PAGE 10, WBfBYREEPrRESWE.DNESDAYAPRIL 29, 1992 The Canadian Mental, Héalth Association Durham Branch will has seil performances of the acclalmed play #Craékéd Upp at the' arts .resource , ,centre auditorium, behind city hall in 0shawa. on Saturday May 9at 8 p.mandundy, ay10 -at2, p.m. as art f Mntal Hat Awrness )Wreeék.& ickets are $10 and, are available, at CUBA Durham, Information Oshawa and InformationNax/Plki g 'Cracked Up is: a one-woman play that'bas garnerdnioial attention for ýits -humom-urousand illness, Cana«aosmost,proeaent end isunderstood diease. The play 'is'awritten and For more information, cali the Canadian Mental Hlealth Association, Durham Branch at 436-8760. Barbershoppers' show May 1, 2 The Horsees Cariagemnen Chorus of the Oshawa Barbershop Harmony Chapter .il present its 44th aninual shw on Priday and Saturday, May1 and 2. ~Singa»Uild à the theme of this years show. It will feature son1s both aid, and newr, lively ad-.nostalgie ' al m the barbershophmonsyle.. Balancing the cèhapter choruis wiil be 'the' featureid quartet 'Flpside,'fio= Toonto anti shwa's own quartets Ohordia]ity' and 'Country Four! Thisyea>s how will be prsedSai EsdaeCollegiate audiorim inOshwa.Perform. ances commence at-8,pm. Tickets for reserved seats may be obtaind by cafling 436-2419 or 263-81,13. EDDIE1 SCHM[IMPS 'catie are just foot', juggling, prancing ..pacers, onecof toheldactonaytheMay at mtrdz rt and c rcus epant'ws one « o he ttacton te MaCae srand chafr-aancirug lowhns, ,' Irquois ]Park, Wbitby. There wiJ be Barry a at *galle Shirley, R'ad 985-1598. WEWIL BE' OPEN FOR aswell as D11NNER Wed., Thurs., Fn.' Sat. & Sun. 11:00OAMto 11:6OOPm W. Seve Dinner 111PM CLOSED'Mon. & Tues. Sample Our New Menu including Blackenecl Red Snapper, Seafood Platter, Orange Roughy, 16 oz. T-Bone Steak SundayBruù'nceh 1l'AM to3 PM R -15alnsFIGS Comifortable, Casual Dining <. A exhibition .' o b yNew- foundland 'artlst Anne Meredith RESTAURANT & TAV ERÈN DES- HILTON entertains every Fri. & Sat. nught, Enjoy our BBQ Ribs Special Monday- Friday 900 HOPKINS ST. WHIITBY 668-0319, THE LION & THE UN[CORN Frday, May lst & Saturday, May 2nd SADIE RAE PATIO OPENING SOONI, 112 CoiborneSt. E. Whitby * 666-303>4 G NOTES Thursday, April 30 GEORGE OLIVER & GANGBUSTER. adv. cover charge $7.00 at door $9.00 Friday. May 1 & Sat. May 2'ý FELONY adv. covéercharge$5.00 at door $700 114 Dundas St. E.> (Off Perry St.) Barry will be held May 2 to 24 at The Station Galleryin*.h.t»Y. Barry origanally estalse reputation as a printnxaker. But hier latest, exhibition 'focuses more on painting and mixed media drawingesuince she moved to Newfoundland from Toronto .in The exhibition, 'Newfoundland- Works,' featur;es, large-scale paitige, drawîings and painted screens. 1A teception to meet the artisit will be held on Saturdayr May 2, 2 to 5 p.m.The -artxst *wflf givean exhibitiontour .and slide< presen- tation.of lher' work on Sunday,' May 3, at 2. p.m. OF THE WEEK ARE 1.ZZ Top GREATEST HÎTS - Wamer 2 Queen CLASSIC - Wamer 3. U2 ACHTUNG BABY - A&M 4. Klim Mitchell AURAL FIXATIONS - Capital 5. EdeiClapton RUSH SOUNDTRACK - Warner 6. Det Leppard' ADRENALIZE.- Polygram 'Z'. essa Etheidge NEVER ENOUGH,- AM 8. >Bruce Springsteen - 1'HUMAN TOUCH, Sony O.Tom Cochrane MAO MAD WORLD Capitol 10., Nirvana NEVERMIND - MCA DEPECHE -MODE -singles i 18 Imported box set 25TIC-N D THE BARRA, Mafeils* will perform'at the Vital Spark Folk Club in Oshwa on Friday, May 1.. The Caperéeton quartet, of tbree'» brothers and one sierpeoms traditional Celtie 1and contem- porrysogson- the violin, mnandolin, accordion, gtaCeltic, harp, pezWywhistle. and bodbran. TikeSothe show, whih starts at 8p.=, ai91 Ce trStS., are.9 *12 for mmb $s15 for noebersam Cat&erlng for aU-Occasions *Weddings f Banquets* Business MeetingS *Christenings* Pn!vate Parties& Dinners' *Birthdays &7Social Meetins* n 98-8. ....... Book s.ale 1'lievounteer cwmte.othe ~on é dig iemn books"leonMay 6, 7 and 8, 9:30 a.m. topm., at 12 Ring St. W. in oshwa. There wifl b. a selection of u»=disý,cbfldrenis fki, O Ok records and m ore. ut olc eorso pastard,~cdl ?23-3183 or 6554296 e My 2:. ........... i