Whitby Free Press, 4 Mar 1992, p. 3

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Items from Whitby Couneil agenda(s) ModanysMarck 28 Planning and Development Committee That a site plan application for a rear addition to Dalry Queen at 1003 Dundas St. E. be approved. The addition wlll enclose publie wash- rooms. Rocom tnetcoimoil Operatiô nS Commitee That a lottery lcenslng bylaw be amended to allow charitable or religlous organizations to have 'Break Open' tickets ln private commercial and retail outiets that they own. Requests were recelved from the Arthrtls Society for a klosk ln the Whitby Mail, the Broolin- Whltby Ringette'Association for Iroquois Park, and Big Sisters of Newcastle- Oshawa-Whitby for the Dally Pianet ln the WhItby Mail. 'Break Open' tickets cannot exceed $100 ln cash prizes, Immedlateiy payable by the vendor. Rocommded to council T'hata>grantof $750 to the Brooklln Redmen Lacrosse Club be approved to caver some of the expenses of travel to New Westminster, B.C., last Septembor to compote ln the Mann OUp. Upon their retum, they submitted a request for financial assistance, not aware of changes ln Town poiicy that now require a wrltten request be made for grants prior to travelling to a competition. The Town felt that the lacrosse team made valid points ln belng unaw are of the policy changes. Rocom 16Mened -conIl That the Town request a'* subsidy of $807,310 from the Ministr of Transpotaton'for expenditures of Whitby Transit The subsidy covers 25 per cent 0f the estlmnated operating costs and 75 per, cent of capital costs. ReoonmIondto council Tht parts of Grand Trunk St. between Gaft St. and Victoria St. E. b. closed and steel possJoined by a chain be Instalied across the road. The Town Is partlclpating with the Reglon, province and the Canadian National Railway (CNR) for a grade separation to be lnstalied on the south side of Victoria St. E., east of Brock SI. S. at the CNR crossing. The construction of the grade separation wlli require the relocation of the creek to the east. The headwall of the cuivert for the WWBYFME PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4,1992, PAGE & ministry s choice for location of rloute' By Marlo Boucher Hundreds of Whitby residents angrily exprossed their oppos- tion to the province's preferred choie of west Whitby as a loca- tion for a future freeway link, during a public informnation meeting last week. At least 330 people attended the moetin ~M ny more did not ighiat te main ontrances., 'Re consensus among rosi- dents je not te, have an eight-lane highway anýywhereiWitby but, given the choice, Lakoridge Rd. would ho the proferred route. The province wants te locate the freeway liuk between Halls ]Rd*. aud Coronation Rd. The freway would stretch for about 10 kilometres between Hwy 401 aud the ]prooed Hwy 407, north of the existing Hwy 7. Many rosidients questionod the boundary of the area of study, that doos not include the area immediately east of the. proposed freeway iuk, an area that i- cludes residential areas euch as Macedonian Village, Otter Creek, Quoen's Chase, Queen's Common and the West Lynde area. Some rosidents wondored how the. province could decide on the. location of the froeway link when most of the northern part of the study plan between Whitby and Ajax has been zoned for future de-vlopment. They suggested that the freeway couldl be lu Ajax in an area zoned ludustrial, or along Lakeridge Rd. Whitby councillor John Dolitra said the freeway route bas y et te b. licluded lu the regional offi- cial plan. «I don't think we should b. using the prime. lande of Whitby »he said. Rob I3urgess, a residont who has been orgauizing a protoat, said the link will have a detri- mental imppact on all property owners in the wost end of Whitby, sud lho questionnedthe neod for an eight-lano highway i the area. Ho said residents i the area did not receive auy notice of the minietry's preforred route, and wonderod where notices 'were sent with information regarding the proposed freowa~ link Burge said te mrnistry p lans te construct two more feeway links lu Durham Region, one west of Pickering, the other est of Oshawa. "I would suggeet that this je groe overkill -and a blataut abuse of taxpayers' dollars," ho said. Burgess said the carbon monoxide from the thousauds of cars travelling daily on the freeway link, aud water runoff from the freeway, carryiug rosi- dual oil and1gas spiliage jutte dthsan r- eventually it Lynde Croek, will have a serious and irrevorsable effect on the environmient. Ho said the proposed freeway link "will impact on my quality of life, the onvironninent of my community, aur property values, not te mention the wildlife arouud aIl the communities lu the area.» She said she and her husband spent a lot of money te, acquire 10 acres of land for their famnily, and they moved te the area for its peace sud quiet. "It's going te b. bad with the. pollution and the noise," she said. «It's a wasto of taxpayere' money,» said Rick Beckett. He said .ho came to' Whitby because ho thought tho town had, "a vision for tho future.» "I would nover buy a houso .near a highway," said Peter Gavaris. Ho said his prouerty value will decrease rapidi 1,ecýause of the noise and pollution expocted from the freeway, and said that «we should be compensated i lose of property value.", Gavaris said thero is a need 'for an access tc, Hwy 401 i the area betweon Brock St. lu Whitby and Harwood Ave. in Ajax b ut ho would profer Lk .e.: A man, escaped with a «sub- stantial» amount of cash after holding up a Canada T'rust bruann n -mesay ast weK I Ou a few occasions during theo Police say ýa man eutered the' Imeeting, residents argued with branch at 80 Thicksou Rd. S. Iropreseutatives from the minis- early Tuesday afternoon and teld Itry about the pros aud cons of a teller he had a gun, although Ithe proposed freewaLy. no weajon was seen. "Why would they p ut a The culprit left the soone on freeway near a villae' askod foot. Sharon Ta lor. It was -the second robbery ia 8h. said people living in the mouth at the. branch. subdivisions just east of the po Police are lookiug for a mani ~sdfreowayliukinqludug descrbeds5ft.6mi. tall, .aeonian Vlagwil lolas.between ago25 and 35, with a therpr *os 'quetyof hf. »medium bufld. Peopl ehudcmfirst," she -Ho was ,wearng lnkk sai.,hat covering bis haïr. puffy, blue< "W. hate itý"said Nancy BaI= -.&ansd'White oeokeris'-and eéoing thé sentiments of mon bw'gese it meetiý" oridge Rd. as the. route for tho freeway. ai just feel it's too close teoOur homes i Otter Creek," ho sad. Carol Amero, a resident in Almond Village for the last 20 years,, sald the'area is nice and quiet right now. LEGEND SStudy Ares Boundary Technically Preferred Route >for Freeway Llnk Alternative Routes for Freeway Llnk *Proposed FreewaylFreeway Interchange * Proposed Interchange Hlghway 407 Study'Ares 79 eLORS.WOHW "The noise from 401 is bad enough as it ls.," shesaid. Amero said residents are con- cerned what effects the noise and the emeli, from the freoway link will have on the environment, " y would they put a few in an area that's already developedr»she said. "Ite the on% p lace betwoen Hamilton and Oshawa thathas such a znce green area,"» said Don Caldwell. 1 don't know if ifs noccessary to have a freeway lixik going north and southin this aroa, »he said. MAKE METRO- A, LOCAL, *CALL. Cail Toronto and alrea as' often as you wush and talk as long as you like ANYTIME! $ 99 RESIDEIITI AL plus GST* $ 4799' BUSINESS plus GST*, IOP 1ai.. u 1 am.1 qýfe7i mu I' vu M-48141-149 #,A Sales Location OSHAWA CENTRE- SHOPS uP Top 1 m

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