WHrrBYFlRE PRESS.WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22,19n2 PAGE 29 CHESTERFIELD SUITES, love- ANTIQUE OAK'CHINA cabinet, RESTAURANT C HAIRS, tabies, seats, sectionals, less than haif bow front, excellent shape. Bed- new gas stove, slgn --. menu slgn. pice. Large slelection. McèKeon room set, 8. pcs., inciuding 668-5553. Fmiture, 524 . Simcoe St. S., hlghboy, vanity, 2 single boda, _____________ Oshawa. Phone. 725-5181. rocker, etc., Socretary [esk, $75. --683-6638. WAGON MWHÉEL n *u Rpv*n- HARVEST GOLD automatio defrost 2-door fridge, Easy dlean oven/stove $500/pair. Terms avaliable. Feree storage. Eveninga, 683-1406. BIRCH TREES - Mountain Paper blrch, 10 ft. to 15 ft., $15 to $25. Cal 655-3211. REPOSSESSED water softening systems seiiing $495 & up. Dura Cube pure sait:'50 iba. $60, 8 iba. $9. Ultra violet purifiera bulbe for ail makes. 655-4644. JEEP ALUMINUM. RIMS and Goodyear P225 Wrangler radiais, $775 o.b.o. 1987 Skidoo Citation, excellent condition, $1400 -o.b.o. Men's Miele 12.speed racing bike, upgraded and ln mint conidition, $20 o.bo. 668-9837. INDOOR GARAGE SALE - everything like new. Floral arrangements, sorts, teddies, pumpe, sandais, .jackets, electric heater, traversero, Christmas tree, n yin elrins bird cage, boxed zirnichan toweis, single sheets, curtains, tree hammock, grduation suit, much more. flwer arranement course book SeIM ng Machine Repairs A#l Makes Compete Tune-up $39.95 rRecondiioned Sewing Machines fraiji$59.0 TOPUNE SEWING CENTRE 4M571-1385 4eC00 King St. W. Oshawa 1984 MAZDA B2000 TRUCK pat: Doors $60 ea., 5-spe transmission $60, atornator $50. front grill $25. 281-9379. 1978 BUICK ELECTRA LTD. Air, cruise P/S, P/B, P/W PI seats, gooJ rubber. Fair condition. $1.395. certfi ed. Call 723-5852. 1979 UNCOIN -TOWN CAR, new battery, tires 3 montha oid. Seln for O50 as ls. 666-2886. 1985 DODGE RAM, 1V2-ton with cap, certifled. Asking $4.000. 666-0935. 79 BOO SDUW.ROHAWA [ 404-0%525 NOCHRYICS!E GOLD FROST-FREE FRIDGE and stove, $395/set. White manual defrost fridge, $150. Washer, $150. Cash and carry. Cali 728-0692. WHITE VINYL mini blinde a) 66*x64, $49 oach. Fabrlc vert icals (3), 72*x84u, $69 each. Sunahade Blinds & Drapory, 88 Old Klngston Rd., AMax, 428-0937. TRADE- New-iike grey couch blackç laquer trim for oither amai wall 'unît, curio, large television, dinette set, 2 loveseats, equivalent to $700. 432-5348. WANTED: Toflon pots -& pans, tail microwave stand, fancy table, floor lampa, rug shamoer, walk-in shower door, portale gas barboque, mountain bik e. Reasonable. 432-5340. MORTOAGES AND LOANS for any purpose. Quick approvai. Al fpicatin consideréd. Raycan Finiancial Mt. 571-2880. PRIVATE MORTGAGES - the paeta go whon your bank says 'OO"Serving Whitby since 1973. 668-7200. A NU BIS INVESTMENTS. 1990 cc loaded, 4 asklng 728-0895. CUGAR 42,0001 $15.500; XR7. km, like Cali Blacik, new, Horst 89 SAFARI 5-passenger ini van, new Inside out auto, juat 37,000 kms. Good buy. $14,000 complote price. 432-5348. NEED A CAR? BANKRUPT? Credit probleme? Loue to own. Easy iow payments. Modela up to 198. 725-1988 or 686-3775. Noed a Sa Crodfl problems? *W. hame "M kk.ovrs ropua0-8n) *Lmmomb w ymakewo oa 'C4rash -rius'Clnofwomquaê. LEASEGWDE AUTO LEASiNG 436-9837 - Jff -VMUPl - vir1 -mpu or-Loo. --~~uE $50. Soars Kenmore wIndow air conditioner, 12000 OTU, 4 years, $450. Woods apartmnent freezer, 5 eu. ft., $250. Chrome kitchem suite c/w 4 chairs,. excellent condition, $50.- Phone 668-7065. 7 FI. BAR, padded leather front and ides, plus 3matching bar atools, $50. Phone 666-5525. MATTRESSES and box springs at haif price. MoKeen Furniture, 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phono 725-5181. RENT OR BUY used Sowns. Also wantod rosses, graduation 686-5248. wedding . prom dresses& FIREWÃ"OiD - SAVE MONEY with supreme quality maple, beech, oak. Very dry. Honest measurements. Free delvery. (416) 753-2246. T H-E ALZHEIMER SOCIMT 0F DURHAM REGION 1 premts, 'New Developmente in UuderatWidlng mzm ele 1wÃffi Dr. D. McLachan M1ector, Centre for Reserch I Neurodegenerative Dise Unlverlty of Toronto Thuiuday, April 30th, 1992 7:30 p.m to 9:30 p.M. at DBallycllffe Lodge 7OStalonSteA]x (1 blo&ksuth of 41 tat 000od No dhar&g Everyone wecomel 576-2567 .......... FTs..f PORCELAIN DOLL CLASSES evenings from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. 10 classes, $50 plus supplies. Phono Denise after 6 p.m., 432-7900. SAT., APRIL 25 - Garage Sale - 3 Heaver Drive, Whitby. Furniture, books, eiectrical and amaîl appil- ancea, what-nots and much more.' GARAGE SALE - SATURDAY, April 25, and Sunca, April 26 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.19 Nordlc ôt., WhItby (West Lynde). St. John Ambulance The-ý n .riéchanges. CEDAR VALLEY RESORT, east of Orono, 4th or Sth Concession uine, 7 km. oast of Hwy. 35/115. Seasonai campg round. Beautiful. $887. 1416-786-2562. CLEARWATER, FLORIDA - 3 bodroom, fuliy furnihoair conditionod homes. Pools, hot tubs, boaches, attractions. Child- ren welcame. Less than motel. $275 woekly. 683-5503. COCOAI FLORIDA luxu ycndo - .2 bedroom, 2 bath, US1200 monthly, US$700- 2-week min. Close to alli naor attractions. Cali 430-1583. ISALE!I iGH QUAUTY CROSLEY appliancos.' 10 year limitedi warranty. Guaranteed robulft apartment f ridos $250, stoves 160 waher & dryr. New gas I oves $549. New dshwashers, 3 water levels $388. Rebulit timers. ste or pat rtn. Ha Applames 191Bioor St. E., Unit 6, 1RECESSION SPECIALI Repairs to: washors - d ors - stoves dishwashors. AI - makes .and modela. Wo'Il psy PST and GST. 683-8519 or 430-7382. I ..... ..... LAWN MAINTENANCE, prunlng, grass seoding, soddlng, -Spring cloan-ups. Renovations o? gardons. rock gardons, piantingf,îrewood. Dutchway Landsoapang, <418) SPANKY'S P roporty Maintenance M Rosidntial à and CommèeiL Lawncuttingt general mainten- ance. Gaag disposai service. 0dd lob&.Se rs' disunts. Jimn, "MOE MOWS LAWNS" -- Me's Lawn Care. Reasonable rates. For free estimate, cali 430-8927, evenings. (à mr. .trim lawn and garclen service govermoent licensed professionais <specalizing ln property maintenance treo and shrub pruning landscaping FREE ESTIMATES 623-9711 ARE YOU, HAVING TROUBLE getting auto Insurance because of age, poor driving record or suspension of license? Perhaps we' can help. Phone 666-2090. ..... W..................... ............ .y...F ....9....n o ~Q0 rn Fa e6 -O ~ 4 MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE ~ 83-9725 PINE RIDG INSiJRAN< 1 f 1 1 ...... ... . i un IBWFWO-lo lgv*pà m m Ow% E CE