Whitby Free Press, 1 Apr 1992, p. 14

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PAGE 14, WWMTYFREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1, 1992 DAFFODILFESTIVAL The local branch of the Cana- dian Cancer Society will hold the Daffodil Festival A&pril 2, 3 and 4 at various locations in Whitby and Oshawa. About 19,000 dalffo- dils will be sold to raise funds for the socety. DANCE l he Whitby Clean and Sobre Dane will be held at the Knghts of Columbus Hall, 133 Brocl< St. N., Whitby on .Friday, April 3, 9 p.m. Tickets ($6 single, $1 a couple) at the door. DAZZUING DON Tickets for the lOth Anniveruw Breath ofLife 5(Y and WeI ce on1sale on Satuday~~~i4àt' 8 arn., at hmoqil aenaTickets are &48 each with a ton-ticket limit Spro.The. event is hosted by Daynard and preuented by heDuirbam Chapter of the. Candtn ystic ibruWe' PoundatioeL 1anoedate lu April 2L. COUNCIL Children', ServcsCouncil ffDurhaii) hIc. will hold fmfomatiopseuuions on Friday, fllmé Lte n mm ut the -CSCD Iardooe,165e DMda; St.el, Whltby To1rei-tercal 4304100 1t84 t 1 onme weprior te the meuon date asýa mnimu number la required te run a usmoe BAZAAR On Saturday, April- 4 the làukeznîaResearch Funaf wil bout a craft and bake sale bazaar from 10 a.m. to 3 pm at the Connaught park cluoues.44 Jarvis St., Oshawa.,Ther ibe crafts, baked poods, Rosie the Clown ent.ortamn« with magic shows and face pamntings, rafle draw for five prizes along with three door prizes. NDP FUNDRAISER The. lOth annual Durhami NDP fundraising dinxier and dance will b. held on, Saturday, April 4 at Gen. Sikorski Hall, Oshawa. Oshawa M'MPie Breaugh, the New Democratic Partylis housing critic, will be guest speaker. The fundraiser begins with cocktails at 6 p.m., a sit-down, all-you-can-eat, Polish- style meal at 7 p.m., followed by dancing to the mauic of the 50s te 90s until 1 a.m. ickets are $50 for general admission and $100 for haSt. Tax receipts are available where applicable. Cail (416) 623-6B377, 723-5917 or 705-878-3872 to reserve tickets. MACINEKNITERS The. Oshawa Machine Knitters Guild will meet on T'uesday. April 7p 7 >.. t Dr. S.J. Phillips school, 62b Simco. St. N. (at Rosland) Oshawa. Various machine atitches will be demon- strated. New members are wel- corne, hand-knitters or machine- o1 PARKINSON Ir Parkinon Support Grou 6- 0 Durham Region Chapter wilod a general meeting on April 6, 7:30 p.m. at St. Mars United Dà Church, corner of Colborne and C Centre -streets (south domor entrance), Whitby. Guest speakerg Paul Gauthier will discues tai chi. Gearai public- invited, ' W refrshmnts are avallable. For PF more ifomtinel 666-8576 or H 668-6M8. at a COMJMUN1!IYPRQGRAM Tlhe YMCA effars p ogaminshi cluding 1oddler Drop lui,' 'Hodé Podge Ar,'<Rading Rgeadineus,' primryballet,, rgrm sud "Junior 8S toWc YouÇth prgramns meclde karate, basket- g511, pick-up bal -, bckéy sud babysitter training. :Adürt proý- cooking classessud craft classes,"- karate and< ýbaukatball. ou class begin duriug the. w.ek o f April 6, sud.fees vary from ro- gram te prograeIn (eoSTon .e-uciool sdyouth .prograns). For registration and/éïr iforma- tion, cail the. YMCA office at' SUPPORT GROUPè Tii.Ontario Mibro aansd Pibrostîs Associtio holdis support group m.eti*ngsv.ry second T".day of .ach montii at the. Arthritis oLiety Faiti Place 44 W-illiam St. <W.,Oshaw (pari&n uthe. Oshawa Tures parking lot). Fo more informat," oeil Betty at 436-9026 or Nsucy at 436-3706. MATSUYAMABONSAI The next meetigof the. Mat- suyarna Bonai Socty will b. held ou- Mouday, 1pl6. 7 pan., at Faltii Place, 4 ilarnSt. W., Oshawa. For more informa- tion' cal 683-2568 or 725204U. SELF-RESPONSIBILITY àai~ Balla,ý co-director of tiie Adlerian Centre for Counsalling sud Edmication lu Ottawa,will discus, Influenciug Teensi Towarde Sèlf.]Responsief)iW yon I\iesdayApril 7, 7:30 te 9pm, at thieicie tr ul King St, W., iiawa. W Humant ,"S.xuality Awareness Committe. of Dunharn Regioni. or0anz.d'tiipresentatonfor- prnssd educaters. Adiýs-" 'cES APIREVENTON .The, neit meeting of the. Casares PreentionSupp ort sud- Education Groèu 1wil ,b. held'on 1Monday, Ap0l68p.m., at 397 Rosumount Ave., ýbsIiawa Topic will b. 'Proering a blrtii plan.' For more iniformation cmli 436-8470 or 430-2343. SPRIG SESSON 0F mme Whl Senïorsi Activit Centre, 801 rock St. S., a cfer a -varietyc<ntrutoa classes fer thé srigseoson.A liedaucing clama wiil se b ofe.d St the, Brooklin coenmunity 'centre. Course regstration wlll b. iieid startîng Mondae, April 6, 9 to il, am. and forthe. rest 0< the. week uti classes are M. ClasseswMibegin the. week of April 13. Register eariy at, thecentre. Forfiftiier information, cmli'668-1424. irEbLGISTRAT[ON IS OPEN for uprin g programs at Pringle Creek com- mumity scliool. A youth (aged 8 to 10) and teen (aged il to 14) club are offered, as weil as activities for GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY The hitb-Oiiawabrsuciiof wiii meet on T'uesday, Aprl l 7:15 te 10 pm., itiiecafeteria of HenryStreet; High School, Whitby. Guest speaker Anu Rowe will discus"'Tne Little Immigrante!' For more informa- tion call .Bessie Gannon at 723- 7460 or Joyce- Hilton at 668- B177. CANADIAN CLUB Rev. Peter Tiuk, minister at Simcoe Street United Churcin )siiawa, will b. guast speaker at ameeting of the. Canadian Club )f Durhamu ReglQn at the. Holiday Inu, Oshawa,. on Monday,Api , s t r tl g w t h d in n e r a t ï 6 3 (aking of Australia 1778-1945, îaklng some comparisous witii Canada. lie was boru lun the )utback of Australia sud mana- eda mix.d fýarm*ig station at Inway, New Southi Wales. Al eloe te, attend tiie meetig 'or reservations, caUI eore [awley at 640-4481 or N. Mtotte it 668-4335. rNoniprofit comMunltygoup which arebsedIrn substantil iWhitby memberehlp May place their upomlng meetings or activilles on this page at fo cost. %Mtilmaki. nc#F nn-tb ~Fiday ai Sp.m. i .QUILTERS MEJNG Durham Trlllium, Quîters Guild ,wil 'meet on April 7, ý7:30 p.m., a t Central Cleite, room 208. -.Guet peke wlb.Mae Stepiiens past president of tii. Niagera k.rit ap Quilîters Guld. For. .. frth.r informationeil, 263-21388 SENIOOS Regfistration or instructionai cla"sesàfr theii.prlngsesson Wl b. h.d atWhi*ly Seniors' Acivty "Centre,'801 Bfrock St. ý S., startiiug Monday, Aprfl 6# 9 te Il ar., and wli continu. that w.ek" until class .»are un. -Tuiïa llusllnedanclng clases te b. iield at the. BrookIfn Casmunlt y C.ntr.ClaWs w inibegintiie w.ek 0d April "13. lftheure in insuffcent registration, a course may b. canced. . For flitiier information on courses avalibe, cm«i the. centre St 66s-1424.> ONE PARENT FAMILlES -Northi Oshawa CateOn. Parent Familles Ascatowil meetoen J4>ril 8, 8 pm., at Christ Ciiurcii, Mary sud Hilcroft Ste., Oshiawa. Guest speaker wil b.. Dr. Robin, witii su introduction te, naturopathlc medicine. -New members sud gueuts are welcome. For *Ilformation, oeil 668-7579 or 434-3687. other ages. Phone 668-0666 for more information. Programs are also offered at Palmerston, Glen Dhu and Beilwood community sehools.. Photo loy MmaBewo, WhltlwIifýroPw IERamL r MTING * The anual genaral meeting sud electon of officers of the. Durhiam West Provincial Liberal Association will b. held on Tuesday,pril 7 St Plckering HjigiiScooiin the cafeteriaa t 7:30 pan. Membership cmii.b. renewed. Finger foods at 6:30 p.m., meeting at 7:30 pan. MORNING OF MUSIC Nocalist sud trombonist Glen Rutledge wlll b. at tiie Whitby Christian Assembly on Sunday.r April 5, 10:30 a.m. Tue.itr ested. are invited te enjoy a morning of musie. Tue céhfiis locatad at 101 Rossland Rd.W., at Brock St. N., STAMPCLUB Tue Oshawa Stamp Club wil meet on Tues 4k, prîl 7,7 pa. a t CYNe i lCoegate, cafteria first floor. Colecter suLd, visitera are welceme; Stamps,- postcards sud cover collectionrs can 'b. ezcangdappraiedor sold at auton. o more information cmli John at 725-7962. INTRATIONAL TRAINING IN COMMUNICATION The Firt Oshiawa Club ITO will iield a meeting on Tuesday, Aril 7, 6 p.m., at Hong Kong kluse, 89 Simca. St. S., Oshiawa. The tiieme will be 'Sun, Sea sud Sand!' Coet of dinner il$14. For more information, cmli Pst at 725-9375 or Joyce at 668-5504. Epilepsy Durhamm Region will iiold itumoutiily meeting on Tuesday, April 14, 7:30 pam., at the KGismen community contre, 109 Colborne St. W., Oshawa. Guest speaker will b. Lounox Forest, marrnage counsellor. Ail welcome. For more information cail 436-152 or visit theoffice at 369 King St. W., Oshawa. LA LECHE La Leche League Oshiawa wil iiold thei. ul ar. moutiily meet- ing onWdesday, April 8. Motiiers sud nursIng 'babies are welcome. For more information about -tii,- meeti*m ili location, cmli 72-U2 90TH CHAMONSB ý'CAT SHOW Motor City Cat Club will hast the 2Oth annual Championship Cat Show on Sunday, ApillZ9 a.m. te 5 p.m., at the. Pïckerfng Recreation Comple;, 1867 Valley Farm d. Mnsuion li*.0 o adulte, *1.25 for ueàlo"s aud children. under 12, or $5 forsa lfamily. For more information cail 723-7410 -or 579-7143., FASHION SHOW The 'Breath of Sprn'efo 'hion show, will be held ai L'amecýae (Frenchi hall, belund aid tram- station), 707 Simcoe St. S. 0 - awa,,April 137-30 pa.. I4ketà are $12 eac available fro'6m Eclectics (4361i401) anid ýCaly-pso (436-6250) or bY caUhi 72&7529 or-430-3132. FasIoôna by Electic Fashions snd Calyso. Fashions and Swlmw.ar. Ibère wlilb. a-, draw <air fer, only, t. ao l) r.nfr.uimntu dor ,prisesmusic Fo ndaioDurham chap- Bosset.<Durham, wifll hold a basse- and rummage, sale oUn Saturday, April -4. , 9 a.me te1 N., Oshawa. Ibere wM lb. bak.d goda; rafis and more. Donations M i good condition will b. 579-3470 or 668-6902. -AVICUL£TURALMETN The. Durham Aiumra Socy ill iiold a mee tinglion Tûesé Aril14, 7:30 p.m. in caetri Church « oth0 HWY. 2). Members ofjliament will diseusseBIM , ild :Animal and Flant Protcton:Act;. For information caol, Dale fit 683-5038. ANNUAL v EiDnqV wfl hldti.ir annual prsdents' breakfast on Wdedy April. 15, 7:25 te 8:45 a.m., at' Heydensiiore Pavillon, Whitby.' Guest speaker lu Sherry Bassn w.ll-known educator sud_ entrepreneur.* Tickets are $20 each snd. may be obtained fio= an-ySunrise .Rotarian. or Mario Sohnuri .(434-5222, work - or- 666-3716, home) or Pée. Ivin.ý (427-4310, ýwork or 668-1862, home). Prooeeds wiil go Whitby. sud Oshawa *eea 0etal.« 1 SHOUID HAVE A GARAGE Pringle Creek Band and Choir' Parents Association has plarined two garage sales te b. held in the school parking lot on April 25 and,ý May,2,8 a.m. te 4 p. There iu a $10 'f.., and 60 sacsare avallable for each dy Frmore information cail 666-2099, Mvedical Centre will 'sponsor. a seven-week series, 'Caregiver In- formation Prograzu,' on Thurs- Iays, 7 te 9 *p.m., from May 14 te June" 25 at the Glazier centre, Il Gibb St.,' Oshawva.'The programn offers information and . support services .,for, careivssd topice wl ýincýlude legal and* ftandiai issues, stress mantage-' nent and cmuiyresourme. ['here ino cobt forthprogram. Call M»arg Armstrong at 723- 8521 or Beth Làettner a579-1212 for more 'Information.

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