Whitby Free Press, 15 Jan 1992, p. 7

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WHITB FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15,1992, PAGE 7 PAGE SEVEN A tough guy for the times Bob Rae, TV rehearsal tape -24: unautiioized trànecrit.Nofr rêeas. Broodcest date: Jan. 21/92. Bob:ThaksSam Elllovieersout there in Ontario. This i. cousin Bob talldng. D you like the. fireplace we have- burming bebind me? lTets for atmosphere, as in wboever it was with bis fireside chats. rlve asked ... Floor director Cut, cut, cut. It won't do, Bob. That fireside thing is a little too thick. People might tiiink the. province is on tire. Bob: A little 'tire sale, chat.' Rer, bar, bar. Wiieel the. piano over. I could play a littie honky tonk. Floor director: Pire ale chat. ll forget I heard'that. Tae it from tii. tepaein. Bob: Maybe a direct approeých. Like, weil, sorry foke, but the. province is broke. Bsiesss are going bust. Tee Liberals ail saw tbis coming, that's why they let us win the. election. It ain t feir, it ain't fair, it ain't fair.. Political. advisor #1: Bob, your. wiining. Say times are teugb, yeu're tii. teugii guy for the. times, and togetiier w.'il see ail tus tbrough. Bob: Me? Tougii? Political advisor #1: What we want i a little gentIe' humility, some homespun humour, tiien the. «message of truth: Honest, folks, we'ré ail in this togetiier, let's pull as a team.' Political advisor #2: Well, that sounds good, but tec, niucii like what tii. Tories would pull. I. say w. go for the. " gottem by tii. gonade' stuif, like 'emerten up business and stop beating up on unions.! Bob: You mean the 'workçing ,maxi' is the victim, the. iàberals are the. bad guys. I like it. I like it. Political advisor #1:ý How 'bout tuis? Premier Bob Ras brings you a ta]k on tii. stte of the nation Political advisor #2: Province.. Political advisor #1: ... okay, province. When ' times are teugb, tii. teugh teekie tii. times.' 'Straight from tii. shoulder of the. tough left.' Something 1k. that. Bob: Tii. 'teuýgh left Political advisor #1: Times -are tug.W. have te b. teugh with tax dollars. No freebies for busmnesses. No fr biesre for layabouts. No freebies for anybody, no time. Set it up rigiit.. Bob: Yeeh, I get it. Tiien drop tii. big axe. Zero increas. in budgets. Slasii welfare. Cut government subsidies. Ail tii.stuf wer. gonna bafta do. Political advisor #2: I tiiougiit we were gonna give it te lem soft. Like, 'we wouldn't do this is w. lid a choice, thbis will hurt me more than it will hurt you,' yoex know, tii. whole woodsbed bit. Political advisor 01: (To the. faon director): Give Bob hie signals and talc. it from tii. top. Floor director: Quiet on the set. Five, four, three, two, one (points te Bob with tii. 'you!re on' signal).1 Bob: Hello. Fin Bob Bs., premier of Ontario. I. want te, speakte you tenight about money. Your meoney. Our money. Mainly, we don't bave much. Tax revenues are down. Te help eut, I asked the. Feds for a billion dollars. Wouldn't tbat b. a laugh if I got it? Fat chanc,. But I asked, on your bébalf What the. Feds have is your money, tee. Becaus. w, got ne money, we gotta stop spending. Tiie way we can stop spending is te spend more. Spending miore will b. painless for moet. Especially those who hv jobs. Ase tiiose wio have somie unemployment benefits left. What well do te get out of tbis i. siple: We're cuttin' eut welfare.. Were cloing balf the hospi tels. We're gonfla execute people ini jeils se tbat won't ceet se, much. W,'r., cutting fuinds te celleges and universities in haif. Thom s.gays have it soft anyway. Our treesurer, Pink Floyd, us.d teteach at coUegeso heotta know. Weather hes been cancelléd for tii. rest of the. ear. Instead of Sunday shopping, Ontario will legelize a ten-day shopping week te hýelp business.s. That'. juat a pajiia list. You get the, idea. Now, you ask, wbat cen I £do e lp? Weil, several things. Secod.' ontget laid off. Teose who are laid off, get work. Third. If yeu have money, spend it. Even if you don't have it, spnd it. Fourthi: If youire on welfae, move eut of the province. That'. about it. Thes. are teugh times. W. ' toughs' should bang tçgethr. Togtiiere cen work our way eut ruoY .vlinrijmo-i ',0çil jn.jj;10 iwv UJEIV i55M ~W5 ~VE~ ~'REM~EP3cJBTO t~ELI~ ~o1oco toOMM~ G~k244\ r~$~$~Ac~E g - I .1 i IGE AT WIHI'IY HARBOUR, C. 1910-1915 The chimney of the water pump house isat loft and the light houuais atthe centre ofthis picture, Iocing east fi-om the site of the. present Whitby Yacht Club. Ice 1k. tuis bas not been seen at the. hanbour for many years. Whi UvAmphoto 10 TZARS AGO from the Wednesda Ja 13, 1982 edition of the " Tweo hundred'and on. residents have omgned a petition requ.sting, a bus terminal i " BellTeephone rates in Brooklin will increase this year. " Police are looldng for a niissing 14-year-old Wbitby girl. " lTe ewer linking Conbett Creek and Pringle Creek Sewege treatment plants should b. complet.d within three years 35 YEARS AGO from the, Thursday, January 17, 1957 editien of the WB1'IEY WEEKLY NEWS " Morley Bain of Scott Tow pshibas defeated Kenneth Lee of Wbitby te b. warden of Ontario Countyr. H. je the -yugeto hold that office. " Harry Cockburn and Gerald farrons of Whitby will attend boy scout jamborees in Engend and the United. State. " Tee public dock at Whitby Harbour is belng rebuilît " James Ormiston, secretary of tiie Whîtby Came of Commerce, is looking for new office SPaCe. 100 YEARS AGO from the Friday, January 15j 1892 edition ofthie [BY CINICLE " Qysters at 40 cents per quart are served on short notic*. at W.H. Newberry's restaurant. " W.J. Luke bas open.d a machine and cooper siio at Dundas and Centre Streets. " It only coets a dollar a year to subecribe te tii hrnicle. 0 Te, Whitby Mecbanics' Institut, bas a library of 1,600 well-selected books. V ..t .ý , w -.: - àê . -V

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