PAGE80 WMT13Y My, RE% ,WECDNMSAY, FMBUA.RY 00,1W92 ArhitsSoit The Trent regionà l oýffice of the, Arthritis Society smoving tea. le fice on Thiursday,,Febi. The new office , descrilbed, as. bggrand. better" than our pro- son loatin,»will - b. at Faith Place,?4 William St. W., Osh- awa. Alibrar. y will b. establisihed té' readsociety literature and.te view, an'educational vide. and solf-help aide. Anyone ,who. ,cah .contribute office furniture is asked: te cal The phone. number romains the saânie - - 434-722.1, as does the Fax numnber,434-5854. Deveopmet iltimrove area - w ~ w m - NEW ENROLMENTS NOW.I Leamn to Danoce for the, Parties' - '.of, L4-c Pond and Scott Pond PROM PM)?~ 18 show wet meadow conditions as lopmen wollaç agricultural pasture, "The wildlife species compoâ-,forace ed ad ring tionray vary fronibath:the.peet ,ditches. à n& tue presenit,- but the numnber >.Pcue taken in tue summer of ndiidelsan' seces our 1971: indicate that the two rently,-utilizinig-ti. pond will be. ereaap .were undergoing. changes maintained or enhanced with -im- ý,duèe ,Ão.copstruction and that no proed dg haita ad cntrl sùrfà céV'water existed. at the po p eer tatan mvmentithetMine, se.said. ara pedsraove for ithe o- Another picture taken in the are, a prvied brAe po-summer of, 1978 shows wator posed environmiental manage- present. in the areas and Hellas ment plIan,"» es. saidtepn a lkl rae At t he heering, Hellas said aair d te . povand/oiel rtte d photogaphs froni 1927, 1954b tio fI.e vaan/ and 1959, indicate that the. areas Th ofii. od 'nirnnn siniilar t. what is present today, only becaynievide'nt.between the. Az>na itn g1971 and 1978 air photo Skating covrage,»heaid. pc PROM PAGE 18, tures taken in: 1i988 and last feul show the. area *-didn't- chang e there for a long tume. rnuch in the last few year s. The propos.d' plaza- im-, But sanie residents, indicated mediately south of Dundes St.E.- at - Iast- we.k's -public meeting is not part of this application4,bhe that they have -eketeid on the said. * ~ pond ince thé19à .'.' McLâchlan said Iie' ',hope-ýhé WhItbj arif vietfriaiWlajter decision ile «the rýiglf. n0" in~seid itm ay li.e"sible the .ýwbter Whitby, .,Jetatesd'.'s aordidup'uring-ue" otweather beceuseëtheresidensgtto e in the summer but t>ihet -there- the pondthi.enS neu na aîys. wesa '9apond-,.during.thé tue podarea ywill-e mpr ved inters^easop. ~.. and sanie famnilieswiIl b bè'.. Iws eci~What I -saw. purchase affordable housi~ (on Pýhéà airphtsai las AWAD- The. Rocyci*ng Council of Ontario (RCO) Isnuemntly seoking nominations for7its oighth annual Ontario Wante Mitaon Awards that wilbç held at the? Royal York Ilote! on April 23. The. awards ' z. busmnessos, goverflmenti4, rganiza- tions and indivldua[îfor ther efforts towards toducing waste in-Ontarjo. A summnary of the categories is as followm Ouatandlng yroduo/pckgngtehnlgilino vation. This aad~will recagnize only %oie produet., pac ag, or technolqoes ilntde1Ito til. marketplace la» 199. tat recoat-ffective will have the greatest net impact on the waste seaffzii both in terris of volume reduction of waste and reduction of tcaicity increase market demand for secondary materials, and help establish- new industry standards. Induutriaucoum cIjjnttuinaJ ans initiatives. Tho are tlee spaat awards. Industria types of businosses considoe for tbis award are afnculture -and related service industries, fishing and trappmgIndustries andfoe iflUnfly n doilindustries The. commercial ai*iardencomnpasses tasportation .and' storage, communication and other utiities, whoclesale trade, retail trade, finance :and insurance real estate, business services, accommodation, food and Leverage services,- and otherffservice sectors. The. Institutional aýward is considered for a variety of government services, :as well as halth and socal s4rvce industries. Municipal awardti. In t1hree population categorieý, this award re =gies mnunlcipalties that. are w4rking co-operativelyon. waste minimzation. Outstading indMvduaL Two awards - one for anadult and on. for a person imýder age 18. An adult whose PerMeveance and determination bas had a measurable impact l the workplace, comxnunity or in government. The 5junior' award ýwi]I recognize a young person whooe efforts in the pat year have demonstrated commitment and leadership in waste reduction and conservation efforts. Outstazulig .organization. Non-profit ..or - grasaroots groups mnay b. nominated for 1991 initiatives in theé areas of waste reduction, reuse and recycli55cteoyaple t i < Outstanding sohoolpr«. actgr ple oa pre-school,, primary and secondary schools, bth private and public. Outstanimarket and deviloprnent. Recogniig the organzationthiat ->bas -helped deeop arkots, for recyclahle/reusable noateri'eb Nomnatonsmuet b.' postrnarked n ae than Fe,28&-Th obtain a brochure with'a nomination forrai, contact the RCO at 960-1025 (Toronto lino) or 1-800-263-2849. MEerytime w. went there someboy was. usingr it,» said Hellas. She said it is important that the "breeding, area 'should be maintained or established.» Hellas suggested to the 0MB that construction not be allowed to start between mid-April and mid-August sol as to not disturb the pattern of the wildlife to breed during this period. "My preference is that fences and barriers 'are' established ,before construction occurs," she said. Hellas also, suggested that al the "construction be done at on6 time to Iiniiit the impact of the disturbance on the wildIife.ý «Species sensitive to distur- banc. currently are not known to, b. present... and the species that are present are able to adapt to, this environinent,» se.said., Since 1984, «there hasn't been, any endanqered-,or rare wildlife in the area, she éaid. ;«Ground..nosting. birds and sii1 ,à n~ia1spreferring aid -ield magybe les well represen- ted;,'other species preferring pocnd edge. habitat maLy be bettýer' represented,» she said. Q'Tho site Nyfll retain its local s,.igtificance for. sununor (vag#nt;) speciesof birds, and its importance t. igérant birds and bats,he said. H Helas'saà id .the existing pond 'artaa created by «direct and i ndirect'impaà cts; of urbanization in the vicinity of the pond.» Therefore, there imay b. lese wildlife due- to the increase, in urbanization in the area and the use of it b people for activities, causing "the absence of wildlife speci es, sensitive to distur- bances,» she said. Hellas sadthe degradation of the habitat is the. result of people leaving garbagtires nd shop- pi ngcats in the pond aren. Shiesaid' there may b<.ý lese garbage near the pond if the. development goes ahead because fences and the new subdivision wQuld eliminate easy access tol. the pond area. The final plan- to improve the pond area -would "end up provid- ing bettèr vegeýtation» and it would «increase in, size slightly» with- the addition of trees> and grass, she said. I "Casual welking should b. directed te, Sprlngwood Ave, for access ta, the pond area,» sue said. >As ta, her work on behalf Of-the developor, oe.stated that «I would'vre said the. sanie things if tue Town had hired me." Regardlese of whethÉer or not the developaient proceeds, Hellas eeid- ahe ould like te se. tue project go ahead-te improve the pond area. "I work for the environnient,» se.said. 1Edie Gomulle, spokesperson for Friende of Lyncle Marsh, esaid> construction immodiately north of Lick Pond- has caused the' nuniber of 'nesting species In the erea ta decrease in the. last 10 years. «It seenis logicel then, that more construction in an even greater proimity-,ta the. pond wil end up- with furtiier reduc- tion in nestigespecies,» se said. Gomille,, aieso spokesperson for the Duniini Animal Defenders-, said the. re ti'iction of - construc- tinjot. aoc cur between mid-- April ad.-m Id-u t is ânlikely. ta b.lrespecteéd. What assurances-arTe th-ere, frorni the construction -coapany that they wili abide ta this?' se said. 137 Vonst. Grant Arnold crime Stoppera and Durham Regianol ýPolice moýn unit are asking for thi. publice. help la id" an arëon that occurrodi Oshawa durMIngthi.e ay mornig cAig..13. At about 1:.40 a.m ,tbe Oshawa fire departinent was callod te afireat Albrt Steet United Church, aà tthe corner of Albert' end- Olive Ave. On theïr arrival, thsy found the west annex Evetual~the. fre- was etnuss but the west annex wa'c:m=p :y de.troyed. Damg i estmated aLt about Pieand fre lvsia" r eiv ta i.firewas delbeatey et.Enrywas glad to tih. church'through'a southwemt=,rund floorwldwO, udsset eoo morn cah fonithe. mmiter'. office and- thon setthe.building Four, perons,_ be1iëveÈ1 to bemaies, were sn running on,. the railwsy tracksa m the firetrucks arrived. Police wouldik m, talk to these people-as possiblewiesstet. r. .Armons are en the increase iDurham Re lnad poicear addn anyoflOwith arnYinformation ggrig bsfro n Crime' Stopper. Win payup te *.1,000 -in cash for,- mif tion'leading ean -arrest oyo aeany., pe reanýy ailier criminel. offences?-If scl rm SBcjm Similar cash rewards wi'i b., peIgd -for *Informaton, I tenganarresinny seriauser Mie urha RéVonarCrime Stopper. liÃŽotlie i.436-8 477 (thats 436%ToS) andeopen 24 houris sevay, a rogi, fre0 charge. Ifih"mnumber is long distance, you cen oeil~ ~ ~ ~ I co»c rci urul orloca Durham Réoginal Plice number aud ask for Cie Stopper. Oeis wlllneyer b. traced or ruooeded. You willhot b. equire te identi&r yourself- or have to go te court. ontbeGrant Arnbld ln the. co.ordinator.with'the Durham RoilCrime Stopper.sud writes tuis article te, help combat e e * ef hih he^e a e v o o 850 i ei e dJtt10 d n tos vhcime e s ntt Lri "ll Reinl rm So pe s. .O 3Bxe -1 st S O tai 'A.