Whitby Free Press, 27 Nov 1991, p. 35

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y= HTBY R MES WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBE 27y M9, PAGE 36 CHARLES NEWSHAM Painting 2 ýQUIET UNFURNI$HED PRIVATE 1BEDROOM upeétairs WE8T WHITBY - ïAvallabi ec. LARG ,IUW2bdoiNe anid- Paper -ý,Hangný- 'Roo-m ooms". Bright, clean;:walk to tho aparmet.Fridge, stovel-, patl If m~otapariment. bidn.IO qj. ralo decorateBd -for-theIl dy~Fiee saaCnte Otai uefumnished. Suitabie fran.*. rking peronnl. S haro throglu. Shted kng estimates.' eai xprene haekȎeandy&bath. & Gairard Rd. aiea. 723-6513. kichen aied lundîry.$35Fit;& 87 rmrhAalseDc.1 Cail 576-0688. AVailabe.Jan.-1192i. $100/weok, -iast., and. rferences rqie. 6-63 ________________inclusive. 723-0569. * . ~668-9780 aftor:5:30 pem., RENOVATIONS -BathroÃ"ms, basements, kitchens, walls, foors, ceilings. For quality service- and where,.honesty still counts,,... Cal Sco6tt, 666-9690. e Drywalllng (tape a Ilnlhlng) * RecRooms * Baswements 'Texture 8~ln *Pakîtlng (exterlor nteWo) e-rm Froe estimma 576-7503 . . .......... UT DOESN'T DO ME ANY GOOD Can it do you any good? Cal Dave, 985-0856. RETAIL SPACE FOR* LEASE. Creative rentai arrangements. 668-14A68, 9 a.m'. ta5 p.m. IHOUSIE, APARTMNENT FOR RENT? If Yeu hed adverdsd heme, 1.0008 Immeyeu' ýwouldb reèàdlng this noyw. OLlyconahucllon for Homo and Bsts - Bathroomns - Kitchns - Custom trm -Decks - Gazebos *Additions, etc. - lnterlocklng stone Z* -CM 1Flradl - 655-4418 Whkby's IZOE'fle ardware 701 Brock St. N. 430-0344 DALE G. RUSSELL a dsvwallflenls*g blown fîbreglas.iualio texbJmspr= ' acpMeng d.slgn crnmidings 1-416-649-1256 BAEMN REOV£O * Roc Rooms - Washrooms *Framing - Insulating - Drywal *T-Bar Ceiling - Trim - Doors *Painting - Storm Doors Doug Hart Kgeno»vatioins 725m4718 ROOM FOR-- RENT. -Use -of kitchen,. ,bath1rooém, Iaundry. $90/weeëk. New» hpuse. Thickson/ Maning -aiea. 668-$281., MOTEL ROONS near Brooklin available for rent. Weekly special rates. CaJI 655-5308. FURNIBHED ROOM, bathroom, f/room, TV, kitchen privileges. Quiet, working maie. profeoued. $Bsfweekly. 666-1618. HANK BROUWERS ROOFING *Re-Roofs - New Roof - Emergency Repars' *Guaand woekmanship & mabeal *Fast, efficient sevice - Charterod bank tlnancing 571-2436 or 668-0418 JeVOS. SIDINGy - AluminumNinyl Siding *Saffit, Fascia, Eavestrough *Windows, Doors, Répovations *Free Estimatés CmiJohn Van Siagoren 666-8418.- Ater5 p.. 668-834 The Mutual Group HERB TRAN oeil for quotation 725-6564 KITCHENS LTD. 605 Brook St.- N. Whitby, Ont. Li N 4J3 668-5162 _______ st 35 Vis. basement apartmèint,' 2 minuites from Oshawa, Centre, bus, & ýGO train. Includes Iaundry, ai conditioner. $675 Inclusive. Available Jan. V92.723-0569. BROOKUN - LARGE 2-bedroom, $625,- available Dec. 1'. 3-bedroom, $650, available Dec. t. And, lIg e 3-oedroom, $650, available Jan. 1. AIl include heat & hydro. Close to ail amrenities. Cal Dave at 985-0856. FURNISHED BASEMENT apart- ment for rent in quiet, Christian home. Own shower and washroom facilities.ý Use -of kitchen & dining requirements upstairs. This apart- ment is suitable for mature student or working p orson. Easy access td 401 and 1W minutes ta Durham Coileg e. Non-smokers. Occupancy Dec. 1. Phono 416-668-2514. SINGLE, DETACHED 3 bod- room home, 60-ft. lot. lngiound pool, many extras.. Excellent lFocation and ne- ghbourhood.- $187,000. No agents. 728-.9344. PRIVATE MORTGAGES - the plae t goWhen your-bank says *NWQ Serving Whftby since 1973. 668-7200. ANUBIS INVESTMENTS. MORTGAGES AND LOANS for any. purpose fmom as Iow as 8.50%. Quick approvals. AIl applications considered. Raycan- Financial'L1W. 571-2880. ATTENTION- WE BUY roal estate & mortgagos. Real estate bought creatively. Cash -aid for mortgages. Cail1 us. %Wor%:In Enterpnises, 430-7974. I -A--PL--IA-NCE -S -- ERROL'S APPUIANCE -Service Repairs 'toalal major appliances, micrawaves, including refrigera- tors. One-year parts & labour warranty. New coin washers& dryors sales. 432-7734 IIANK'S APPULANCES is now cairying the full lino (fridges, stoves, washers and dryers) of CROSLEY now appliances which carry ans of the most inclusive limited warranties available in the appliance industv6 (10 years). Also 2-door fridges $40 & up, new bar fridges $185 & up. Low pries on new freezers, stoves, dishwashers, rangettos and range hoods. BBQ bumers,- rebuilt timer s -and apiliance parts. 191 Bloor St. E., Uni 6.OshwaOnt. 728-4043. BROOUN - BEAUTIFUL, dcean, large- 1..bedroom ajartment. Frldge, stove, parking.C> to ail amenitis.Hydro,. extra. AVaishie now. $625. 655-4544 days or 655-8989 evenings. CENTRAL WI'ITIBY- Unique two-bedroom àartment.,available Dec. 1. Updat aioder home. New broadloom. Everything in cluded exettelephone. $895. SmalI inorpets allowed. 668-3640, leave message. NEW, LUXURY 1600 sq. ft. SaMlinds condo for rent or lease. 2 bedrooms, 2 baths. whirlppaot laundry, solarium. Underground parking & storage., Spec-tacular view. Availale immediately., Cal 416-987-5400. ,ONE ýBEDROOM APT. for rent in sèixplex, -Brock N., Whitby.-Fridge, stovei , 4-pc. bath. Suitable tfor sile persan. Very q>uiet place. I0month negotiable, plus hydf3f. r& '- last. '623-4782 or SHARED ACCOMMODATION In huge Victorlan farmnhouse- Privat. bodrooma mand, bath.. Shared kitchon & Iandry facilîtios. Beautiful countryprp rty em BrooklifGroenwo.Wouldstt a single, couple or-single -mother. Pets welcomo. Pond, bush and f l.ds.Quiet, hath ffsy .For into oeill (416),985-.~2251 or 655-5385. CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE, IT5 FAST - irs.EASY! ONE CALI, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL. THINK BIG - CAIL THI-S NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS. MOBILE HOMES MOTORHOMES MOTORHOMES MOTOR- HOMES. Invenlory Liquidation Sale, 40 units. New and usedi. Ail sîzes and makes.,Al prices slashed. Cati 1-800-263-7955. North Brock RV, Port Perry, Ont. ADOPTION' ADOPTION, PRIVATE. MATURE COUPLE wanting ta adopt an Infant. Happy, liveIy home. Secure, Iaving reiatlonshlp. Supportive family and friends. Home study compieted. Cati (416) 607-3513 anylime. < .FOR SALE VOUR DOG WILL:STAY HOME! wlth oui "Fidden" Elecironic Fence. Saft Amazingl Humanel Il worl<s. t's outasight. PAC, RR#l Bancroft, Ontario, KOL iCO. Fax (613) 332- 1375, 1800-NO-LEASH. BARN CLEANER CHAIN Hook & Eye. Super Tough and Pintie from $7.99/ft. Complete Cleaners also. Shlp anywhere. Husky Faim Equipmeni. AIma, Ontario, (519) 846-5329. SHEEP SKIN GIFTS. Mitis $29, Gloves $49, Eaî mugifs $15. Slippeîs $49, Hais $49. Steeiing wheel covers $15, Seat covers $69. Rugs $89. Toll-fîee 1-800-667-2261. CAREER TRAINING IS TRUCKING FOR VOU.- Let's dlscuss il. In tîoducing extended progîams and Credit Courses. Cail William at 1-800-265-7173. Markel Traning Sysiems. SALES HELP WANTED MAKE A FORTUNE making others happy. The ultimate fundîaising-tool Is cieatlng hundîeds of new opportunities wth lncîedibly HIGH INCOMES. Uîgenlly need sales people. -800-263-1900. MAKE VOUR FORTUNE tram-people readfing books. New marketing bîeaklhrough. $18 billion book business marketing new books. Gîound iloar opportunity. Huge profits. Invesiment $995. 1 -800465-5400. HELP WANTED COUPLE WANTED FOR HORSE FARM. Husband Io work ln barn. Wite ta babysit two chldien, do lighi housekeeplng. Small àpariment pîovided. Non-smokers, experience piefeiied. Leave message (416) 226-0855. DIRECTOR SALES & MARKETING, Vancouver area newspaper network. Require outstanding sales skills, solid leadership abiliy. Based In Vancouver. Contact Mchelle Smith, Human Rsources (604) 985-2131. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES EXTRA *INCOMEI Gîawbaitworms ln your basement or garage. Odorless operatian. Low Investimeni. Market guaranteedi Free Information. Earîy Bird Ecolagy. R.R.#1, Smithvllle, Ontario, LOR 2A0. (416) 643- 4252. THE -ORIGINALJÙICEWORKS- VENDING Machine. Eam cash profits dally, vendlng fruit lulces. Old South, Dew Drap, McCalns. Sunkisi, Uptans. lrwestmenits tram-$14.995. Infa Canadawlde 1-800-465-5006. REAL ESTATE LORING: REMODELLED tWO STOREY HOME aon 112 acre lot, original staircase, 3 bedraoms, new kitohen, bathiaams, windows, slding, fioîing, wiîing, etc. $119,000. Negotiable. (705) 757-2094.> MORTGAGES NEED CASH FOR FOR-XMAS?.Own property? We have martgage maney for yau. Barîaw $10.000. Repay $134. monthly. No quallfylng hassles. Intranscon Financiai Group (416) 650-9455, 1-800-268-1429. OUT 0F TOWN PROPERTIES PROPERTIES TO BE SOLD for-unpaid taxes. Crawn Land 'availabiîîty. For Information on bath write: Propertles, Dept. CN, Box 5380.Sin F. Ottawa, K2C 3J1. STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL BUILDINGS - ALL MODELS - Pound of coffee If we canft beat youî best deal. Take deiivery ln spring, avaid increases, 25x30 $2,374. Other sîzes avalable. Ploneer/Ecanospan 1-800-6688.5422. THE LAST STEEL BUILDING VOULL EVER NEED. Future Steel Buildings Is the recagnlzed leader ln afaidable, top quallty;' Arch Style Steel Building. Why pay ýmare? Cal 1-800-668-8653. BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel StiaitwaIl Type - not quonset - 32x48 $5920: 40x64 $8558; 50x96 $15,331: 60xl2O $21.270 - lnventory clearance, other sizes available -. liied steel,- Paragon - 24 Houis 1-800- 263-8499. SPAN-TECH STEEL BUILDINGS Ltd. OuaIity steel trame buildings ai wood frame prIces, large or small, easy ta ereci, conitiacting available. Cali taday 1-800-561- 2200. Your ad couid appear ln commnunity nespaprs ln Ontarlo, or right acress Caniada, I or any. Indilviduai province. Space l ILImItedIO, se Cal ibis NewspaPOr TO<taIYîII BLANKET ADS ARE NOW "CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE" «ro îeach a wider market, adveflisa Ihmoughoth, nal membershIpcd tihe SOntario and Canian Communfty Nwpprsoltr Ceniral Ontario 55 ne»wrs - $160 for 25 words -Alil Ontario 171 nowspaprs - $350 for 25 rd ý - 1 Ail Canada 572 nwpers - $974 for 25 words For further InformnaLion please oeil the WhItby Free Press Classlfleds - 668-0594' - I -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -.. . .-. ..-- - -- - -. . . . . . --- . ---- A 6 A * 9 4 ~ Op~------ ----------------F ~

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