Whitby Free Press, 8 Apr 1992, p. 3

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WHITYFP RE % , EDNESDAY, APR I , 92, PAGE a Varied reaction to, Throne Speech Items f rom Whitby Council agenda(s) Plannming and development -Committe, A public meeting was held for a rezoning application by Vem Dutrlsac for a- vacant property at 516 Brock St. N. ta allow a donut shop, gas bar and*minute tube, A representative for the applicant outllned the. projeot, and one residentcomrnented that Whftby already had enough donut shape. Reforredto phanIng staff That council approve a site plan aplication by Lofthouse Holdings. Ltd. at 310 and 320 Hopkins St. ta allow 1 reclevelopment of the exlsting Industrial for more Industrial, manufacturing and office floor Jcommended to counoil That an application by 799644 Ontario Ltd. for a plan of subdivision <26 lots) ln the northeast part of Ashbum be denled as the develop- ment proposaila consid ered premature. The Mistry of the Environnent requlred that the owner clemonstrate that a potable water supply was available to serve the development, but this condition was not satlsfled. Recomewndedto council, That council grant a designated property grant application to Lake Ontario Steel Company (LASCO) for restoration work, estlmated to cost $8,800, on the Ringwood Hous, at 1601 Hopkins St. S. The grant payment Is $1.850. R« om ed ot coundil That council approve a mezoning application by Heritage Community Housing Corp. to add three apart- ments untis to the ground floor of an exlstlng commner- ciaVlapartment building on the west slde of Hickory St., between Coîbome and Dunlop streets. mhe commercial aspect of the development wll be elimlnated. Rocomendeto coundil and Donbill Holdings Ltd. and Stanley Wontor subdivison, west of Jeffery St.. and south of Dundas St. W. Streets ln the f irst two subdivisions will aIso be assumed as publie Recomendeto council By Mark Roosor Monday's Throne Speech lays out. the Ontario government's direction in the neit session of the. logilature, says- Durham Centre MPP Drununond White. The speech commits the Rae governrnent ta «mnaintainin bigh' value added technology says White, and supporting '4eading edge companies producing environmentally sound producta and competing on a worldwide levelos White says the governrnent is committed ta «fairnesa" inisocial prgarns, increased efficienc~y and finding ways ta increase investjn n the province. tasepromise mi By Mark Reosor The Town is looking at spend- lng $137,000 to p ut a new roof on the Anne Ottenbrite pool at Iro- quo. Prk hisSeptemiber. 0perations committee appro- yod the recommondation Monday nighit after earlier sending it back to Town staff for furtber study. -The pool was built in 1974 and modifled ini 1987. A consultant's report says it's now leakm*g badly enough to require un- mediate repair or replacement. Committeo was gpven three Benches proposed An Oshwa businessman is proposing to place eigt bondies at bus stops around Whitby on a six-month trial basis. David Spaclcnan told Town o erations committee Monday night the benches would have advertisin¶on the backts, similar ta the 36 - nches hiesflrrcur- rently han in Oshawa. ýSpackrnani says heil pay the Town $10 a mtinthpor bonch if alloWed tÃ" -go ahead with -the plan. Commttee, referred the Mdea, to staff for study. Fo-e inl evc the workplawe with the contro-' versial OntarioLabour Relations reforrne and employment and Payeuty. ;Wenéeedte move ahead not only in termes of investment but aise in terra of fairness... "Mhe labour legislation that is proposed is net exactly leading wtprvinces lie-BC. Mani- toba, Quebec and gaskat- chewan... "You)re not going ta flnd laxer labour laws iii any of the other provinces.» The throno speech also attacks the federal governiment for not treatn Ontario fairly. "Forth-three per cent. of the federal budget cornes -from opin:eair therof at',a cost ofarnst$2,000; buid up the roof membrane, at a cot of almost $9 1,000; complote replacement. The consultant recomrnended complote replacerent bocause a now roof Would be expected ta last 18 years, as cornparod toaa two-year lifespan foi the first option and a lO-year lifespan for ÃŽ& second. The recommendation will go ta Monday night's council meetinfg for a final décision. Ontario but they -only roturn 30 p or cent to us,»sysWhite. «Tat loe . i around $1,700 for iniiuton average.,. evetarndMduatlrecentryhas *basically received a lot of bene- fits out of Confederation, but now the benefits are going the other way.n Paul Nykanen chair of the Al Business Coalition, calls thie throne speech- disappointig, especially the continuedi commit- ment ta proposed labour law reforms, which ho cails "tie nUmberP one priority' i the pro- vince right now. «It's) sent shivers through the business communitr and has get lot of investment decisions on hold.' Nykanen says "separate, in- depmedntly cornnissioned s3tu- dies have shown (the proposed logielation) is going ta result in tremendous job losses... «(Businesses) are sayig that if this thing goes in, it Will rend or us non-competitive and w. won't b. able ta, compote with our This SaturdayApril llth, lOarn Ontario operatiôns, 50, were going to have either relocate or expand outside of the Province.» Nykanen says the goverrnent hasn't really consulted with the business communit about the legislationr «theyre yproceeding because it's clearly a payback of a political debt to unions... "Theyre goimg to ahead corne heu or high water.o N kanen says hie coalition is made up of more than 60 busi- ness assocations representing some 85 per cent of- the total piaesector employment in METRO LOCAL. Cail Toronto and area as often as you wish and takas long'as you -A IME- 's - - - ~#4fvpvvrvp V~W~V ~ - i~.*~* a h-a:. b.* *6* *g*~,ê ~ ~ ~ 7 ~ ~êW >~ ~ ~4 K4~4 IM lU Ea8ter Deadllnte8 The office& of the Whitby free Prea wil be closed on Good Efrday, April 17, but will be open on Easter flonday. Deadines for advertllnl& for the April 22nd eciluon wIll be at the usual Uie, fonday the 201h at fnoon, but 10 ensure prompt and effIcient soervice we urge yoto 1 place youracls by Thursday afternoon, April 16tlL New roof for pool will cost $137,000 )71 1 and expeil advice 1 loi [EE, 0

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