Whitby Free Press, 18 Mar 1992, p. 12

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PAGE 12, WBYFREE PRIESS, WEDNESDAY, MAIKCH iu D Big mistake to'closeKnsen1oo To the. Edltor: While I do not condone Pat Dooley's cynical tone, ('Four-footer, maintained whilep Kinsmen pool sihut down?' -- letter, Fre. Press, March 4/92), I do agre. with the major thrust of, bis letter. It is a big mistake to s3hut down Kinsmen pool. >We live within walking distance from'IKinsmen park and stop, in at the playground frequently, espeially during the summer months. A large nuniber of chldren use the1 pool-ý durlng Ju ly'and August and,' from ail appearancesi, it often seems to have a near-capacity crowd. The *wading pool, tooi la enjoyed by a great many preechoolers As a parent of three preschoolers, Ihave very much appreciated having a place to tae my children to cool off. It won't be long before they 'graduate' to the bigger pool, and I -would really consider it a deep-felt loos if the pool ýwasn't there for them in the future.' Ir the pools close down, no* on. wiila for it more-,than Why's cihilren. *-The. insmen ,pools provide not only a wholesome, but a desperately needed activity during the two months children are not in school.-, For many familles, the Wltby Civic'Centre is idmpey',flot an -option. Our faifor one, cannot afford *t-. I ureTown 'council -to reconsder its decison to close down the Kinsmen 'outdoor pool. Please keep it open. Sandra Film MoRa. PUPPET FUN 'PuppetFPunwillbe held at theWhltby PubliceLibrary pgam room on Thursday, 1ach9, 10 to 10:45 a.m. There wiilbe stores and puppts from chief librarian Kèn Roberts, who was a children's librarian for, many years. Suitable for chlldren aged 5 to 8. Register at the. CANCEUÂTION The. Plckering support group meeting fgorAlzhelrner familles oeheduled for March 25 bas been canceiled to allow- interested -people ta attend -the long-term car. and support services public meeting at Fairview Jéae Dundas St. W., Wltby at 7 pam, For more information call the Alzheimer Soclety at 576-2567. LONO-TEMOCAME A public meeting te discuss proposed changes to long-term care and support services wlll b. held on Wedniesday, March 25,'7 p.r., at Fairview Lodge in Whitby. The province wants opinions *rom seniors, those with physical < isabiities, thos. who car. for semors or physîcally disabled, 'and thos. interested in health care or social services. For an interview questionnaire or more lnformaion, cal 1-800-567- 1045. AIZHEMaRSUPPORT GROUP MEETING A support group for Alzheimner familles meets every other Wednesda. The. next meeting wllbe held March 25, 1 pM., at the YWCA, sun room, 1 Mc*Grigor St., Oshawa. Refreshments will be served. Ail caregivers are welcome., For more information cail the Alzheirner Society at 576-2567. P(cOL, SPA SHOW The Metro East Pool Spa and Landscaping Show wilh.beheld at the Meto East Trade Centre, Pickering March 20 ta, 22. BREAKFAST MEETING Women's Network meets the third Thursday of each month for a breakfast meeting at the Old Munich Caf., King- St. E., 'Oshawa. The. next meeting will be held on Thursday, March 19, 7:30 a.m. Members and guest are welcome. Cail 723-1143 for information and reservations. EUCE The. Ladies Auxiliary ta Branch 112Whlùtby will hold the. monthly eucbre on Tiiursday, March 19 at 117 Byron St. S., Wbitby (upstars hall), 8 p.m. Cost la $2 per person. Lunch will-be served. Handicap lift available. at south door. AmRES1Y Amnnesty International (AI group 90 Aax-Pckring) wil hold its next regular meeting at IPNckering Village United Church, Church S t. N., just north of the higii achool, on Tuesday, March 24 at 9:30 a.m. J"yc Banya, the pincpal of a, girls' ihool i Serm «meWest Africa, will be gut speaker. Everyone welcome.. For more information caR wha MARCH ART BREAK« 'March, Art Break,' March 16 ta, 20, 9 am. ta, 3:30 p.m., still bas r oot for more registrations. The' prograni, sponsored' by the. Optinilat Club of Brooklin, wil b. held at Thunderbird golf course. Fées are $50 including lunch dally and a field trip ta the. Ontario Science Centre. For more information cal Kith at 655-4434. FREINCOME TAX CLIIS FOR SENORS, The. Whltby Seniors'Activity Centre and local chartered accounitants frorn the. Insttut. of Charter.d Accounitants cf Ontario will offer freeicorne tax cllnics for' seniors on.March 23,.24 and 25, eveningu. This service isnfree ta, any senior with a maxium annual incorne of $15,000 (single) or $22,500 (couple).B.....ng Marh 13, voluntees h bv rec.lved tanig fror the. ciitr f Revenue will b. aalbete, do income tai for thosewho donot quallfy for the accuntants' cbinics. CaR 668-1424 for an appointment. CONCERT SERES ii. third and final show in tii. Cildren's Concert Serles will b. held on Saturday, March 2 1. 'Tea at The Palace' will b. presented fbyPupeogers Powell at Heydensore Pavillon frorn 1:30 ta 2:30 p. Tickets for $6, are availbe at thei. libraries in Wiiitby and at tii. Wiitby muni- cipal building For more informa- tion caîl 6686531 or 668-5803 (ext. 217). » CIIRISTIAN SINGLES COFE HOUSE Christian Singles Serving Christ (CSSC) wiUl hold a concert of praise, 'Joyful News, on Saturday, Marcii 21, 7:30, p.m., at the. Christian Life Centre (corner of Rowland and Ravenscrofit Rds., Ajax). CSSC meets every third Saturday of every month for felowship. Admission la free. For more information cal 623.21L26 or 686-6193. ENVIRONMENTAL hMTING The Durham Environmental Network (DEN) wiil meet on Wednesday, March 25, 7:30-'p.m., at Durhami Coll5ge, board room' C113, Oshawa. There will b. a sllde presentation on. recent landflil digs at Brock West and in Michigan. For more information caM (416) 286-9565 or (416) 435-0497. SPINA BIPIDA lb. Durham Cbapter cf Spina Bifida Hydrocepbalus Association of Ontario wiil hold a meeting ta includé elections, on Monday, MarSch 23 at 7:30' p.r.,' at the. Grandvw Treatment Centre, Oshawa. New menibers welcom;. For more .inforbionéaflI Fày at' 72r>6186. cm. PATRICKES DANCE Durhami Celtic Sports and Cultural Club will hold a St. Patricles nigiit dance atKngt of Columbus Hall. Brock St. N, Whitb on Saturday, March 21. Cotlu $30 par couple. For ticket information cali Mile Morrison at 668-9217. >CLUB CAMI The regular general, meeting of club Caib Of Oshiawa hic. wil b. held on Sunday, March'22, 7:30 p.m., at Sunyside Park clubhiouse Stacey/McKirn avenues, Ostiawa. Anyone inter- ested in, joining lu welcorne ta' attend. PUPPET SHOW Whltby Public Lbrary wifl hold 'Te a t the. Palace,' a puppet show for children aged 3 and veonSaturday, March 21, 1:30 ta 2:30 p.m., at Heydenshore Pavillon. Tickets are $6 .ach, and are available at the library. A special draw for tickets, ta ths show and other przswil continu. until March 17.%Reister at the. library. PANEL DISCUSSION The Durhamn Business & Prof essional Women's Club- wil meet onWednesday, March 25 beginning , t 6' p.m. with a reception, dinner et 6:45 _p.m., followed by a panel discussion on 'lb. Crime of Wife Abuse!, The meeting "wil b. held, ette Oshawa Shrine Club, 1626 Sirncoe St. N., north of Taunton Rd. *The cost lu $25 for memibers, -$30 for guesta. Reserve'early by cailing Karen Grahani,,.at 427-6930 or Barbara Wood, at 723-1163. The club meets the. last Wednesday of each month. WEIGHT TRAJNING A weight trainingworkshp will b. held at the. W'tbyCivic Centre recreation çoplex on Tuesday, March 24, 7 ta 8 p.m.- For tuas. interested in taning or bilding muscle, poe triigtechniques 1and saety wlllb.dscuss.d by Jan Wkes and Liz- Moran, fitness1 progranmmr. Tii. cost la $1- for members and $5 for guests. Rtegister at the. complex. *EDUCATION AND Non rfit communltygroups rwhlch arebased in Whihy or have a substantial Whltby memnbership may place their upcomlng meetings or activities on this page at no cost. fftnùmor odV I RALPH S. MOUSE FILMI Witby Publicý Library will. featur.' aph S. Mous.' in the' prograrn roorn' on friday, Marc:h 20e,2 ta 3 pm. The film lu forage 5, to 11, and following the movl,, mous. 1puppets may -b. made.I Register at the cbildren's or adult. desk. FPASHION SHOW Epilepsyj Durham -Region will presenit a t«Sprig Fashion Show' onr c24,,7:30 p.m. atý theii. usmen comrnunity centre 109 Coîborne St. W., Osh-, awa. K'iit are $5. Tiie show,« cc-ordinated by Style & Image Consulting, l nlude fashions byMotif.,AndreyJane'., Ms., Emad.signs, un Fashions-for Kidi, and h'ai*r -bLiStrands. R.efreshments -anddoorprizes. <Caîl 486-3152 foi tickets for 'the. fundrainngevent FOCUS ON WOMEN Focus on Womein will meet for coffe. .and dessert on Tu.sday, March 24#1-7:.30 pam., at tUi Salvation, Army, ,Oshawa. Tem pI. Corps, 570 Thornâton Rd. N., Oshiawa Guests' will b. Norah Stoner featuring a deil collection, sololst Jan R.lgart and speaker Mary Bond. Admission lu s .For information cali 72&-5062. JOHN GREEN VISI Onlbursday,ý March 19, 2 ta ý3 John 'Green, chldren's a rwil visit the Wbltby Public Library. Green lu the creator, of .Tlhere are Trolls, TIi.re'a Dragon in Mny Closet Alice and -thé. Birthday Giant, Junk-pile.Jennifer and bis flrst juvenile novel, The House that Max Bufit. 'The,-progrmi suitable for childiren aged8til12. Register at the library. CEHRONIC FATIGUE The Durham Reg*on Chronlc Fatigue, SndromafMESuppr ;G=ou vii 1meet on W-ednesday$ 2,7 p.m.*, at A.E. King Memorial Comple-4 Kingsway CoilegeOshawa., For more infomation cal Rene. Leahiy at 655-4398 or Frances Walmsley at 436-6315. STAMUP CLUB 'The Oshawa Stamp Club wil méet on Tuesday,. March 24, 7* r.a, lrst Cll7lîate, café- ifnfloor. Col etru and visitors' are :webcoere. Stamps, postcards- and cover' collections cmi b.ezciiang.d, appraised or soldi at auction. For more Infor- mation calI John at -725-7962. The. Ajax-Pick g and Whitby Ascain for INFORMATION PROGRAM Commnunity Living has «What is 'Natual Childbirth' rescheduled its' forum on wiilb. the. tapic ýof a .free education and employment. for conu:munity icfrmtion~n ilsdayMarh-24 at St. coponsr.d by theii. ùff Berndett'Church hll 21 Eduication Assiatiof Durham Eljax. 4 L T.e'videoI (tlepon.420-389) and tue Neiboi~' mtroducing thi e saranPrevention SuPort and asociaton, wMllb. ahown àt 6:30 -.Education Group, (telephon. p.m, wlth a discusson on uchool 576-0562) on March 25,7:80 pirn.,, and woek isàues fur individuels e t,.arts reoerco cntre i witu ýdeveloprental -handicaps Oshawa. Seveal seaer wil beginning est -7:15 P m. For morediscus thet Pa Fr moret at 683-6732asoitio n St. John Amnbulance will hold their'annual, meeting and'elec- tion of executive members on 1%ursdayMatch 19, 7:30 p.m., at 1517 Dundas St.., p Whitby. Ail welcome. MARGE BREAK Tii. YMCA is offering a variety of fim-flied days during the. six-day March bk. T here wiil be Skit Day, Mini Golf Day and Crazy Olymnix*co Dy, ta, mention .a few., thecanmp Win operate at the . Whltbyaptisb Church; camp hours are 9 a.m ta 4 p.m. but. extended hours are available, if needed.. Children should bring theïr lunch each day. As manmy activitie wiIl b. outdoors., b.se ta drese for thi. weather. Fees are $27 per'day or $150 for the. full six-day program. SENORS WEKN Thé. Central Iàke Ontario Conservation: Anthorlty will hst a1 seniors we kend on March 21 and , ,22 ýat: Purple Woods Conservation Area. A shuttle wil b. avalable 'fromth Wprking-lotý ta, the sugar mi, =ÉMale sru demonstrations wiil b. open fromà 9:30 a.m, to 3:45 p. and tour through ti. sugr ushwilb. art il a.m., 13 n 2:30 p.m. from the. parking lot. Tours, amsin shuttle serice and parkIng -areý Ires. Ail are welcome. Purpie Woods is located north of Oshawa at the southeast corner of Simcoe St at the lU1th Concession Rd. For, more information, cail the' authority at (416) 579-0411. INCOME TAX HELP A free income tax help clinic will b. held Saturday, March 21,0 9 a.n. ta, noon, at Whitby Baptist Church,- 411 Gilbert St.' E.' The' flrit, part of the. dinic will show how ta flMI out returns, and the. second part will haveéqualified instructars :check' it. e*se early as places are limited. Cal Albert at 430-8388, (days) or 430-3210 (evenings) for informa- tion or ta register. BUSIESSCLUB, Thi. Durham Business & -Pro- fessional Women's Club. will meet on Wednesday, Match 25 at the Oshawa Shrlne Club, 1626 Sirncoe St. N., Oshawa (just, south'of Durham College). There will be a pamiel discussion on abuse and what to expect. Roc% tion at 6 p.m., dinnàer at 6 p..Cost ls $25 for members $0 for non-members. Get and new members are wecoeme.^ Reserve by calling 725-9179 or' 427-6930. DURHAM GRAVIER CAPIC Durham chapter of CAPIC bas arranged a plant tour of Dowty Aerospace, -ANax.,on, Thursday, March 19,2 p.m. Th. tour will b. followe,by aý dinner -meeting ýat Earl Of Dunbamý 227 Brock St S. Whitby, and' Roland Knoblauch will speak1 on 'MRP Implementation.' A cash bar wil beheld from 6 ta 7 p.m., foilowed by dinner at 7 Ipmr. and a presen"tation frorn 8 ta, 9 p.rn. Cost la $20'- (including G&). For details and registration oel SraKazmichukAt -0210, &nt

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