Whitby Free Press, 1 Apr 1992, p. 22

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PAGE 2 WHIBY FMEEPua% IWEDNESAY, ANIMle, 112 ______________________________________________I Whltby minor. bantani A hockey teamn spouuored by Aan- dow York blase, lbat te Kit- chener i the best-of-five finals three gaines to oue.* The. serles started well for the Whitby -team when they defeated Kitchener in the openmffg gaine on March9b4y a5-1lscore. Adam Shielde had two goals withsingles scored. by Cor Brick, Uarryl Whitloékan Br.ntFulcher. However i the second gaine on March U, Kitchener bounoe back and won the gaine 6-2 with both Whitby goals scored by Jim Mh series returued te Whitby for gaine three sud alhough theyv played a. strong gie WIlntby- came out second b a hrfought 2-1gmpn. Th. loue Kal-scorer for Witb.y wau Brad Down two gaines to on., Whitby returned te Kitchener for the fourtii gaine cf the series and played what was arguably their strongest game of the season. But it wasn't enough as they lest 5-2, with Kitchener scoring twice inte an empty net as Whitby tried for the. equalizer with lesa than two minutes te go Wednesday night dart league W L PUE PIsborw gmadm s 100 90 100 ~1uitturPfntldWg9897 9 WM0iWmdnm 1»8 110 80 =ua1M"1nauioeJ79 ' 111 79 IDMB N'Ortou SoevIso 76 1ut 70 IckrN 1 MarineS Wbltby Woednm4 »"W rVurnturs 7 Wtby TroIV 5 Mareil GUY O 6 s 5 Ma Peau 4 = =P a kowmnrrzltn. 4 T1p 10. Dmv.Plndar 114 John MaPhsen.5m8 Nam 497 I3sv.Dod.a. 448 OrZL gIn847 AlPnht 845 W L FIE 2 0Et'pIa 7 47 87 D»odlh5oueErB ea asWEa "iDM=Pbi u417341 Match10 foflhEt~us 4 I&UIje aStoeS 2 DOlPh"n 4 DOM & Bouter 2 Sctt LaMIae 23 umoAmkw200 152 Dmn1 in the gae. Goalle Steve Hastinus was eut- standing in net for Whfitby, espe- cially ithe~ last two gaines. Brideau is second at provincial interclub Natasha Bdeau of the Whitby Figue Stinkqý,g Club pbce secod inthebronzeéartisi ladies event at tii. all-Ontario interclub =Comeito held in Pïckeri h 21-2 8h. id previously placed flrst at, the Pïneridg. interclub comtýiJtion sndfrtatti EseeruOntario interclub comptition. Novice Bs dlaim gold tournament Whitby Hanet Plastics novice B #2 ringette toai, with an emphasis on strong ta ly captured the. gold modlat Ithe Ajax tournameut March 22. Whitby won th* firat gae. 8-1aganstPickering. Cheryl Fo didsuxcelent jb in net. Goals went ]eCeieRichter (three) sud Christine Parrott, Shandi Whittle, Carnie Tul, Becky ýDuncan sud Stephanie Assista went te Parrott (two), Whittle (two), 1>11y, Duncan Richter. and Sarah Power. h'Iùthe. second game, Whitby suffered a 6-1 lose against Port Peniy. Teresa Bugdp bd the loue Whitby-goal withthe assis go IgRichtor. m. ay outsadigBaves hi net te oep the score fm icreaslng. hIthe. third gae.ég st Pickering, Whitby won 9-O.Srh Powers in net .arnod tho wll-dos.rved shutout. Goals woro scored by Lindsey Smith (two), Rbn Dupent (two), Parrott (two), Campeaâ, Duncan sud ]Richter. Assista went te Tllny (two), Richter (two), Dupont# Campeau, Smith, Parrott Bugden sud Jossica Cotton. The fourth game agfinst Port Pèrry waa the. moot oxcting, with Whitby winning 7-4. Goals wore by Cotton (two), Féet, Smith, Parrott, ]Richter sud Camipeau. Assist went te Whittle (two), Dupont, Tully, Smith sud Parrott. As a rosult cf the win, Whitby was tied for flrst in the. standings with Port Pery. Two sudden-d.ath perioda ad te be played in order te break the. ti. With only a minute sud a haif 1eft Whitby~s defence clared the ring up te Parrott who made a nie. -pan teWhittle. Whittlo TORONTO ARGOS quarterback Matt Dunigan with Whitby Mayor Tom Edwards and Argo cheer- leaders Rochelle (jumping) and Helen at a fun- draîting luncheon for the Heart and Stroke Foun- dation. Photo> by Mark Eoeuor, Whltby Fr.. Pron Seleets are first i Ajx despite tougher oppsiion, Whitby. Provnjil Swnsnovice selectsBtea- --- cap te gId at the ptite 0Cbevebof the receut SilverRMngTuamont lunAjax. hIthe. firat gae against Pickering, Witby skated te, a 7-4 victory. The. WhitbySqud played extremely wl, checking the Pickering Petites who were a much bigger tetam. Tho next two gamesagit the. Pickering novice select ansd Oshawa selecta teame, who had also moved Up a division for the tournament, were no coutoat for Whitby s the dominated 13-0. sud 7-OiTespectvely. Heidi Schlitt earned both shuteuts. This set upthe. final gae agaiest Omemeo, as uudfe#ed. Whitby clearly outaohi opponents but faced su excellent sud mucii older Witii much determination, Whitby prevail.d by a 3-2 score. Sconig for Whitby for tii. teur not wer. Jonnifer IAght eight goa threou am esia.Bronide, eight goals, one assist; Natalie Babony, three goals, four'asisrts; Mélamoe Laroque, three.galtwoasst Viki Stroènell sud Frannie Fy two goals, three as"iteeacii Lindsay Freeman, two goals, four asssta; Kara Byrnes sud Sar Vanderlip, ome goal sud on, as"ia apiee Samantha Cardwell sud Ni'Cb Freman, tire. assista; each. hI eight tournament appearances this year, the team -haa struck gold iv. times and also garnered a silver sud a bronze. The next challenge will b. the regionals April 4-5 which will finish the. season. WlUhy's majr atom select team, sponsored byDunwoody & cony, recen4y won teir secon straight hockey tournament. In the Thorublil Select Tournament, March 20-22, WVhitby edged Peterborough 4.3. iu an exciting game. Tii.line of Luke Power, Jason Schleiffer sud Chris Read did the Most damago with tbree goas" twob yPower sud one by Schleiffer. Jason Hunter notched Whitby's other goal. Iu a more coefortable win, Whitby dofoated Kitchener 5-1 ou sinye golsby Jason-DI"ks, M eer Paul Grahamn, Andrw Dale sud Power. Tii. chapohP game SEE PAGE 25 Whi*tby beate n in fnalseries Whitby wins to urnamentAJI takes eastern champfionsbLIe P The arookini-Whitby minor novice AAA hockey teain, *àr losing to Richmond Hilh/Vau"a in the playoffi , camne back ,toôbat the hoést emtwice and win the recenit -Rich..ond Hill Inter- national tournament. En route ýto the chazupionhip Whitby, sponsored Dy 'Don Cherrys Grapevine Restaurant debfeaed Oshawa 10- 1 Barrie 4- Ï and Richmnond Hill Ï-1, in the preliminary round. Ian Watson was výery steady in net, allowing only three goals ithree games. In the sexm-flnal gaminWlutby completely dominated Brampton and coasted te an easy 6-3 vic- Tefinal was a rematch against Richmond Hill and fe tgki8g 4-0 lead, Whitl>y held on for a 4-3 victory. Goalie Paul' Valaitis was naie game MVP for Whitby. Scoring for Whitby i the tour- nament were:ý Jason Peymari with eiget goals and one assist Blaine Downwith six goals anâ tbree assists Bobby McBride with two goals and six assists, Steven Farquharson with on. goalan d six assista, David. Moaewith threýgolan thre ate Michael Morrison wit, nej;'landfiveasit Jeff razer w two %le .sun wIth thr.oladwa~sa David Beckford with fouranas,' Jay Harrison with three assista, Sean Walsh Matthew Mckiy and Jeremliseu ah with two assiste, Jark Cipparone with on. goal and Robert alonde with on. aosst. 1Whltby 'won the. eas ten AAA championshi, defieating Markhani 7-Oithe flfh,.and deciding e The caponhpseri'es openedin Makham andhad to b. d>cided i,:overtime,, after Markhain tied the gae with on. second left on the cok i regula- tion time. Markhazn caine out flying in the overtime period, and hauded Whitby a,4-2 lins. Sring for.WhY rwere Jason Peyman and Sean MacRury. Aqs- ist3 went te MattkMOKay, David Morasse and Blaine Dowin. The. second gaine saw Whitby. tie the series at on. by skating te. a 6-2 win. Goal-scorers were Michael Morrison 'Peyman, David Bekfodeff ÉFrazer, Morasse and Dowu. Assists went te Mark Cip- parone, Jeremy Fisher, MacRury, Steven' Farquharson,. Bobby MBride sud Jay Harri- son. Game three saw Whitby loge 4- i a hard-fought affair. Whitby goal< etters were Frazer, tPeyman. Asisting were Morrison, McBide and Down. Whitby tied the series- at ýtwo 3ýý

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