Whitby Free Press, 11 Dec 1991, p. 1

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I j Rec centre, to--coSt more tan-forectas t By mk.KowaIek Wtl(s new'recreation centre Wil undpü costing more than ex~,da7"*T Edwards hascon- flrmed that the. coat cf the Ross- land Rd. ;E. facili WilU xc Edwvards said Town staff are preparing a repofr council but it ha.net yetbeen detemind byhow much the contre in over- bu sd taff comment that it will exceed $10.5 mil- lion...theres been ne determina- tien as yet regarding thé ýcoot," said Edwards., ýLarry Morrow, director of Town parks and recreation, said he 'wasnt aware of, the over- expenditure since thi. final figures have yet te be 'deter- mmned. Hie noted'that miner work is still being done te put the finish- ing -touches on the complez and te address deficiencies.- ,He said the final cost of the, project won't b. known. until * smetime erly. in 1992. Accrding. té Edwards, labour disputes 'and: a.shortage of materialduingconstruction delayedý completion of the. build- ing and contrlbiuted te the cost inerease 'Tm not hiappy about exceed- ma~ the budget...I' suspect that Î4tb. on. of the firat items on the. agenda, said Edwards. Despiteie rblems, Edwards said "we've goïtotemake it a.go.». 'Wf ever we've had a success in Wihitby that's it. I've heard envi- ous commente from, ,politicians from other communities th at w. have an excellent facilir Adjacent te, the Town smunici- pal office, the .centre -officiallyý opened in Seýptember." It contains a 25-metrè. swim- ming Pool, fitness area and m.ulti-purposeroom. . Financrng -,of the original $10.5-million cost .was te corne fromn three sources '-- -a .5.7- million ,debenture, *3.8-millioni from the Town's reserve fundà and a géant of $886,245 from the Ontario goverrnent.- Th projeét ýMaMg rrIng construction was tb-y-bse 01)8.Tii.buildingwas d.signe by ToIronito arciéttsMor.sia 'Di. centre in actuafly the fist phase of a mâuch larger complex. The secod phase will feature a lirar, 20-ia&nd~quet-l ba1 courts. Nodate- bas been se"con- struction of the secondpthaser. AM CAMbEqLL gets her picture. downtown Wbitby fire department taken by fireflghter Jeif Bentley station. Ffrefighter Herb Edwards Satudayat an open house at the (bat) and Amy's mother look on. photo byxmawhE.erWhItbmye nr Several chargeslai after 2 women attacked >DIurham Regional Police arres- ted an Oshawa man after two women were dragged from their cars and assaume in Whitby Sunday night. The first victim, a 29-year-old L wmnwas pulled from her car at Thcýco and Manig roads Police,,say she managed, toe fight off her attacker and ran te the nearby fire station. Moments later, a 38-year-old woman*,las pulleïd out ofher, car- at Thickson and ýRossland roada. She also managed te fiee, juPt a short time before a passig police officer,* unaware, of the situation stopped te investigate. Theoli5cer spoke te the susi- pect, who got in his car.and left wvithout answering. The second victim reappeared and told the officer wha hap- SEE PAGE 2 .................. - .~ ............... Býr Malo Boucher ciite f tiie. Environment Ruthi (rer i ias requested the initte. to e ep rM teoy Mlarsii. A 4,558-namne petition was ~vnte ber from Durham C'tr, WPDrwnmond White lust Thursday at Queen's Park. «W. have recommended te the Minisr of Goernment Ser- vices, and I amn glad to b. able te tell the: member (White), the mithan pged te My reqeirý tata p Ihc conuitte. invo~iti e sof the.area, b. es tofinalize details of an euvironrnental mitigation and mom thtat wil ensure pro- ofnd very sensitive w.t- lan ara,»sad Grier. 8h. said she fully understande the concerna of White and the residents M the area about the preeervation of thie mrasonce reuidential developrnent takes place-n.arby. White said h. would 1k. te sem every possible measure taken te protect the wetlands. «Many Whitby residents are concerned about the.prtection of tiie Lynde Siiores Mrh whicii is a valuable and iihd clasa 1 weland e tthe west in my riding on the border of Lake Ontario"he said. «Adjacent privately owned lande are b.ing slate or resi- dential devlopment along the. lande te the east which are i provincialhands,» he said. «At ti.peint, I don't know what the. mnister's intentions ar'sid Wbitby councillor Mar- Wobegan tiie peti- tion te, 'Save the Marsh.' Grier'. commenta on the new cornnittee are ambigueus3, with ne indication as te whether such a committe. will -b. approved befor. or after tiie development in the wetland areahas begun, h. said. «Td 1k. te, meet witi thàe minister if posile te explain MY views end t0os.of tii. Frend of L4ynde Marsh and, of tiie rein- dents te help her'understand where we coming fro, aid Brunelle. White asked Grier if the. minis- trY bas identifléd any environ- mental concerns with the pro- 8h, said wildlife habitat pro- tection and water quality*were the primary Sncerns identified. «W. have endeavoured, a». part of the conditions we have ré'ues ted be imposed on the. develop-ý ment, both buffering by open space and *by not puttm ii. residential development dfiretly adacent te, either tiie buffer 'or, the. wetland, and by very stringent stormn water manage-- ment conditions that we are, un- posing te make sure weland in ýtected, and witer quality huomthe runoff frorn the. deveop- ment je 1net impaired te .,gny dere,' ah, said. P'riends of Lynde Marshcoan- ized the. petition. Gopsors persen, Edie Gon1ille, saîd environmental impact p#roblerna ir ay occur with nearby. develop- ment that will someday mean 6,700 people will live in the area. 8h. said it is umlikely the. Lynde Maraii would remain a clams1 weland if the. open space betwe.n the, residents and th, marsh is onIy 25 metres or leus. "How can a 25-metre barrier protect the. wetland arear" she saÏd. Gomille said the group in un- sure of Griers reeommendation,ý for the etbjhent. of an environmental monitoring cern- mittee. «We are 'net clear whetiier this is a frii initiative on the. part of the. provincial government or if the. minister je referring te the environmental momitoriÉcern- mittee and the'Bird anii Hale repprt»,she said. Terprtrnade up part of the review procesa b~y the Town for the development plan. Gomille said the width close te the. wetland in tee narrow and, rnust "Incrase dramatically te wha±over is required. Th. Lynde Shores Secondary Plan waal,-eapproiredby both Wbitb ad Durham Region ioncis-i1989.-l Housing and schools for up te, 6,700 people are part of the, plan of development in the» 700 acres of landtothe east of the maréh. ee* H RISTMA S GIFT GUIDE e supplement

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