Whitby Free Press, 26 Feb 1992, p. 33

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WIIBFR EPRIE8 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1992, PAGE -88 AUCTIONS j CORNEIL'SAUCTION BARN FRIDAY9 MARCH 6 AT 6 Pi. Reflnlshed fIat-top faim scales, 3 :c% modern bedroom séte., walnut edtables, wainut '12-moon table, washstand, walnut 'dining chiris cheteles, walnut extension table. More detalls next week. If plnigany tpecf sprlngauction et your place 'or mine, large or smail we wo ul appreciate a bail. DON'OR GREG CORNEIL AUCTIONEERS RR #1tLITTIE'BRITAIN PHONE OR FAX 705-786-2183 >AUCTION SALE "KAHN COUNTRY AUCTIONSIO Every' Wednesday at 620 p.m. Located on Brock Rd., Pickering,3 miles forth of Hwy. 401 (exit #399). Featuiing every Wed. an excellent seiection of antiques, fine furniture,, glass, chine, coilectibles, primitives and the unusuals. 5 o in us every Wed. and pripae in one of Ontaîio's 'true' auctions with no buy-backs or reserves. "Consign- ment and estate selling aur speciaIty.u Caîl. us today. Previews from i p.m. KAHN AUCTION SERVICES (416) 683-0041 HENNESSY AUICTION HALL 1Service six.e 1980 71,Mearns Oit. and Base U.ne Rd. Unit 310, Bowmnanvilîe- Ail consignments welcome. PIck up and dellvery. Firat sale Saturday, Februey 15, 10 a.m. As %-15as .1-416-697-1276 AUCTIONEER, MONTE HENNESSY I PER*ONAL$ i LOSE WEIIGHT and/or Quit Smoking -Easilybyusing ,Our Amazing habit controi tapes. Oniy, $9.95 ea. plus $1.50 ax and $3.50 S&H. Order both for only $22.90; we pay tax, S&H and you save $7. Send cheq ue or money order today to: Systematic' Control, 8 Midtown Dr., Suite 164, Dept. M, Oshawa, Ont. L1J 8L2. I. 'j PRE-PAID'WORD ADS. (Cash, VISA, chaq'ue received before deedline) $6.00 for 20,words; ($5.61 + 390 GeT) 150 each additiqnal word; (140 +10 GST) BILLED WORD ADS $8.00 for 20 words; PLUS GST 150 each additional word;, PLUS GSTl AUCTIONSIANNOUNCEMENT$ 890 per agate lino (1l4 agatelUnes per Inch) mini mum charge: $6.00 prepaid, $7.50 biIIed DISPLAY ADS IN CL ASSI'FUEDS (Ads wfth borders, pictuies or graphies) Regular display rates alpp!yp 940 per agate lîne Minimum size 1 column Inch $13.16 CONTINUOUS RUN DISPLAY ADS AS LOW AS $1 0.99 PER COLUMN INCH. G.S.T. Is extra on ail ads unless oitherwise indicated DEADLINE Monday noon prior to Wednesday publication. * 668-0594 Please check your advertisment for eirois on the first day of publication. The Whitby Fiee Press will not be hiable for,failure to publish an. ad' or-for typographic errais in publication, beyand theý cost of the, space accupled by the error up ta a maximum cost of the insertion. The -Whitby Free. Press reserves the right to classify SEWING. SERVICE - Ohildren's clothes, wlndow coveings, duvets, etc. Also-sorne akerations. Qualty worlç. 436-0313. CASH LOANS $500 AND UP. Alil ap rilcations quickly processed, reprless ofpast credt rating. Must be empboyed. 436-8104, 24 hour answering service. BIRTH CONTROL -and famnily, plannn ounseln. Free and Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 430 p.m. c3linie every Thursday 3 to 6 p.m. For fuithar information., cail 420-8781 or 433-8901. BAHAIS BEUEVE: Strive to be shining exemples unto ail manklnd and twue reminders of the virtues @f God amidst men. For Information and discussion, cail 668-8665. 37 YEAR OLD FrenchlEnyiish serious-minded gentleman <5 10t, 250#. black har, brown eye< Libra)seeking "an' 'Inteligent senMitive, honest and loving *24 to 35 year old 'woman -for com- painhip love and 'romance.' Snèewmen only. RLD., RR.O. 70506, 1615 Dundas East, Whitby, Ontario, LiN*9G3. CINDY'S ALTERATIONS. Leather, ladies' and men's afterationis, prom dresses, custom tlrngTues. thîough Sat. 101-V2 MayS.W.,ý Pearson Lanes. P$YCHIC & SPIRITUAL ADVISOR Joain" 'Monday to Frlday top.. ALTERATIONS 5V MARY. Giv e <ur old wardrobe a new MIf. No ob 1 too smail.- Ladies' & men's 1alloring alt reasonable prices. 6-10 p-in. 436-1448. SAY-THIS PRAYER, nine Urnes a day. By, the -8th dae, your, praye Wil lbe answered. f#1 has neyer- been krown to fel., May'the-. Sacred Heait of Jesua .be àdbred, glorfield, ioved' and preserved througout the worid. O Sacred Hart 'ofJeSUS pray for, us, st. Jude worker, of miracles pa for, us,, St. Jude, helper -of thehopelese praey for us.' Pubâlication, must be promised. Than* you for favours received. BC. WOMEN IN 'ABUSIVE rêlation- shipe. For help, 'câli the, Denise House for Women ýand OChlldren.< Toil free 1-800-263-3725ý or 728-7311..,. Canidentialfty assured. WHITBY FREE PRESS odlti rraelDating L Sort TrLooklne for a handball SIngle Need a date fartner? Someorie fares can dinner or theatre? fora round of jack up -- Or lookfng Seniors golff or game travel for that Need another of chess? f-7prlces. Fnd a special senior to make a Look -for the m parter'or maybe someone? fut for bridge,'see a At iRSVP!" out a catr-l ad or, read ionshlp? Check out RSV! ~ î -and listen PRSVP! Whltby Frec Press RSVP systeni supplted by'Talking Computer' by Telesphere Canada Inc.. Toront.o. TO.LAC A ADTOHES MSSAES It'à easy! It's fun! It's confidential! cail 668-0594. (Please cail Wednesday - Fý,-Iday, 9-12 or 1-5 Tlo place a FREE 20 word ad lni thl Whttby Free Press cali 668-0594. We don't even need your name or phone' numler. Your ad wtll run ln the ncçwspaper each week for a month. We'l give you a voicemail box number. 'Men you dial, 1-416-976-1991, watt for it ta answer and press extension code 3 on your, touch-tone phone. FollQw a simple series 9f messages which wili help you place a voice ad ta complemnent your freeý word ad. 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We reserve the-rlght ta delete any ad whlch Is offensive in content or wvh1ch contains the narie, ac4dress or phone nutiber of the box holder or anything wIilch identifies ihem.'lis Is for your protection. -j s'- Hear It ln their own, voicel e1-416-976-199-1 Watt for it to answer, then when prompted press' exten.sion-code 3 on your touch-tone phone. RSVP ads are found'in the Classifleds af the Whitby Free Press. Each ad carnies a voicemail box number to help, yau find the corresponding vaîce message. Jot down the mai Ibox numbeir' from the ad y ou.wish ta respond ta. Then dial 1-416-976-199,1, press newspaper code. 3 and a simple sertes of messages will lead ta their message. Ifyoùu- like,,you can respond, leavtig yo ur name and hoenmber. aour replyis only acceàsi le'ta the persan it is -intended f9r. -You pay only 99.1tperlé minut e,toaa maximnum ai $2.97 per call on your phone bill. 'ls hereare« no addl- %%tionÎal long dislta.ce charges. Aesthetician, make-up artist- <aeromatherapist. Oshawa Centre Halrstylists 728-4623 dasweek 10am -8op WainFaciaIà, Pedicu res, ails, Aeromatherapy Massage, ~(7Refiexology, Make-up Artist. 1yrs.,exp.). eye lash &browdtnt.) RSVP ads are on the next page . . . . . . . . . . . . M

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