Whitby figure skating club. FIGURES Kd«saBnasdbmt JB Iue Kalgh oldmau Faisth MIuLswrmeo Amani Iiujc*hn DANCES.- PAIUian Duteh Walts JmlfrDavla Tanda Davie Uamna 1)"i UýIannOIm canust& KMi" Bra.dbam Vansm Munroo lOcale Bfrtsu Baby blues mena Cowaai Nd" Ba roadbumt LowIm omy Aavyuhft Tatie IUlsai Junic rais. swing Tra Wafls Katie Jis. Amanda Meek Wû0ow Patrica turgu. Tai fi einMaaio.Bmeu loi=pea latin B reaa Fin trot DO&A Plair Tango JasaiCafte latin Camawn Rockoe M nLoen Brin MclSd Kris WhWtock suSue B mtboePaumt Blums SuahdCock' catbim vm~ Vluzneaa Natasha Brideu INrubay lenn Weltaa IssbaeHode Hall7 MaMurray Junir frisa Suah Olduran Brin Oamoeu Seemirais. Angela Hanafooc Whitby frouois Swim Club llth annual Wintr nvtatiSnl 0im ueet héla at Markham Aquatio Club Jan. 8, 4 and 5 la-a UNUMOMM Surh e ileMY 400 freastyla Gold l10fratyle Eilve< 100 backatrak Sir 200 DÉ[ Gold 50 frasatylo 0cMd 100 breustalree GaIS 60 buttSgyl Me hp"nttraçhy awarded Rcb*nMocunwoh Usa Del maro Lyndaq Crowde ili& ls BOYS S.ndyHuidu!. Braidan Mantaua Tain Burnat &'d <cruatiai fins 200 backstroe &ü (Condatio fins» . .200 freastyle SIvES 100 lisckstrak. EDVU 200 backWaù&e Brans. 400 fresatyle Brais. 200 buttnfly 2id caudtl ions» 0 fiastyl. la & 14 OMS1 LaalaDawmai GaIS 400 frleatyla (ld 200 frasatyle RNiver 200 lu li (caradation fins 100 baoatlre 2ad (coraalatlan fins» 100 buttoeiy Ashltgh Crwda Gad 100 lisekatroka let <caaifns»M 100 battmfly Ainanda DrimbleBRiens. 100 bar.kslrak Tracy Amaott 2ad (cooedatloerfins» MO breanltieke 18 & 14 BOTS Adthn luurwloe Brais 100frestyle let <cazdatlan fins» AuraiLe let (condali nfin» 100 buittefy 2ad (coxdatlio fins» Brin Van Djk Rid (aonadatla fin» il AOVIHLI JiieCrawder Rvr200bacatrda Bren. 10 bai@I WEWM~B FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15, 1gg PAGE 21 '4iIê(S1aIuJnJ undefe[ated in êUleagtu ply Whitby Elscint Canada minor atom A -hockey, team. won three straight games to close out Ãegii 1er league* play with an undefea- ted record., Whitby egd Bowmanville, 2- 1, defeted Stouffville ý6-1 and again beat Bowmnanville Ë-0. In the Ajax AA silver stick. tournament, Whitby ran - up against some stiffecompetition. Whitby played supeby na 3-2 loss te Misslssauga B aves earning one point under the scor- ing systemn used. eWhitby then earned four pointsefrom a 6-1 decision over St. Catharines, and needed 4.5 points in a game against Chatham te advanice te the final. In what was probably the besit game of the tournainent, Wbitby and Chatham weretied 1-1 with time running out. Whitby. needed a win to advance and so pulled their goaltender te gain an extra attacker in an attempt te score for the win. But Chatham scored into the Major atoms rising in league standings Witby Hani3t Plastics major atom AKA team continues te show ,erved play with two wMn aatiein three rçn games. Whitby defeated Richmond Hil/Vaughan 5-3 and Kingston 5-2 ad tied Ajax-Piclerng' 3 eith only'six games left in regular.season play, every. game is crucial," says coach Btoy Pap- pin. UWe are presently fourth ever- ail in the bague, but at this rate we could move up te third and possibly even scnd place.». Playoffabegin in early Febru- -Ã3à ike Feret and A.J. Shannon each had five points ini the three reet~es. Rany Davidson and Bobby Schlitt each had four points and Mike Longo three. Matt Foran Wes Suddons and Tanner WesthI each had two oints, wil*th aingles te Evan Cardwell, Billly Duncan, ýKyle ImIrie, Adam, Lay and Brett MacRury. emptnet te d aim the victor. W'itby has 14 win and only threlosses in'teurnamnent play this sesson. In league play Whitby.won 16 gaines and tied three. In exhibition Whitby won eight games, tieâ three and lest three. Whitby goalies Ryan CalIag- han and SSttWy-lie have a goals-against-average of 1.4 in ail gaines this season thus fer, and h ave posted 16 shiiteuts., The, strong defence consiste of Jainie Giles, Mark. Unwin Jet!. Church,. Scott Dennis and bavid Kubrynski. .Forwards are, Mike Hamiilton, Greg Leblanc- Gil 'Vainplew, Scott Berre Jordan FItzgibbon Danny Sa Jared'Brown, PauÃŽ Goldmsith and Ryan Dancey. E CYCLE RIGNI! EVERY CHER tWE E K IYTOur Blue BoÀx collection Is ChungiEng Throughout Durham- Region, the. residential Blue Box sohedule is chang- ing. Starting in February, 1992, collection, will take place every second week. On'your regular household garbage day, but every other week. In.January, each household will receive a New 1992 Blue Box Collection Sohedule, a compact* calendar that clearly, outlines the new collection weeks for your area. Please post this informa-. tion at home for ready reference. This schedule will notonly give you the "when" of Blue Box recycling,,* but also the U"Whaf' and the "how." New, items -teleph one books and corru- gated cardboard-can now be collected in-munici- pal Blue Boxes. In order to recycle right,.ail resi- dents should prepare their recyclables in the sim- Spie ways' described in the schedule. If you need more information on the schedule change., contact your munîcipallty at 668-3437 (Whitby) i7DR DURHAM REGION A Waste Management Program 0of the Region of Durham and the municipalities of Pickering, Ajax, Whitby, Oshawa, Newcastle, Uxbridge and Scugog. a -I P Uc o 'J 4 r 4 -4 -'DUI -~----- - -' - iI1U~iIIifff~Uf~U~