Whitby Free Press, 4 Dec 1991, p. 34

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t. .4 i fi * . *1 I. *. 'No roo,. noonyforjnimor kindlergartenprga By> Marlo Boucher" chairman of the Durbani Board The Duham Board' of Educà- of Zducation on Dec. .2. tion wants «more'fleibîity» from Brown, who did not sek re- the -Ministry of Education for a election ta. the municipal elec- new ý junior kindergare pro- tion""id the additional 4,000 grain. s.te would mean creating larger lassrooms and obtaining The Ministry bas ordered -ail more portables.- echool boards In the province te. «It'. just- not1 reasonable te have a junior kinde artn pré-,expect us té provide good Ber- gra bySepembr,1994. vices for our students and accom- "7We dont bve the roomor ther modate antother 4,000 studentsi money for this program, s.id as well,» he said. Ian Brown, who made hie cçppx'. "W. expressed our concerne at meènts before stepping dqvhý. as ,the social developmnent commit- TH13E ANDERSON CVI Concert Band performed during opening cere- moniei for the silver- stick hockey touramn in Whitby over the Hobb douh jea f raft oucn ejywt lrnt cretetre rneme so ifsa emoughe repared aCond kept sft ina agt past ickerigwfrenagemeot rcommtee. Hobb douh: ombine two cups of baking soda and one cup of foeur in a saucepn Add pan -14c,_ ofcl water. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly until mixture is the consistency of mist mashed potatoes. Turn out on a plate, cover with damp cloth. Let cool. Knead until smooth (about two minutes), then use te create your personal gifts. For tree ornaments - roll out dough between waxed paper and eut free- hand with knife or use cookie cutters. To join pieces, moisten and press te seal. To hang ornaments, cut hole in top with a straw or use a needle and thread before dough hardens. Let it dry overnight. TMme will vary with size of pieoes. Or, bake at 325 degrees F for one te two hours and let dough cool gradually In oven te reduce any chance of cracking. Colouring tips: Pieces mnay be painted afler they are com ltlydyo lour may be added a the dough is being made. For sohid colour, add a few drops of food colouring te the water before mncing. For a niarbled effect, sprinkie emal amount of dye powder or food colouring and knea4 it in lightly. For bright, glossy colours, paint hard enedpleos with water colours, poster peints or use a felt-tip Pen. Hiobby dough was taken'from 'Clean 'n Green - Recipes for a Heaithier Planet' booklet produced by Ontario Waste Management Corporation. If you wish te receive this free littie bookiet, write te OWMC,2 Bloor St. W., llth floor, Toronto, Ont. M4W 3E2.i The UNICEF Christmas catalogue and order rorm recently came my way, and I waa delighted te discover thaLt on paees 5 and 23 there appeared a lovely selection of carda printedý on As yced ICEF*s catalogue states, rWhenever we ca reproduce the quality of the original artwork satisfactorily, we use recycled pa r.Alwhte envelope accompanying our carda are ma e i recycled paer." 1eý catalogue itself. was reproduced on recycled stock. Attending a Santa! Claus parade tbis year? If recycling containers are not provided on the paraýde-route, take home Poptins >to your ow n blue' box. As well return hoe with baniana peels, apple corës, etc. te compost.'g--iug. tee te, agree that we can't afford the $12- te $15-million for the program,» be said. Brown said the intrhad put aside $50 million For the ~junlor kindergarten program but it was cut fomi its budget due te, the provincial deficit. «What were ooldnçfor la an amendment te' a reihng te give us more flexribllty in the way the programs wlllbe offered and staffed,"bhe said. Brown said the issues will be reviewed before the final readlng weekend. AHl Anderson bande wiil perform durmng 'A Celébration cf Christmas' at the. high school on the evening of Dec. 12. Photo by Peter Tomblin, Whitby Free Prew Andersons Ch ristmas' Dec. 12 On Thursdy, Dec. 12, music students fr-om Anderson Collegiate wiil b. erf.mlg a pro¶a of musical sélectione te, rateChristmas season. The progrem wiil feature instrumental goua ncludig tbe Concert Band, Junior =ad Junior and Intermediate Jazz Ensembles and AndeTiazz. Vocal grroupe perfor'ing will include the Concert Choir, Snior Chamber Choir, Junior Choir, Jazz Incorporated and Jazz Teçh. The everiing wiil feature selections in the traditional style, contrasted with performances in a jazz style. ickets for the evening wiil b. $3 for adulte, and $2 for students and senior citizens. They are available fiomail music students, et the door on the e onm f the concert, or by cal=gUh mueic department et 668-5809. which expected te be, passed before Chistmas. «We want te look at alterna- tives sncb as -providing sépace for children in cburch basmens deycare centres or community centres," be said. Brown said they could combine haif a day et a daycare with an educationial program for children ages 4 and 5. The board would also ike the mlnistry te modify the hmrlng of staff te let them use early child- bood education çraduatee or child-care.workers imstead of cer:- tlfiedteachers he esaid. Brown sajAià f the bill, is ~<assed, some boards may refuse "We've got'waproblem and they doni't sèeem te understand -the situation and tr'Y-to solve the problem,"he said.'- "It's goinig to Ibereally tough because théee giving us les mon%~ and expect. us te spend more., he said. Brown said he le optimietic that uthey will listen to us and be flexible te make the changes in the program.» Grime Stoppera and Durham Regioal Poi are aéaing for theWublic'she1çVn solvlng an assault on ayoung lady in hax on ednsday,0V. 20. At about 2:30 p l.m., the victim okeher vebicle in the Loeb Plaza lot at 475 Westney ir. N.in front of the Mac'. Milk store. After locing ber car, the victimi was grabbed around the neck from behind and choked. A male suspect conImitted the assault, while a female accomplice looked on. The victim was punched several times and head-butted, resulting in serious'facial injuries including a broken nose and two bla.ck eyes; both ides of her face were swollen and bruised, ber lip was split open and swollen and ber throat was bruised. The unprovoked assait stopped when the supects realized that tbey had, assaulted the wrong person. The suspects were last seen running onto Westney and getting into a light-coloured, maLybe beige, vehicle. The suspect le described as a male white, ligbt complexion agfed'19-22 6'0" tell, slimi build, weigliing* 16017lbshvc w hte-blonU. hair oly 3-4 days growth, wearing a black nylon quilted bomber-style jacket, dark bina jeans and black Dc MÇartin-style boots; he was dlean shaven, and didn't appear .to be wearing an y jewelry. Unfortunatoly,. no description of the female accomplice was obtained. ri e operswvalpay up te $1,000 in cash for information leading tthe arrest of the suspects responsible for this unprovokedl' attack. If you witnessed this brutal asault, or' know wbo might bave comritted it, caU Crime Stoppers. Similar cash rewards will be paid for information leading to an arrest in any serious crime. The Durham Regional Crime Stop-pers hotine i. 436-8477, that's 436-TIFS), and is open 24 hoursà per -day, seven day. per week. The phone number can be dfiaed from mont areas of the ,,=on fee ofc g f this number in long distance, you cen ca ,,colet'orfcDthrough your local Durhami Regional Police number and esk for Crime Stoppers. Calsa will neyer be traced or recorded. You will not be, re ured te identify, yourself or have te go te court. again durng le news. Constable Grant Arnold je the co-ordinator with the Durham Regional Crime Stoppers and writes this article te belp combat crime. ~~71 PAGE 34, WEIUTBY FREE PRESS% WEDNESDAY, DECEMBE 4,1991 r a

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