Whitby Free Press, 22 Jan 1992, p. 11

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WIIITY FREE PRESS, WEDNEBDAY, JANUAWI 2 1992j PAGE il ::.:~..~MaY .........w RIORKERMR (rlight) as Prime Minister gery Fullbrow pisysi Mary Voilmer. Booster McCranie am a scene from the The -play opens friday at the arts play of the saine name. Paul immins resource ntehOsaa (rgt s Chief White Eagle and Mar- Photo by Mmvh Ebur, Whltby Fr.. Pr... mi,ýK-e r j ...r.t ....o . MX ......M . ......... ........... ni.Sh......ng.pNe B akReesor Whitby7sRick Kerr will be Canada's Prime Minister this weekend -- for a few hours, 'Keir-isplae-ng the title role' in 'Booster eM c CrP.M.descri- bed as a «a light-hearted, serious comedy» opening Friday night at the arts resource centre, part of the Oshawa city hall complex. Kerr says his character, Boos- teis naïve in a lot of ways honiest, with a good sense o1t humour and absoluely ne politi- cal experience -- net th e kind of persen you'd expeet te be prime mxminster. Ho is a lawyer, but got his degree by correspondence from RLed Deor Cellege. Booster'saiseo an auctioneer and writes radio Kilferr says the only reason Booster got into pohitics was because seme of the kids in bis, email Alberta town wanted a swimming pool. Booster erganized a few events and made a few phone caîls and gt one for them. "Everybody I redhe was se, good at doing that, maybe ho ought te run for politICa.» Boster's new party sweeps the west,. and helped by apathetic voters in the rest cf, Canada, manages te form a minority government. Booster thon goes ahead and salves the country's problems, since ho doesn't know eneugh te, SEE PAGE 14 Tlhe Kinsmen'Club of Whitby has begun solicitinq businesses Who wish to pa2rticipate in the second annualH orne Show, plan- Erewhon production. is .second in- kids', series Thbe Erewhon Theatre will sent 'Charlie and, the Choco at Factery' on Feb. 22 in the second of the Children's Concert Series in Whitby The show will be held from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m..at Heydenshore evili on. Tickets'are $6. For more infor- mation call the Whitby Public Library at. 668-6531 or Town rec departmnent at 668-5803- (ext. 217). ned for May 8 to 10 in Whitby. Contracte are being drawn up by exhibitors from last ea7s show, according to Kinsmen. The- 1992 show te be held at Iroquo ' s'Park, wifl include home renovation'and decorating ideas. AI proceedà from the show go toward the Whitby General Hois- pital Firat Class Fund. Kinsmen ave pledged $125,000 ýover five years. Fori more 'information cal Bryan Childerhouse. (668-5206), FE d Wynistorf (6-35)or Charlie Rô1Iand (436-7700). 0F THE WEEK ARE: 1.Elton John & Bemie Taupin TWO ROOMS - Polytel 2. Michael Jackson DANGEROUS - Sony 3. R.E.M. OUT 0F TIME -Wamer 4. Supertramp VERY BEST 0F - Polytel 5. Metalica. METALUICA - Wamer, 6. U2 ACHTUNG BABY - A&M 7. Bette Midier FOR THE BOYS - Warner 8. Mariah Carey EMOTIONS - Sony 9. Rod Stewart .VAGABOND HEART- Wamer 10. Grapes of Wrath THESE DAYS - Capitol "NOW AVAILABLE" G rundig I- Wold Reoceiver 12 - Band Tmavel ýRadio- 25 jHCKONRDe Casting for'The Tomorrow Box' Durham Shoestring Perforniers will hold an open casting on' Tuesday, Jan. 28 at the arts resource centre, Oshawa city hall complex, starting at 7:30 p.m. 'The Tomorrow Box,' a comedy-drazna -by award-winning platywright Anne Chislett, will be the closing production ef the j company's l8th season entitled 'On a tilting horizon.' Performances are1 scheduled for April 3, 4,9,l0andl1at8 $p.m. Well-receivod by .audiences, sinco its first performance at the Kawartha Summner Theatre, 'The Tomorrow Box 'examines the rolatienships cf two married couples in an Ontario farming family. Director Min Syme will cast one female aged 2to 3t) and one male aged 30 te 40 for the rôles cf newlyweds Alice and Joe. CO male and one female, both agd50 or over, will be cast as Joes parents, Jack and Maureen. There is aise a role for one female, aged 30 te 40, as Alice's sister Lisa. The play opens juat after Joe, apid. associate professeir of agrculture, and bis wife Alice a law student, have purchased the family farm from Joes parents who plan a Florida retirement. However, as the opening scene É areses- Alice and ber sister sa, alawyer, soon realize that Joes father did not discuss any of these «plansd with b is wife Maureen, who was nover allowed te make decisions in their married life. The roactions and events that follow provide both entertaining and thought-provoking moments for the audience, as well as a challenging role for the ate. portrayingMaureen. 1Producer Carolyn Wilsen invites anyone interested in the p stions te, be, filled for the backstage and production reurmnts cf this play te, attndthis audition evening. For further information or te obtain a scrip for advance reading, contact Carolyn Wilson ut 725-9256. ANIADEU 1756 SEAFOOD and STEAKHOUSE 1180 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa 436-9333 e 436-9065 *Roast Prime Beef (CanadaGrade A) 75 Centennial Rd. Ajax (Hwy 401 to Ajax, Exit Westney Rd. south to Bayly, east on Bayly, right on Monarch to Centennial) A special selection of limited edition prints has been gathered for thîs sale featu ring the captivating new- ROMANCE VIN TA GE SERIES alon9 with a wide variety of ý~alitYpnînts including mýany popular & hard to i h1 ART IN THE/'90S THE GA VEL COMES DOWM, THE AUCTIONEER SA YS, '"SOLD, BIDDER #8 1." INTENVSE AND EXCITING ACTION RESULTS IN ANOTHER SUCCESSEUL PURCHASE B YBIDDER #81 - L ET'S CALL THEM NTOM AND MAR Y" Tom and Mary cauld be here for a number of reasons - lnvestmont, an ompty walI at home or the excitement and action of thîs Sunday-aftemoon auction. Art auctions draw a varlety of peopie, ail ag os and from ail walks o! 11e. Tom and Mary's successfui bld obtains thom a Trisha Romnance limited-edition grlnt entitiod "Momning wlth Grand pa". impressive ln frame,-detall anîd colour, this lar e eautifui' plc was purchased for just under$500. It becomes- the second of tRo a Il f/n Mr' aorte hi alerscesu idgttenâ, ..ýCso ilmted-odltlon print enttied *Aftermiath*. The two wilI complote their famliy room. These two Ilmlted-edition prnts are each framod superbly,, triple mat ted with a comparable oak frame. Ail the miaterlals used are conservation qual%, ensuring th e buyer lastlng value for generations to came. For now, they'll hang at TmadMr' highly pralsed.*anid onjoyed by ail. Tom and Marydscovered llmted-edition docor some time ago whlle viting several galleres. The art they now display has their friends matching wall docor. with furnture. lIt's not surprisîngi In recent years largo numbers of people are bringlng affordable'limited-edltlon art Into thoîr homos for décor, onjoymient and lnvostment potentlal. At one time only the very rlch coloected fine art. Not so ariymarel Now everyoeca mw and enjoy fine art. Suporb, affordable, slgned and numborod limitod-editlon repraductions of originals have been produced for mariy years.naw by artists such'as Robert Batemnan,,Trisha Romance, Bev Doolihtle, A.J.- Casson, James Lumbere and many more." Highly advanced printing techniques enable limited-editlon prints to be producod ln such a way that they are equal ln comparison to'the original painting, but oost much comparable ta a fine art limited-editlon print. As a resuit. the majority of today's flnost artîsts are havlng thoîr work produced this way. This sophistication ln the art market; wth no prlce barrier, enables y0u f0 became owners of. valuable quallty fine art. Enhance your decor,. lmpress your frîonds and enjoyowningl the mast popular valuabie art form today. Gaileries and art auctions are an excellent way of seeln g more of what you should be considoring for se many roasons. Make tracks - you'll be ploasantly surprlsed at what you're mlssîng out on.

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