Duraiù boârd planner David Burn ail ad on site by geography consultant Don. par ;r bf lthe etion centre -Communications teaini and INeu for Alil' rioct voluntoors have pitched ini to make the enliviroSmentail-projoct a succes. Oshawa, Whithy. and Ajax branches of CQmada Trust' Fieinde -cf 'théenvr nn p~ushave,'oatd$3,500 for pu forA The. fonds are bigused forequipment and supplie o oa..bsns haenumbler cefoaunes ses fhe helpd thesefugnsc fortr bymions. ig generou 'Mctrbutons odlaws shawa, Miacli aUeFoG.aM. Wi il, MsoackesVandLio G. e7Lmas & Assoitb ae d eae Lube, truck, -drivers, .plywood .and assistance with allnae MehMiflanOrchards,. AUl Points Delivey -a otables and local reietBruce llannam have madle available .a t - . cm t shvlsp gloves, apples, more trucks, portable washrom facilities and a much-noeded, tractor. Ail treofor echool sites wiil be provided free cf charge. However, staff -Winl pay -a-nominal price to, remove troues fromtheé-site., The massive undertaking: will sxure that over 6,000 trees are, savedl frn the bulldozer -and given new homes. The > fr for Al envirnnmental ,,prcgjct. wlil -be héld; unti'May!3. During that time, ltres froehe site 'will eith e odelivo te partbii path gucosthruhoquithte regionor packod up b.y staff at thé Sclair site on Tauntagi R., juît Foir frthr nfomti contact Burnham at (46 434-5122 or Liynn, Granft; t(4 ORENSUNDAYS CANADA TRUST and other local companies chP ped i to sponsor a massive tree replanting effort bebind, the old Sinclair School on Taunton Rd. Branch managers Joy McDonad and Bill Ogle were among those lending- a hand to- the effort. More than 6,000 trees are belng dug, up and replianted to make way'for redevelopment of the site. photo b>' Mak EsseorWlstby ff.. PMU IFishing conitest aà t Heber ùOwn Theé Central LokeOntaria ugo 18 must pooss a valid Conervation Authority, wlllb. Ontarlo fsiuglcence. hosting its third annual strein ., Hber - Down,- Conservation agigcontest and pie daya Area las: located one concessîon RoerDowný Conservation Ae north of Taunton Rd. at Countzy onMay 2.from9'am. to 3 pm. Lane RdRit gisw*trtion will' be Theéeovent»la doigned for-the held-i, h pci re akng * -expoeniced an d; novice ýýangler~ . ..LRefroshmients wiilbe sold on _prsd-"sec nd ;udthird-laoe thegroundà . Swil ho awarded for the T'he Du rham Region Anglers 'e=ist rainbow trout,ý with Assciation willb. on hand to random draws being heldý for ail demonistrate varlous frihing rèestered participants. techniques. and, tý answer any Thereis noenotrance -feo. -questions throughout thé day. Ho âvrHalentrants..nust ho - l. ovent. wilL rua. rein or À.. u M oPAILLIS 8 f EEN32( RED -FARTH DANDELIONS PLUS kw N TOW P WEED RILLER W E E lnldn lantain, lnowoed l 8 pn FE E - No mixdina. no msasulng-simply attach &spa -Tropof M l10 hueOd control >4t4 bagcoveds40 8S.qft -Contains 3 powerfui hertides - ncontrai ow r100 tawnWOSALBERR b - AD LO ' TL o SE D S , 1,"RI=wU EETABLEATOLD GRAPES ADHIOERICESChoo tweaHnod$A9 Ov»er 200 saelahly selected voetables FeaiCnceL .e sU \chosen for thoir tresh deliciaus lavou a NewMuscat .. FROM1 ~s12'l\ ecspdoal stlng quaidis o aSTRAWBERRIES Cho.fropu en a oaos5 MOTS$ watermelon along wfth many new hybrid Choose tram Ail Star. Ozark *99 McOHOfjrIE Introductilnsl Soauly. SweîDelight ...i. s ALln\MSLEr usRate4098 TALL $IrROM:a. Chooso tram Thrnes se Blackhiawk .....$ 4.......... __ ~ LUS1 ý\\WHEELR ER_ 717- -77