Whitby Free Press, 4 Dec 1991, p. 3

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Por turnôut fo ou nconstitutional rpsi By Mark Rteesor Just 35 people showed up for a forum.on the constitutional pro- he Whit1mhunipabidinà. Tho committee heading thé forum-was ,struck by- Ontario riding MP Rêne Soens *te get ridinj, residénts' views 'on the constitutional prýoposalis. Thé committe will put tegether a'reèport of its findifis, te besubmittéd te -thé Parlia- nmentary' Committée holding heaings on the proposais. Modérator ,Claude,"Rochefort was joined by guést experts Dan R Bah, viceprésident o f a public opinion résearch firm,- and lawyer JaLy Dubiner, whoopéned thé meeting with spehes désig- nied toestimulate debate'. 1John Peach-'cf Ajax teld thé panél thé constitutional ýproces has -béen nothing but partisan *political wrang ling Hé -asthgeoi cg and <are wonderful -- its the politi- clans that are spoling evéry- thing.» Peach says thé Meech Lake Accord was <put togéthér 4y a group of men, as if it weré a union contract that expired in a year.n Another Ajax résident, Péter Smith, is concérned about officiai bilingualism, a policy hé feels has been, imposedi on thé country by politicai leaders. Smith says âlthough he «wants Quebéc te De part of Canada, I do't want Canada te be part of Quéec.» John Coulter cf Whitby says if By Marlo Boucher Whitby. trustée Tom Oldman was electéd as -thé new chairpér- son of thé 'Durham separate achool board Monday i'ht. Pickéring trustée Mary Zec- By Marlo Boucher Tlhé Unitd aynéédaanothér ~ 00O000 te reach its gOcf .125 million by thé end cf thé month. Campaign director Anne Kin- sella, says she is éncouraged by thé attitude of those who want te héip thé Unitéd Wy reach its goai. s 'tmsicta 'Tm s i t htrési- dents will hep raiswethé money,» she says. Canadians are, realIy conicerned abou t their country, «they shouid get Offthi duis.and get to AItouh onerédabout the constitutional situation Coutér feels the economy shoulA be deait with*firat, saying the, whole pro- ce"s "could takeaàback. seat until thinga ýget botter.n Jack :Garland of Ajax says people are' wrong when, théy say we, havýe'a distinct sociéty,,,i Quebec - <'Canada is made up of two distinct asoieé.!»ý Garlan di a <Wé!ré maling .Quebèc séparate by classifyn th se"parate.-» Sévéral speakers éxpressed concérns aàbou t gvémnt sup- port for multiceuLturalism, worry.. mg that too, many people stili cosdrthemselvés citizéns of their former country instead of Canadians firat. "ThéM state has, no business ini promoting agnything other than Canadian Canadians,» was the way Dale Voicé of Ajax put it. «Let immigrants. keép their culture,' but that's not the government's job.» Another common complaint was that poiticians parrot their party'slUme instead- of listening to the people who elécted thém. One person suggested Canada should move dloser te the U.S. system, where party allegiance isn't se, important. Moderator Rochefort says 1 a prbem with thé forums, includ- mg> last wek's, is that people tend to bé intimidatéd. Hé says oftn the oniy people te alkarethosiewith long- chino was - ilcted as vice-char- man for thé achool board. Aise on Monday Vht. Picker- ing trustet<ouisé arr- became chairman cf thé Durham Board of Education andWhit4y truste t r i Some companues such as Lasco E Stéél PPG and Lear Séating, r and teéducation division cf Îthé ti campaign haven't yét fInishedp theifr campaigna.-u, shé says. $ Kinsélla says téUtdWay will bé holdingr a 'Carol-a-thon' at 0 thé Oshawa Cntre on Saturday b starting at10 am., with many a w thé local high school choira parti- U cipa - -g4 Tlheéwll also be a winé- tasting night at Eazio' so- ri taurant neit Tuesday starting at cc 5 pm. ickets are $15 and can ai be puichasd atanny Bank of fi MonÎtreal or thé llnitéd Way office, shé aays. OIf wé reéh our goal, wé will be able toe move. ahéad and pay for évéry program.7 shé aaLys. Kinsélla saya, a ashortfali in reaching théep>al.will méan cuts in prog......... n many cf thé agncies serve& by thé Unitéd "%espité bad tinies,peopl r contrlbiuting and, wéeed a bit mor béfore thé end cf thé yéar,» shé says- 'Manîy Whitby companiés were honouréd for.théir fnrasn tUmtsd !the.* - - Awéýr kW C-fb ration in Bowmanvillé last 'hursday. Consmérs Gao, Swish Main- ýenancé, Nursehv/Olds Ltd. >uhmAutomobiles, M idol ancoln/Mercu- Sales and1 Dus Brown Pontic7uick Ltd. were ist soeéof thé companies that ýeceived a community award for Dontributing with a minimum 90 >er cent participation rate, a M7-per-donor average. London iâfe Insurance C T.T. Canion Canada Ltd., a lailPacalvg Producta Ltd. -eceived.a sler award for con- xlbuting with a minimum of 70 oer cent participation rate, -a 45a-pér- donor average. Big Brothers. Association cf )shawa/Whitby recéivéd a )rnzé award Tfor oentributn rith a minimum cf 60 percéý articipation raté, a. $35-per- lonor average. McGraw FER Ryerson LUd. ieivéd. a citationi award for emméndatery mention for a àbstantial first-year contribu- ion cf $14,.000. FRom LEFT, moderator Claude ]Rochefort and panel members Jay Dubîner and Dan Rath at the People's standing positions on issues that often don t speciflcally have any- thing te do with thé constitu- tional proposlais. Patricia Bowman vicW-chairmnan. Oldman. said thé position' cf chairman is an important one hi thé next few yéars because cf thé currént economic situation. "My role as far as being chair- man is te give directions te, thé assémbly and help-lead thé way,» hé said. Amnong one cf bis objectives is te, try and <'ontrol thé mill rate,» hé said.*' Thé first thing on his agenda is thé collective qpement with thé sécondary téaéhersg, who will hold a strike vote on Dmc 12. 'Tm in thé process of making a néw team, seiecting new mém- bers who are goingt meet with thé secondary teachérs,» hé said. Oldmnan said, hé bas cailed a meeting néit Monday for, new trustées te discuas thé collective agreement. Forum on Conititutional Dialogue held at the Whitby municipal building. Phoo by mh Besso, WhIâbF@1 Tom OLDMAN CALL AS OFTEN AS YOU WISH! Xib TAL-K AS LONG -AS YOU LIKIE!!Y -. A* UNIIED M .. CLLN 72ý8-.7000, IF BUSY CAL 72807 W6~cbo~t~ ~8 ~RG~èLa~dtrfs Unieted Way $200,OOO short of ftindraising goal UNUMTEDMETO CWNG e e R * *i4 7 & 0I-111r. 1

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