t p~w~1~ÇwmwTIfIEIipRE8~ SNOW BEMOVAL FOR SENIORS The Whitby Seniors' Activity Contre is again' co-ordinating' a snow romoval program. for seniors this winter.' The program will involve matching local students with - seniors in their own noighbourhood to ' shovel snow fi=m driveways and walkways for a nominal fee. If you are a senior i Whitby whois in need of snow renoval assistance, or are able to help with snow shovelling, cal the centre at 668-1424. GIANTRRESAm Durham Ontario ,Senior Games wil hold a giant bae sale at the Whitby Seniors- Citizens Centre, 801 Brock St. S. on Saturdfay, e. 7$ il a.m. to 2 p.m. A terom nlunchwill ho available. AQUAIUMSOCIETY The uram Region Auanu Society will meet on Tùes[ay Dec. 10, 8 p.m., i the cafeteria o f R.S. McLa.ghlin .Collegiate 570 Stovenson Rd. G(t south'oiý * Rossland Rd.) hi Oshawa, For more information call Wayne Rakestrow 'at 725-7911 or Tyr Fisher at 686-7368. A CHRISTMAS CAROL Eastdalo Theatre Conpanly will present Charles Dickens timelesa classic, -'A Christmas Carol,' the tale of' Ebenezer Scrooe -as ho is shown- the true eaig 0f Christmas and the. Mnorace of being kind to his felow man. Performances wil run fi= Dec. 4 to 7, and ail seats aresold on a reserved basis. For ticket information, call 723-8157. TEEOS A sel-help grI î or Idowed mon and women,ýTheo ùvll nieot on Sunday, Dec. 8,2e ýpan, at St. Andrew's Prçabyteian Church, Cochrano St., Whitby. Al widoWed poloaewQelmoto attend. Teewiil b. a, lpot. luck supper after th, meeting. For more information,1 cail 668r2648. ONE PARENT FAMiJJY MfEEING Oshawa Chapýer'One Parent Panily Association will meet -çn Tuesday, Dec.10 8 p.m.,* at Sinece Settîemenit House,- 387 Sincoe St. S.,: Oshawa for 'newslettèr Iayout' night. New members and *ueus Welconio. For more informeation, cal 986-5707,or 728-10,11. CLUB CENTRAL Club Central i aprgr O f the Canan 1,ental Health Asociation for individuals who have or have hédI a psychiatric history. A turkey dinner will ho servod -on Christmnas Day at 5 p.m., and for thoE miterested in- attending, we aic that you drop by. the club at 110 Ash St. N, Whitby, or call us .at 430-7484, before Christinas*. CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY 1991 CHRISTMAS/NEW YEAR'S HOLIDAY GARBAGE AND RECYCLING COLLECTION SCHEDULE THERE WVILL NR! BE AMY GARBAGE OR RECYCUNO COLLECTION DURINO 1THE WEEK 0F DECEMBER 23 - DECEMBER 279,1991. "abae nd reabls nora"l collected on Wedimesday, January w19 Mll be colctdon Moday, Deoernber 30,1991. Normal garbaqe collection wM resurne on J4anuary 2,1992 on your regular collection day. Citizen cooperation is requested in have al gà ibage out by 7-00 &mn. onà yUr Zegnated colleto dayto ensure picekup, as the tIme of colection may bo vanied duo eto hie revised lce<es. CHIRISTMAS TREES wM ONLY bo coDlected botweeri January 7 1010 on your regular collection day. The tiees will be collected by separal. truksand will beocomposted. We therefore ask that all nails, metalo« wooden tree stands be mmroved. ibere will be NO BLUE BOX COLLECTION between December 23, and Decemnber 27, 1991. Recydling normmlly collecied on Januil , 1992 will bo coilected on Monday. December 30, 1991. Reccae Wll be collecied on the sanie day as the regularor ejsedgrag Sennoe durngjthe week of Decembe 30. Please Main your rcding matrlas utâ hespeciled collection day. If you wish further Information, please contact the Public WVorks Department OPERATIONS CENTRE MONDAY TO FRIDAY, 7:30 AU. - 4:00 P.M. 868-3W3 W. regret any inconvenuence ths may cause and thuik you for your coopeiation and patience during the Holiday Season. Please refer t thie Holiday Garbage Collection Notice delivered Io each household. PICRIN'SESéION The Pineridgo Bluegrass Folk- lore Society will hold a 'Pickin' Session' on. Suniday, Dec. 15, 1 to 5 pa.. at Camp Samac, main council hall nortli Oshawa (entra nce off à bonlin Rd.) Picicers, singera and listeners are wol- como to attend an afternoon of bluegrass and country music. LIMIG WIT CANCER The Living With Cancer Sup- potGroup 'Il meet on Monday, De.9, p.m., at the A.ax Cricet jClub, corner of Clements and Monarch. Ail welcome. For more information caîl the Cana- dian Cancer Society at 686-1516. Meetings will beo held on the second and last Monday of each month. CKRISTMAS SHOW The County Town. Singers wiil present «'Season 0f the Heurt,' under the musical direction *0f Barbara Ousîlette, on Saturday and Siinday, Dec. 14 and 15, 8 p.m., at. Heniry Street High School. Tickets are $5 each and may bo purchased at Lafontuine Trading Post, 122 Brock St. N., Wbitby, Northern Traditions at the Oshawa Contre and Tabi at the Pickering Town Contre. For more information, call 683-7992. BIG SISTERS Big istèe of Newcastle-Osh- awa-Whitby will hold orientation for ptential volunteers on Wed- oresar, De c. 18, 7 teo 9 p;m. a t the Big Sisters office, 17-9 in St. E., Oshawa. There arq many youngsters -waiting to bo mat- ched by Big Sisters. For more information call 436-0951. :BREAKFAST WITH SANTA 'Breakfast With Santa' will ho held at Westminster United Church, 25 Manning Rd. (bet- ween Garrard and- Thiclcson roads), on 'Saturday Dec. 7, starting at 8:30 a.m. l'ickets, for $4 can only ho obtained' by calling Elizabeth at 576-8218 or Ruth at 579-2285. AGI40W FELLOWEMHIP' Women's Aglow aeloshp wiil meet on Thursday, Dec. 12 at Cullen Gardons, Taunton'Rd. W., beginning at 7 p.m. with refreshments and fellowship., Praise and worship wiil flow at, 7:30 p.m. Judy Buffum, conference speaker and women'is mnntries area director in Michigan, will bo guest speaker. For more information, ca 436-9425. C ESAREAN PREVENION The neit meeting of the Cesarean Proviention Su pport and Education. Group will be on Monday Der.. 9 8 pm., at 29 Teres l~r Whity. Tpic wilI be 'Cesarean-Èrevention.' For more information caiLl 430-2343. The Future us y 8 .REDUCE REUSE RECYCLE with- ff À05ff À WASTE SYSTEMS Cai Derrick 427-3253 DIABETEs. Fôr donations to the Charles H. et Dià betes Contre in Osh- awaj cail Martina Van Hout of Broqklin at .655-4569. Due, to, iliness, she is accepting dona- tions at her home. Calhr or directio S t hrhome.- LA LECHE La Loche League Oshawa will hold its regular monthly meeting on Wednosdiay, Dec. 11. Mothers and nursing babies are welcome.' For more ifofrmation, including location, caîl 723-0542.' BOOR FAIR St. John the Evangelist Church 1103 Giffard St., will hold aà loo fair on Wednesday, Dec. il and Thursday, Dec. 12, 9 te Il a.m. and 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Ail welcome. Proceeds te the school library. MA.LRKETLACE Christmas Marketplace 'Will ho held on Weekends from Dec. 7 te 22 ai~ the Metro East Trade Contre, Pickering There will ho a iQvarioty of items available includUng Christmnas decorations, teys, crafis, computer games, fuzily apparel and video soft- ware,p"d there will ho a public auctiopi salo held each day. WOBMSCLUB Te Durham Business & Pro- fessional Womon's Club will meet on Wodnosday, Dec. il reception at 6 p.n., dinner at 6:45 Mn.) at (ulienGardons. The ghristmas party 'will ho held. Çost is $26 for members, $30 for guesta. For-more infor- mation caîl Sharon Babbs at 576-0210, ext. 554. BROOELIN DROP-IN PROGBAM-> Drop-in activities, including shufileboard, crpt bowling, craftz and- refreshinents, take p lace< every Tuesday afternoon between 1:30 and 4 p.m. at the Brookin- Commumity Centre. Bring your'ideas and a friend. For more 'information, cal MS CHERISTMAS PARTY The Multiple Scierosis Society- annual Christmnas party, for those withMS, will be held on Friday, Dec. 6: starting at 6:30 p.m.at the Legion hall, Simcoe it. ~.. Osihawa. For tickets, $15 each, cail Bernice Webb at 728- 131. CHRITMAS TEE SALES lst Whitby scouts will bogin selling Christmas trees Dec. 7 in the parking lot of HerrY's Drug Warehouse and Frankhn's Fro- zen Foode, 311 Brock St. N. Spruce and pin. trees will ho sold for $15 each. DANCE' - The Whitby Clean and Sohor dance will ho Teîd at the Knights of Columbus Hall, Brock St. N. in dow'ntewn Whitby, on Friday, Dec. .6, 9 pm. Cost is $6 per p orson, $10 per couple, at tho dor. r MEISTMAS DANCE The Whitby Seniors' Activt Centre, 801 Brock St. S., wi hoîd a «Christmas dance on Saturday, Dec. 7, beginning at 7:30 p.m., at the centre. Cost is $3 per person at the door. Bil Robinson *will provide the music. A light lunch will ho served and a cash bar wil ho available. Call 668-1424 for more information. ROSE 0F DUIHM The Rose of Durham, a sUppr group for' teen moins wii be relcatig to 221, King St. E., Oshawae(Lii 1051) on Dec. il. The phone number (432-3622) romains unchanged. TRE 0F MEMOBIES In support of the March of Dimest, Christmas ornaments may bo purchased from Mount Lawn Memorial, Gardons, Dun- das St. E., Whitby and placod on a large Christmas tree in front of the chapel. Ornaznents may also ho placod on the treoi support of a loved. one. The cazupaign i ýll ho hold fromn Dec., 6 to 23. For more. information cali the Ontario March ,of Dimes at 434- 5280 or Mount Lawni at 723- 2633. WH[TBY COURTROUSE On Sunday, Dec. i at 1 p.m Whitby Courthouse Theatro Wl1- p sent 'Ail You Ever.Wanted to 0nW About Live Thoatro '(But Wero Afraid To. Asic)'ait tho Contennial Building at 416 Contre St. S. 'earn about al aspects of producing a play, tour thé facilitios and meet curront members, actors, directors and producers. There wiil: b& demonstrations by stage manage ru, lighting and sound technicians, designers and> other members of the production tean. Al'are welcome,. and admission i. free. For more information, caUl David Stono at 668-4199. CANADIAN CLUB The Canadian Club of Durham Region wil meet on Monday, Dec. 9 at the Holiday Inn, Oshawa, starting with dininer at 6:30 p.m. The annual Christmnas Wassail will b. held and there wil- be amusical .evýening arranged by Elinor Kidd featuring the Osh- awa Festival Singers. For reser- vations and any oürth r na- tion, cal L enore Hawley at 640- 4481 or N. Stotta at 668-4335. INTERNATIONAL TRAJNING IN COMMdUNICATION- The First Oshawa Club ITO will meet on, Tues&iy, Dec. 1.71,6 ~ n tHong Kong Houae. 89 c..oeSt. S., Oshawa. Coït -0f dinner is $14. The thene wiil ho 'Festive Froic.' For moro information,. call Pat at 725-9375 or Joyce at 668-5504.' A IVING NATIVITY. Mount Zion United Churchwil hoîd 'A Living Nativity' on Sunday, Dec. 8 outdoors at the church (approxirnately 1 mile west'0f Durham Rd. 23 on Conc. 80 f Pickering). Thero will hotwo presentatins 5:30ý and 7 p.m. * lache eaig ilHo eavailable -- bring your blanket and dresa warmaly. MIEET THE NEED To help 'ýmeet the need-» of those not able te jrovide, the necessities for their familles dur- ing the Christmas season, the Salvation Army seeks donations of food stuifs, non-perishable gooda eysan inancial support. Donations can ho made at the Salvation ArmyThrift Store, 225 Brock St. N., Witby or at the Salvation Army hal, 122 Kent St. Cheques can ho made out te the Salvation Amy and dropped off at either location. THE TOYMJAKEWS DBEAM The. Roert McLaugblin Ga]lery will hold a family Christinas concert, . 'The "Tcymaker's Drem,' starring Adele,'Misa Ewe, Bumper and uninvited guest Sourpuss Sun, on Sunday,ý Déc. '8, 2 p.m., at the Civic Centre, Oshawa. TIcekets are required for admission, and are available free at the galery security deslc. The number.'of tickets is. limited. For information, oeil (416> 576-3000. CORPORATION 0F THE . .. .. TO%.WN 0F WHITBY I NVITATION To the Residents of the Town of Whitby The mayor and council of e Tomn of Whitby coda imite you and yor en&l to tnd the fFFEENTH OLD TYMECHRII" PARiTY to be héd onSINDAY, DECEMBER 8 1991 at dme Whitby. Municipal Builclng, 575 RoSsland Road East~ Whilby, f'mm 2*00 p.m. b 4 p.m. iber will be etrtainment~ Santa for the childie and a fijn-fled attemoon for everyone. Light lunch and mefmshnmnts wil be setved. Childie must b. aocomniied by an adu~lt Retired? Lonely?. Find sommoe to share your intereste.