Whitby Free Press, 18 Mar 1992, p. 17

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wanyB' FREE PRESSWENSYMRE1w192 PAGE 17. Li"festyle tips -can exercise. be,.meanin,,gful? Many people start' an activity mbocause they know tiiey bZa-ý ecause- it'sgod for tiiem. But, few peoplo, wil stick witli their routine for tuis reason alono. 11Mot peaple will flot exorcise solly, for tei sake 0f tiieir arteries,to says Dr. Stanley Braw'n, a! recently retired poessor 'Of piiysical -education fom the. UJniversity of Britishi Columibia. "Physical activity siiould b. adventurous and attractive.- It siiould make you feel fuily alive." 1In tii. 1990s, many of us are concerned wiiii quality of 1f. -- protection of the. environment, overal iiealtii, rewarding and meaningfiul e ndeavours. Exorcise as it was perceived until recently seemedperhaps too mechanical ta fit in tis iiolistic picture. But * i-tiieir queut for meaning, some men and women are naw taking exorcise off the. frivoloud Bait. They are discovering the. potentitfl 0f piiysical activity ta lielp tiiem experience a greater well-b eing. Thoy flnd an activity tiiey enjoy, staywit it for a wbileand tiien be ,0t experience Borne very special fýeeli*ngs. -One avid walker writes, I eWioy the. very feel of my body and its riiytlime and the. love affair tiiat developed between myseif and prairie skies, country roade, grass, ponds and winds.' Yevgeny Yevtushenko, a Russian poot wio loves the exhilarations of rock cimbing, offers this experience: 'l 1k. the feel of the. rope binding me ta niy comrades somewhere near the clouds. 1 lk. ta feel the. sensation Of conquering the. sky, altiougii, in the. final analysis, it always wins tiie victory over us." These are special feelings and ail of us can experience similar joys. , Physical . activity is intimately rolated ta, other parts of our lives. At can iielp us ta, eiijoy tii. natural wonders around us, build fiendshps or talc. time out to rocreat. aur inner selves. Almost ail who stop an activity do so for the samo reason. They~ flnd fia 'jy, fia play, no meaning in tiieir activity. .Find tii. riglit activity and the. timo yau Set aside for it wiil become a ciierislied part of yoUr day.ý And, you'l, ban understand wliat .George Siieian meant wlien lie said, "lI trveied tii. wiiole world looking for adventure and found it ini my own body." March is Nutrition Month FROM PAGE 16 a liealthy diet and providos iran and zinc,' two nutrients w. have trouble gettingý in sufficient amut.Chaos. the, leaneut cuts of meat, trim off any excess fat and cook meat in low -fat ways uucii as broiling andteticLr The Canadien Neei Association points out tiiat iiealtliy eating isn't nearly -as Gare ingi. ÇI e J I ,PyJUck Pecimamn Prennia Plant Of th, e a Cwmmlmmor Corropss oonbem OGS Gardim Gais-ry Truly among the. bout gardon Many homeowners are itching prnil availablo. Unusual to got outaido and start their paeyelwdaisy-Iikofloweru wi spring iean-up projectu. bloom fi=m inidmminer to frout If insocté were a problemi last eupecially when fadingfloweru yronyour fruit or uhade trees, 'are removed. One plant will ubuaor evorgreens (ecay rah a heigiit of 11/2 &teltal and tent caterpillar) apply a dormz ant a width approximnately tho sanie. où l- spa smtime during the The. flowers are also ideal for cut- rixttw wek. This will groatly 'ting. roduco, the. nmbor of insecte that will survive.. Gmd~euig Gudeline vii!b. If you usod plastic matorial to a mgzdar part oftjheFmoutFroe potet eof your evergroen AawOutdoor oefio02n planta now is the. time to romove bcgmnningonw 4pdlJ15. Rck has a it. Witii daytime tempeatre on de<re in fraoeý a di>Joma ini the ris. you could ueverely hmWriumr and is caoed as a haznper thir growtii if you lbave quaiiedplautsm. it on. Burlap or netting can b. left on a littie longer until the. tbreat of freezing rain lhsm E IC R passed. Some reuidonts may ueo Borne of tiie early'sprouting bulbue pop- UAIT ping up in protected soutlxern ex- ULT poue.Being 1al blooming PROFESSIONAL vaitesevereacold or frout * f FOTCARE won't affect tiiem, but to b. on A IN VOUR the. safe side, laying branchieus HOM upeo baluam fir ovor tiiese HM bed will delay tiies9e'buibu for a few more weeku. t iýo Mid-Marcii is the. ideal time to Kare~n L. Bradly begin vegetable and flower seeds R.N indoor. Remember to give ger-5Fo niinating seeds hligii iumidity, wet uoil and 'reduced ligiit untilFo tliey gorminate. After tiiey ger- appointrnent minate gradually begin drying up Wxli thieuoil and beummetoume a fun- Wdae gicide called No-Damp ta prevent 666988 the. young ueedling uuddenly fall- ing over from "darnping off.»____________ CORPORATION 0F THE ~ TOWN 0F WHITBY PROCLAMATION "INTERNATIONAL DAY FOR THE ELIMINATION 0F RACIAL DISCRIMINATION" TAKE NOTICE THAT Mardi 21st~ 1992 1! hemeby procaed as Internationai Day for th. Eiination of Racial Discnito in and for the Town of Whitty., Oizens of Whiby are encouraged to support the valuable community work of the membem 0of the Regonai Chalrran' Tack Force on Racé Relations for Dwrn. DATED at Whftby, Ontario Ibis 1Mt day of Mardi, 1992. T. LEDWARDS, IMAYOR 2- - - - - - - - - difficuit as it may seem sometimes. Don't worry -about al the, conflicting nutrition advioe you read or hear about and wiiat you'«can' and 'can'e eat. ltes your total <flot that counts in the ond. Thero is no an. food that can'guarante. good iiealtii, just ýas thero isn't any an. food that can b. your nutritional downfail. Sa if you' have' a lese-than-ideal meal once in a whîle, relax and erujoy. If you are Iooking for reliable nutrition information,* contact a dietitian at a hosptal, government iati eatent, univeroity, privato consulting pr tce or in industry. For dlcious lower fat rocipes, get a ccpy of Eat WeU, Liv. Wol, the. Canadian Dietetic Assoiation's Guide ta Hoalthy Eating. Ites available from local bookstores. BROCK' 1'HARMACY LTD. 668-9393 619 Brook St. S. Located in Medical Centre J " 8ypes of wire stielving-weII eut to fit at no extracot " Ali Vinyt Coated Steel Shelving. " ldeal for cothes or linen dlosets and storage shelves. " Rods and brackets extra. " Guaranteed installations by aur own 4ualified ipsiallers.ý or you may instail., *,Availabe inwdths of 6 "9,l2" 16 "&20. " Completitive pricing, personai service. "*Over 300,000 feet of shelving sold annually. S~ÀCEAGE 9IIELV% Dburudas Centrm* ..' Guard icm Drulgl Open 7 Days A Week InCluding Hofldays Mon-Sat- 9am-9pm FREE Sunday lOam-9pm DELIVERY 10/o DSON ENIeRS 220ODUNDAS ST. W. WHITBY 430-2999ý E.AAUTO INSURANCE BOKI *Multi Car Discount' M *Over 55 Discount M.~~ *Driver Toeining Discount *Monthly Paymnent Plan PHARMACY 666-2090 ""Full Une 0f v ~~ Diabetes Needs" /D.A.Sef Open Mon.-Fn '9am-7pm INS"NC 13OKlRS rO.Saturday 9am-5pm ~UROE ~ sBaldwin St, Bmoolin 965 Dwids SL.W, #200 6~30 301 Marwood Drive Oshawa 435-m8200 I 1~ WHITBY URGENT CA RE WaIk-in Mecical Clinlo 668-7899q' Open 7 Days A Week From 1 Oam to 9pm No appolntment necessaryl FAMILY RESTAURANT, R*GER TcSOf~a - > ..*C'Isys e s 2 - 6 3 0 8 _ gb . . . . . . . I e. . 1 é ~ 4. &4L 0 4,&e , à e « . . .. . . ..-... .- #è.Itr CD: Ci)o Mwarch is Kidney Month hi anada. With yourSllpportwe've gokkney dse 01therunl. THE KIDNEY FouNDATIoN 0F CANADA- Wecan't live without you!

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