Whitby Free Press, 11 Mar 1992, p. 2

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PAGE 2, WIITYFRME PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 1992 ki ..... .... By Marieo Boucher After consultation with the Local Architectural Conservation Advimow Committee (LACAC) and the Town of Whitby, the Durham Board of Education ham BUY 1 st DINNEI THE.2nc PRI -vr Monday Nç THIE PRINCE RESTAURANT AND DINING LOUNGE decided- that the old Sinclair Public School wil go t ublic tender. for removal from its Taunton Rd. site. A tender would have te agree te preserve and reburbiah the OUVLAKI.. R & GET d ATI112 IICE Ilh rm -p. exterior- part of the origial building and keep the acýhool itself in Whitbysays Whitby trustee Patricia Bowman. Should no tender be, found, the board will ask ita architecta te, incorporate some histerical parts of the achool inte the new Edtuca- tion Centre te be built on the Taunton Rd. site, she says. The cost te the board for the moving and refurbishing of the original section of the school would be $375 000, she says. Bowman says that money will be botter spent on educational material for childron and on employoea' -salaries during the current economic cimate. "That' the kind of difficult decision we had te make,» she saya. LACAC and Town council-wore hopn for the préervation of th col but the board aimply couldn't accommodate that at this time, she says. «We want to try te préserve it as it isnow if possble, aohe aay a. Bowman- says the lack of pro- vincial government granta for this project also had an impact on the board's décision. The building would have te be fully functional to justiiy its exis- tence but too many repaira, are reqped at this time, ahe saa. 'Ieremoval of the bWidn does not mean we don't' SUMpo the historical heritage of' the building but the reaiý is the coslt of preserving woLdbe bet- ter spent on achool materials,» ohe says. The - histerical value of, the achool is very important te Whitby, says Rick MceDonel chairman o f LACAC. "We would have liked'te see it remainwhere it ls now but, with the hard,,times flnancially, the achool board didn't see how they can 2-reserve it there at titis tfime,he Baya. McDonnell say s ho approcatos the board's effort .8 isen te their suggestions and hopesaa public tender will help keep the achool where it. belonga at ita current location. Councillor Joe Drumin says he would like -te see part of it preserved. "It should be incorporated with the new propoaed achool and education centre,» ho says. Injlured workers' un ion growing in 'leaps and bounds' I s us buitiniig2afor io g cr~!K MI By Marlo Boucher The Durham Regilon Union of Injurod Workersg (DRU1W con- tinues te grow, now counting 350 membera aflor being estabhséhed onlyr late lagt faIl. t' ,rwngh in leapa and bounds and it has grown much quicer than we expeted" ays John Graham, carman of DRUMW 1There are about 10,000 irjured workers i Durhamn Region, he Baya. Graham aaiys the local union had a meeting in Oshawa lest week helping te inform injured workers about their righta and some of their employers' obliga- tion te thom. "We offer su pport and work on their case for them," he aays. Ail members on the board of directers are all injurod workers who are on Workers' Compensa- tion, he says. Graham saya the local union is one of 26 membors of the Ontario Network of Injured Workers. "We will do anything we can to help whoever wants te join us," he aaya.r Graham aays the only way the gover rnme Pnt will hear us and act on the physical and emotional impact of injured workora is for 'the peole te come eut and au pport thi goup. » oome educational material, such as a videa produced by Rogers Cablo on injured workers, IBUY ONE FOOTLONG OR SALAD AT I REGULAR RC GET ONE O F EQUAL OR LESRPIC IFREErn With purchaa o! a large soUit rn I One coupor, per customer per visit I Offer expires March 26/92. &711- I S1017 Durdas StreetEs -Whtby - 430-SUBSI - -- - --ý ia available te members of the union, he Baya. «There is help out there te, fight for our rights » he saya. Graham aaya tle union has support gr-oupa te help new and current membera mn doaling with their situation. Delays in cases for inj'ured workera makes it difflicult finan- cially for them te provide food and a proper pla*e te live for their.famibies, he ay. «People are. glad itfa finally in- place,»-h e Baya. Graham sacs the union was sparoaded by M.P.P. Drum- By Marlo Boucher Town council has decided te, use a bandaid solution for repaira, of a faulty undergrund atreotlighting cable on Wont- werth S t. from Thickson Rd. te Boundary Rd. Council approved Monday evening te, accept the low tender of $2 288.50 from Brooklin Elec- tric.F ?oËte connoction of a wire from the current underground. cable te the noaroat available aource te prýovide tomporary powor te the streetlights on Wentworth St., from CcEwen Dr. te Boundary Rd. At a lator. date, a complote replacement of the faulty under- ground streetlighting cabe with a new underground cable and duct aystem is expected te coat at least $30 000. Councillor 'Rosa Batten said the time is net right te spend unleas it is abaolutely necessary: ,«We are in a time cf economic retraint,»he aaid. Batten aaid the aaving of about $27,000 or more.% s onaiderable during the current recession. ,The underground cable inatal- lation can be dono as soon as the economy improves, he- aaid. CouncillorJoe Drumm said the mond White and has been long overdue for injured workors who are tee often left, unprotected.' "I tbink- it will be one of the biggeat -issuea of the 90%s in Ontario," he saya. The I3RUIWs next meeting is schedulod for April 22 at C.A.W7 Hall, 1245 Phillip Murray Ave. in Oshawa, he sas On April 6,DRUÙIW planas.to participate in a demonstration for ther cause at their headquar- tors in Toronto. 1For further information, please contact John Graham at 985- 8962. Town would nover really' have onough moniey at any time, even dern good. ecenomic yoars, te <apendon rojeta auch as this. Council rhascte do the right thing, ho said. Drunim said people are fed up with -councils andvernmont overspen ing and teo many people are suffering. today because of the recossion., Councillor Marcel Brunelle disagreed aaying thia ia only "a bandaid solution.» The temporary overhead feed could becomoi faulty at any time and end up a wastecf taxpayers' money, ho said. Brunelle said the problem should be repaired prperly now instead of a quick fIC) that will lead te bîgger problema and cos- ting more money. T1ie mail savinga could cem'e bac kte haunt council in the near' future, ho said. "Do it right and act for a permanent solution now,» ho said. Councillor Dennis Fox aaid the price may be good because of the recession but council may aIse beý shortaighting itself for aaving $25,OOOl plus now but losing more later.. PEýDICARE , QOUALFFY PROFESSIONAL FOOTCARE IN YOUR HOME Karen L. Brady R.N. For appointmeint COef: Ikii"IUTES INSUFRJ Vz'CE LOqjI!RA7TES AUl *$1,.000,0 PL+PD+ * $250 De *$50 Ded * 1991 Ch Mc ro )00 -AB ,d. 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